
The record acquired from the office of the then Chief Commissioner in Sindh is generally known as Commissioner’s  Record. It is a rich source of informational, historical, monetary and evidential value pertaining to Sindh. The British Government established record rooms for the preservation of archives in the subcontinent. All the records preserved in the record room were of the Commissioner’s Offices . It was the prime government office in Sindh working under Bombay Presidency.


In the Record room of the Commissioner Office, the arrangement and storage of earliest records started as early as 1831. The files were arranged chronologically on racks, numbered permanently. They were all in six ranges containing 62 racks which were again divided into 558 compartments. Each set of records was kept together and arranged according to the following arrangement (then called classification) adopted in the index or list of files:

1      a. The Sind mission files containing papers describing events up to the battle of Meanee in 1843, and

        b. Records of Sir Charles James Napier about his administration in Sindh from 1843 to 1847 were kept separate from those subsequent to 1847. The basis of sub-arrangement was according to the nature of correspondence contained in them.

2. The perusal of records from 1843 to 1847 reveals that government work was not divided into departments. This practice continued up to October 1847 when Sir Charles James Napier retired and the province was annexed to Bombay Presidency. Through the appointment of Commissioner, the government work for the first time was divided in the departments in September 1847. Government business was distributed into three main departments as under:

  1. Revenue,
  2. Political, and
  3. General.

The records of English and Vernacular up to 1857 were kept in separate racks according to departments, Mr. Richardson prepared 192 manuscript files in 1913, and Indexes and catalogues of 212 files were made.

  1. In 1851, an attempt was made under the orders of the Bombay Government to introduce the compilation system of keeping records both in the Commissioner’s office and in the offices of the district officers. According to this system, certain fixed numbers were allotted to different subjects under departments. Each subject head was again divided into several sub-heads and papers relating to each subhead were filed chronologically in a white cover, the compilation being identified by numbers given to them in serial order. At the close of the year, all correspondences were scrutinized and bound together in volumes of equal thickness, selected after the appraisal. The files were kept without alphabetical arrangement. This compilation system was brought into force in 1857 and files had been arranged chronologically of each department for the periods 1857 to 1909 and 1910 to June 1922.
  2. The Maxwell System of office procedure was introduced in the Commissioner’s office in June 1922. Since then, the arrangement for keeping the files was completely altered. According to this system, a separate case on a subject was given to an individual number and the whole correspondence on the cases was kept in chronological order. A general index was prepared in which all cases belonging to the several departments of the office were entered. It was printed and a copy of it was kept in the record room for the purpose of reference After sixty years when Sindh became an independent province on April 1, 1936 (Solvent, 1995, p-830), the practice of preserving record also went into oblivion. According to former. All the important record of general,judicial, political, public works and revenue departments preserved at Sindh Archives belong to pre 1920 era. All Commissioners offices in the subcontinent deposited their 20 years old records in the record rooms. When Sindh became the independent province, the process of depositing old record was stopped. The precious record preserved in the Record room was also neglected and laid in dark rooms without care from 1936 to 1992. Pakistan got independence and Karachi became the capital of the country in 1947. Consequently, a department of National Archives and Libraries was set up in 1949 under the Ministry of Education. When Islamabad became the capital, a Provincial Archives was built and after establishment there was a need to get archival record for preservation. The attention was paid to the neglected record. To take the care of this important record, it was handed over to Sindh Archives for preservation. Importance of Record

Most of the records are in English with only a few in Persian and Hindi. These records contain correspondence, circulars, directives, memorandas, exchange of notes, treaties, etc between the concerned agencies, i.e. President and Governor in Council, Chief Secretary to Government of Bombay, the Government of India, Colonel Pottenger, Meers of Sindh, Sir Charles James Napier, etc. When we look on the importance of this record in the history of province, only few references are worthy of mention:

