Sindh Archives has been maintaining a library. It comprise more than 40,000 books which are mainly related to the history of Sindh in particular ans sub continent in general. This library is divided in two parts
Reference Library: It comprises books/journals procured by Sindh Archives.
Personal Libraries: It include personal libraries of notables acquired by Sindh Archives:
Reference Library:
The Reference Collection includes a variety of materials that are intended to be consulted for specific information rather than reading from cover to cover. For this reason, reference books are for use in the Library only. They include such items as encyclopedias, handbooks, indexes, bibliographies, dictionaries and yearbooks. To locate the best reference sources ask at the Reference Desk. Ready Reference books are frequently consulted to obtain brief, factual information such as names and addresses of organizations etc.
The collection encompasses of books in following categories:
General Reference Books 120
Information Access Books 71
Dictionaries of Specific Subjects 71
Encyclopedias of Specific Subject 121
Biographical Information Sources 228
Geographical Sources 88
Ready Reference Sources 70
Total 769
Books by language
Books in English 3000
Books in Urdu 2000
Books in Sindhi 1000
New Arrivals 620
Books in other languages 430
Total 7050
Books in Urdu
General Works 116
Philosophy 16
Islam & Other Religions 160
Social sciences 97
Language & Literature 314
History and Geography 307
Total 1010
Books in Sindhi
General Works 57
Philosophy 26
Islam & Other Religions 360 Social sciences 147 Fine Arts 10 Language & Literature 935
Shah Lateef Bhitai 285
History and Geography 489
Total 2309
Books on Pakistan
Pakistan- Political Science 92
Pakistani Personalities 177
Baluchistan 44
North West Frontier 29
Northern Areas 39
Punjab 62
Sindh 203
Total 646
Books on India
Indian Art 70
Indian Architecture 37
Indian Culture 45
Indian Cities 39
Indian Freedom Movement 66
Indian History 181
Indian Literature 33
Indian Personalities 23
Indian Reference Sources 141
Indian Sociology 23
Indian Trade and Economy 33
Total 691
Personal Libraries
Personal libraries of following notables are available at library of Sindh Archives :
Dr. N. A. Baloch 6421
Dr. N.B.G.Kazi 856
Mr. Hameed Haroon 319
Pir Ali Mohammad Rashdi 6000
Mr. Mumtaz Mirza 450
Mr. Saeed Siddiqui 3400
Shaikh Ibrahim Khalil 3451
Syed Zafar Hussain Shah 2177
Mr. Jhaman Das Bhatia 6000
Syed Shamsul Hasan 7000
British India Library 434
Others 192
Rare Books
Rare Books of British Role 434
Other Rare Books 430
Total 864