  1. Three finding aids which were prepared by the commissioner office, (a) Alphabetical catalogue of the contents of pre-mutiny records of the commissioner in Sindh-1857 in 1931, printed by the commissioner’s printing press, Karachi, (b) A hand book of the Government records lying in the office of the commissioner in Sind and in district offices in 1933, published by commissioner printing press, and (c) Catalogue of files kept in the commissioner’s office library from 1857 to 1909 (Zafar, 1990, p. 504).
  2. The records of British period are well preserved in the IOLR in form of numerous reports. An important series of the reports was Annual Administrative Report of the Bombay Presidency from 1861-1933 and there were also annual administrative reports of each department of the province of Sindh. Another series of the reports was Revised Survey and Settlement Reports of each Taluka of the Province issued every 10th year since 1871 to 1932. The reports carried statistics on crops, crop areas, irrigation areas and population of each Taluka. The census reports besides statistics give important information on languages, ethnic groups, castes and tribes. All these reports are rare in Sindh Archives but are preserved in the IOLR London.

Details of Record

The commissioner office records in SINDH ARCHIVES dates back to early 19th century covering the period from 1820 to 1935. The quantity of this record comprises 34465 sub files. The record can be divided in to two periods

a. Records relating to Pre-mutiny (Independence Movement) from 1832 to 1857 and records from 1858 to 1935.



Political Record
Political Record of Commissioner Office from 1832 to 1860
File Subject and Contents Years Pages
4 Political Matters 1849 180
4 Khairpur State 1844-50 4
6 Jagheers Kurrachee, Dewan Chandeeram of Tultee 1844-51 99-194
8 The Governor General passes through Sind 1850 114
13 Inward and Outward Register 1832 772
21  Miscellaneous (white lock, lieutenant, post master at Tatta Scinde). Native
Infantry Regiment
1839 711
29 Temporary Dak between Roree and Jeysulmere for the detachment of Sind Horse  1858-60 322
29 Civil and Police furnished India Army Commission in England and Hajee Ahmed Sindee
banished from Hyderabad/ Nizam’s 
1859 204
33 Kelat Affairs  1859 860
41 Political Miscellaneous Weekly Frontier Reports  1848-51 324
41 Accounts of Captain Eastwick (Political agent at Shikarpur) 1848-51 64-51
49 Ex Amirs of Sind and their Families Hyderabad and Mirpur  1855 486
55 Circulars 1850 195-242
58 Commissioner in Sinde Pay and Allowances fixed 1848-49 353-382
78 Frontier Posts 1847 73-138
98 Hill Tribes 1847 223-308
103 Jagheers Hyderabad 1855 180-475
105 Frontier Posts  1850 75-98
111 Political Matters  1841-42 340
113 Public Works  1848 653-706
116 Political Matters  1852 198
123 Political Matters  1852 178
125 Major Jacob recommends the release of some Mazaree Belooch prisoner and prisoners
of war 
1848 383-640
130 Khairpur State  1852 504
134 Khairpur State  1843-51 528
145 Two British officers in Political Employ murdered at Mooltan 1848 286
146 Khairpur State 1850 45-74
146 Boundary between Khelat and Sind  1853-61 472
155 Punjab about belonging to the Late Durbar brought down the Indus for sale  1850 347-364
157 Rajputana States Jodhpur, Recommendation from the Commander of the forces in Sind  1847-49 308
140 Kelat Affairs  1851-52 270
163 Khairpur State 1850 365-368
183 Political Superintendent on the Frontier Establishment  1848-51 707-802
184 Petitions of Khairpur, Erection of a house for the resident  1850 25-44
191 Trade  1838-41 526
197 Iron and Property found in the Forts of Mittee and Islamcote  1848-49 352-352
201 Copies of the correspondence of Sir Charles Napier with Government of India  1843-51 453
204 Political Agency in Lower Sind 1850 243-318
210 Steamers of the Indus Flotilla Freighted 1850 13-24
211 Political Miscellaneous  1839 711
212 Political Appointments and Affairs  1839-44 774
213 Representation made to H.H. Ali Murad in matter of demand  1850 345
345 Standing Orders (1821-1847)  1847 311-306
245 Shikarpore Collectorate, Sanads and Jagheers  1847 72
245 Matters relating to Families of Ameers 1852-55 730
260  Hyderabad Collectorate relating to the Exchange of Land between H.H. Meer
Ali Murad and the Govt. of Scinde 
1847-51 266
275 Mir Ali Murad and Allah Buksh, Ismael Khan Talpur, Kurrum Ali Shah etc  1852-54 635
277 Miscellaneous Khelat  1839-42 873
278 Miscellaneous Kelat Military Operations  1839-42 590
287 Affairs of Sind 1838 462
288 Affairs at Luss Beyla  1839-40 202
302 Affairs of Scinde  1833-39 1186
339 Pay Master Shah Shoojah’s force 1839 166
vi Political Bills and Receipts  1848-49 327-392
viii Accounts of captain Eastwick Political Agent at Shikarpur  1848-51  641-652
Jagheers and Free Grants in the Taluka Mohabat Derah 1855 127-179
Diraries, English Letters received  1840 272
Disturbance in Naggur Parkur 1859-60 778
Note.The spellings of all the words are included as in the contents of original files like Scinde or Sind instead of Sindh, Khelat or Kelat, Kurrachee instead of Karachi etc. The arrangement of the files is according to file numbers.


Contents of the Files of Political Record from 1833-1860

All the contents are included as it is taken from the original files of the Commissioner Office Records used by the staff of that time. There are many words those had different spellings and pronunciation at that time when compare them with the present usage. Original correspondences on the following subjects are present in the files given under:

Affairs of Scinde 1833-39

  1. Correspondence between the native agent in Scinde, resident in Cutch and the Ameers of Scinde.
  2. Report in detail on the negotiation with the government of Scinde during the Governor General’s agent for the affairs of Scinde.
  3. Proceedings of the resident in Scinde, Sir Alexander Burnes on a mission to Kelat and the arrangement of reserve force for Scinde.

Political Agent 1838

Political agency in lower Sind, sum advanced in 1838 by the political agent in Rukish Arabia to the agents of Meer Nusseer Khan towards the repair of a canal at Kerbaella.

Affairs of Sind 1838

  1. Erection of beacons at the Hujjamree and Kuddamaree month of the Indus to mark the entrance of the channels of outer Buoy
  2. Ill treatment by the subject of Ameers of Sind to dealers and boatman, the fleet of boats freighted by Maharajah Runjeet Singh and other merchants of Punjab with merchandize for the Bombay market
  3. Contribution or annual tribute for H. M. Shah Soojaool Moolk by the Ameers of Sind
  4. Lieutenant East Wick and Leekie appointed assistant resident in Sind
  5. Lieutenant Ramsay appointed assistant quarter master general in Sind
  6. Responsibility of native chiefs for property plundered from their countries
  7. Intercepted letter from Mehrab Khan of Kelat to Meer Mahomed at Hydrabad & other
  8. Establishment of Dawk between Hydrabad and Ajmere
  9. Steam communication between Bombay and the mouth of the Indus
  10. Iron steamer for the River Indus for service in Sind
  11. Pretended Vakeel of Persia offering his opinion as to the evil effect of granting passport and other Corres
  12. Survey of Kurrachee harbour and the coast of Sind
  13. Report of a journey from Mandavie to Hydrabad by a member of the Sind mission
  14. Treaty of friendship between the EIC and the government of Sind in 1800-20
  15. Treaty with the government of Sind Hydrabad,1832
  16. Supplemental treaty with the government of Hydrabad in Sind 1832
  17. Commercial treaty between EIC and the government Hydrabad in Sind 1834
  18. Treaty with Meer Roustam, Chief of Khyrpoor 1832.

Trade 1838-41

  1. Town duties at Shikarpoor (1838 41)
  2. Import & export duties levied at Kandahar
  3. Track of Sonmeanee
  4. Papers regarding
  5. Trade of Kurrachee
  6. Statistics for 184849 to 1850 51
  7. Trade of Sind
  8. Measures for improving, Kurrachee fair, Improvement of the harbour for Kurrachee and abolition of frontier duties (1850)
  9. American trade with the Mekran coast papers relating to (1853); and 
  10. Slave trade, traffic between India and ports in the Persian Gulf, (1852 55).

Affairs at Luss Beyla 1839-40

  1. Existence of copper & antimony near Shah Bellawul in the territory of Luss Beyla
  2. Transfer of Sonmeanee by H. H. Shah Nawaz Khan to British Government since the merchants heavily taxed on the road by the Belooch Sirdars; and
  3. Letters to Jam of Beyla.

Miscellaneous Kelat Military Operations 1839-42

  1. Proposals on the subsidizing of the Khan of Kelat doing the continuance of certain military operations and other matters connected with the progress of Sir John Keanes army in 1839
  2. Mr. Ross Bells age calling for information on various points connected with the organization of establishment etc at Dadur
  3. Sanction to the expenditure of Rs.5550/- on account of damage done to the crops by the passage of the army through the district of Shawl
  4. Mr. Ross Bells letter to Sir A. Burnes pointing out the precarious state of the country on account of disturbances on the frontier in Sind and lamenting why Mehrab Khans territory was not occupied by the British troops
  5. Appointment of Lieutenant Besant in place of Major Griffiths in charge of political affairs at Dadur
  6. Feelings of Sayyed and other prominent people of Shawl and Mastung in consequence of the unsettled state of British relations with Kelat and resource to conciliatory measures;
  7. Measures for the punishment of Mehrab Khan (Khan of Kelat) for the contumacy cruelty and perfidy displayed by him doing the campaign of 1839
  8. Information about re-enforcement required for keeping communication open with Afghanistan and for chastising Baloches etc
  9. Shah Nawaz Khans efforts to regain the throne at Kelat
  10. Mehrab Khans understanding to abdicate on the condition of being allowed to remain at Kelat and have portion of territory assigned for his expenses
  11. Kelat affairs, deposition of Mehrab Khan and placing Shah Nawaz Khan on the throne operations against Kelat
  12. Kelat affairs, An account of Jutgals and their possessions, transfer of the provinces of Cutchee, Shawl and Mastung to the government at Kabul Gandawa
  13. A detailed account of improvements etc. effected by Shah Nawaz Khan after his assumption of authority on 24th November 1839
  14. Arrangements for the policing of northern Cutchee
  15. Affairs at Kelat, Shah Nawaz Khans surrender and his abdication
  16. Mahomed Hasan allies Naseer Khan son of Mehrab Khan taking possession of the throne
  17. Incidents connected with the recapture of Kelat
  18. Sir W. H. Macnaghtans letter of May 1841 discussing the tenure of lands held by Brohees & the system of administering the courts of Shawl and Mastung
  19. Instructions to Mr. Ross Bell on the policy to be followed by him in consequence Naseer Khans flight to Mekran and government disapproval of his sending for Shah Nawaz Khan to Quetta
  20. Brohees instruction attributed to the resumption of their lands etc
  21. Arrangements for the settlement of Kelat affairs, Major Butran succeeding Mr. Ross Bell in Upper Sind. Naseer Khans arrival at Mastung
  22. Kabul government mandate conferring the countries of Cutchee and Mastung on Naseer Khan
  23. Dispute between Mir Naseer Khan and Mir Shah Nawaz Khan arising from Gul Mahomeds petition for the restoration of his family living with Mir Shah Nawaz Khan at Shikarpoor; and
  24. Relations between the British government and the Khan of Kelat etc.

Political Appointments and Affairs 1839-44

  1. Messrs Bell and Young appointed resident and assistant resident respectively in Upper Sind and other political officers
  2. Major General Sir Charles Napier appointed to the command of troops in Sind and Beluchistan
  3. Abolition of agency Sind and Beluchsitan from November 01, 1842
  4. Captain Mallet resident at Khairpoor; (6) Lieutenant Gordon appointed agent at Sonmeanee
  5. Dr. Gillander appointed to the medical charge of the post of Quetta and Boolan
  6. Suggests that captain W. Pottinger be attached to reserve force
  7. Captain J. Outram political agent lower Sind and instruction from Colonel Pottinger on the affairs of Sind
  8. Major J. Outram appointed political agent, Sind and Beluchistan and instruction to Lieutenant Leccie assistant political agent Hydrabad
  9. Reverend C. Lang appointed Captain of Hydrabad also the question of salary
  10. Salary of H. E. Governor of Sind fixed rupees 8000 per month
  11. Appointment of Mr. Maclerd in survey department and the question of salary
  12. Salary of the secretary to government of Sind
  13. Mr. Macleod appointed collector of customs Kurrachee
  14. Lieutenant McPherson appointed on special duty
  15. Lieutenant Brown appointed assistant political agent
  16. Captain Pontardent assistant political agent
  17. Lieutenant Brown and Postan claim for acting allowance from the salary of the political agent, Upper Sind
  18. Temporary allowance to Captain Kennedy during his employment at the court of Meer Rustam Khan of Khairpur
  19. Lieutenant Colonel Stacy appointed on special duty at Khelat
  20. Lieutenant Pelly appointed third class assistant
  21. Allowance to captain Hart for the duty of interpreter; and 
  22. Kelat affairs from January to September 1840.

Advances to Khan of Kelat on Emergencies 1839-52

  1. H.H the Khan of Kelat’s application for aid in repressing the depredations of the Murree Chiefs
  2. Determination of the question of boundaries pertaining to certain areas known by the name of Bagh between the Kelat state and the British territory
  3. An account of certain tribal disturbances on the border and in Baluchistan
  4. Khan of Kelat’s request for pecuniary assistance from the British in view of the Qanhar Sardar’s preparations to attack Kelat to avenge the defeat of a detachment
    of their troops which had invaded the territory at Barege, the Khan attribute the hostility of the Afghan to his ship with the British
  5. Proposals to assist H.H the Khan by a payment of rupees 50,000 on certain conditions. Major Jacob’s view as to the permanent mode of fixing the Kelat boundary so as to prevent future disputes
  6. An account of political relations with Kelat during 1850; and
  7. Periodical statements showing
  8. Europeans and East Indians employed in a civil military or medical capacity in the service of the Khairpur native state, and
  9. Lapses of Jagir grants to the British government.

Political Matters 1841-42

  1. British relations with the Ameers of Sind
  2. Duty on articles for the Ameers of Sind
  3. Reports on the conduct of the Ameers and of the receipt of tribute from the Ameers in Sind
  4. Disputes between the Ameers
  5. Protection of roads from the country of the Ameers of Hydrabad on the frontier of Shikarpur and the proposed guards and

Sir Charles Napier Correspondence 1843

Copies of the correspondence of Sir Charles Napier with the Government of India.

Khairpoor State and Mir Ali Murad 1843-52

  1. British relations with Khairpur
  2. Miscellaneous papers connected with Mir Ali Murad
  3. Re employment of Mirza Den Mahomed Beg by H.H. Mir Ali Murad as his minister who was formerly dismissed for being involved in certain questionable transactions (1848 – 1850)
  4. Boundary disputes with H.H Mir Ali Murad (1843-1848)
  5. Resumption of territory from Mir Ali Murad, measures adopted in taking possession of reduced territory
  6. Trial by court martial of Major R.L. Shawe, 22, 130-N. light infantry
  7. British relations with Khanpur
  8. Interrupted letters from Mir Ali Murad
  9. Proposed of Mir Ali Murad to visit England
  10. Minor Amirs residing at Khairpur
  11. Dismissal of Munshi Ali Akbar Khan
  12. Claim by Khemchand Wisundas
  13. Forts surrendered to Jesulmere
  14. Political superintendent on the frontier establishment sanctioned for Sinde and Beeqarry canals, H.H. Mir Ali Morad obliged to supply labourers for the clearances.

Hill Tribes 1847

(1) Hill tribes, The Mundrancees, defeat by Lieutenant Young Husband, grant of the title of Khan Bahadur to Allif Khan, native adjutant of the Shikarpur police of 1848.

Frontier Posts 1847

Frontier posts, wells, three Puckah, authorized to be sunk at Khanghur & Khyree-Ke-Gurhee & two more and Dil Morad & Hussein-Ke-Ghurree.

Rajputana States Jodhpur 1847-49

  1. Rajputana states Jodhpur, two Thakours under the accused of harbouring robbers who plundered on the borders of Sind
  2. Rajputana states
  3. Recommendation from the commander of the forces in Sind not to permit Syed Eneut Shah to enter British territory
  4. Remains of the Late Ex-Ameers Mir Nusseer Khan
  5. Sutherland on the working of the international court of wakeels in Rajputana
  6. Political miscellaneous papers.

Major Jacob Releases the Prisoners 1848

  1. Major Jacob recommends the release of some Mazaree prisoners of war, and
  2. The captain of police recommends the release of some Belooch prisoners of war at Hydrabad (Prisoners of War).

Ex Amirs in Sind 1849

  1. Removal of the families Gahazipur (NWFP)
  2. Relations and servants permitted to proceed to Calcutta and return to Sind
  3. Shah Nawaz Khan Kalora dynasty;
  4. British relations with Afghanistan
  5. Afghanistan Amirs Dost Mahomed Khan dispatch of arms and treasure (Special file of 1856)
  6. Flight of Pukar Khan, brother of Kakar Chief Gaffoor Khan
  7. Lieutenant Hammersley’s explanation regarding the defences at Hy Kulzie
  8. Destruction of the rebel Goolam Khan’s village
  9. Early history of Kharan and the arrangement of the city of Kelat by Shah Nawaz Khan the Prince of Khelat
  10. Sunnuds to the ancestors of Rehmuttoolla
  11. Treaties with Shah Nawaz Khan and Meer Nusseer Khan of Khelat
  12. Pensions to Gool Mahomed, Abdool Kurreem and Guffoor Khan Chief of Kakar
  13. Pension to Mahomed Syed and Beebee Laha
  14. Conduct of Shah Nawaz Khan and his detention at Shikarpur that of Futteh Khan
  15. Protection of Eastern Cutchee frontier and Boolan pass, also memo on the passes with Jhallawan frontier and its protection
  16. Lieutenant Lovidays death at Kelat and the disposal of his property, his conduct of while at that station reward his servants
  17. Intelligence of the dispatch of a Cossed by Dost Mahomed Khan Mehrab Khan of Kelat
  18. Intelligence that the Russians advance upon Khan
  19. Soutee of revenue of Shawat, Cutchee and Moostoong also occupation of Seebee and repairs to fort
  20. Captain J. Outrams journey from Kelat to Sonmeanee
  21. Political agent at Quetta allowed to interfere with the territorial right or privileges of any class of persons in Shawt or Moostoong
  22. Pension to Naz Beebee mother of the Late Hasil Khan of Golundauz
  23. Pension to Moobarak Shah and grant of reward for services rendered to government
  24. Pension to the son of the late Laskar Khan Khyree
  25. Proposed permanent residence for prince Timour Shah at Benares or Allahbad and presents made to him by Sir Napier on his reaching Sukkur
  26. Pension to the widow of the late Goojar Khan Dufferdar No 15
  27. Proposed residence for Meer Shah Nawaz Khan of Kelat at Larkana
  28. Reward to Durriah Khan Jukkranee
  29. Rupees 6772 to Durriah Khan Jukkranee due to Syed Mahmood Shurreef may be kept in deposit until it is claimed by that person
  30. Instruction to the Khan of Kelat by H.E the Governor of Sind regarding the punishing of the rebellions tribes
  31. Report of a conspiracy against Meer Nussar Khan of Kelat formed by the Mahoree Sirdars.

Mir Ali Moorad and Others 1852-54

  1. Miscellaneous cases of Mir Ali Moorad and Allah Bukhsh
  2. Ismael Khan Talpoor (Nowshera and Kundiara district
  3. Charitable grants, correspondence and decisions
  4. Jageer claims in Nowshera & Kundiara
  5. Kurrum Ali Shah of Arban
  6. Nubbee Shah
  7. Mohbut Khan Murree
  8. Kurrum Khan Talpoor (Jageer boundary of Deh Batil)
  9. Tabular statement of Jageers in Mora Talooka
  10. Durya Khan, Gazee Khan and Meeran Khan, Rinds
  11. Najjooma Deea of Deuraz & some correspondence on the subject of supply of the Jageer office
  12. Draft, Summunds for class A, in register of charitable grants, Nowshera and Kundiara
  13. Buksha and Abdul Khair Peerzadas of Kundiara
  14. Allah Buksh Izhak Shah, Syuds of Nowshera
  15. Noor Mahomed Boodul Khan Lall Bukhsh & Kalundur Bukhsh Julbanees
  16. Syed Rojun Shah of Hellance
  17. Sher Mahomed of Abad
  18. Jullal Khan Murree
  19. Mr. Teas dale
  20. Yoosuf Khan Goolchanee
  21. Mukdoom Meer Awul, and Mukdoom Roshun Ali of Bella in Nowshera
  22. Register of claimants of Free lands in Nowshera
  23. Statement of sums received from the rubber crops of 1852 by certain mercenaries of his highness Meer Ali Morad Khan
  24. Jadeen Derwash
  25. Faqqueers of Hullanee
  26. Adhur Kullora; and 
  27. Jiaffee Shah Syud.

Matters Relating to the Amirs 1852-55

  1. Claims of Meers Zungee and Mooreed Hyder to Kohera
  2. Report upon the petition of Meer Zungee Khan for the production derived from four wells and four Charkas
  3. Claims of Meer Jam Ninda to Deh Gujar and Deh Bunnud and Sobah Derah
  4. Regarding disposal of the Jagheers of the late Meers Zungee Khan
  5. Regarding payment of pensions of two Khyrpoor Meer residing at Mehrabpur from Hyderabad treasury
  6. Petition from Meer Ghulam Mustafa Khan asking for a grant and fodder etc. Various correspondence regarding
  7. Forwarding petition from Meer Hussan and the widow of the late Meer Rustam praying that his highness Meer Ali Morad be prevented attending the funeral of the late Rais Meer Roostum
  8. Petitions from widow and mother of the late Meer Dost Mahomed Khan and from the widow of the late Meer Roostum and senior Derah of Meer Nuseer Khan
  9. Reporting death of Beebee Zenaib widow of the late Meer Roostam
  10. Petition from Wakeel of Meer Mahomed Khan son of Meer Ghulam Hyder Khan
  11. Petition from Meer Mahomed Khan Talpoor of Khyrpoor to be put in possession of Deh. Kulora in Rohri
  12. Meer Moorad Hyder Khan
  13. Pension to daughter of Meer Moorad Hyder (deceased) stopped in account of her marriage
  14. Provision of senior Derah of Meer Nusseer Khan to be deducted from his pension
  15. Debts of minor Meers proportion for residence\
  16. Forwarding petition from Meer Allah Dittah grandson of Soliman for Share of Kohera
  17. Claim against Meer Ghulam Shah by Zemindars of Buttee for Rs. 109 Rs 20
  18. Petition for small grants of land for fodder from Meer Ali Murdan, Ali Akbar and Ghulam Mahomed of Mehrabpoor
  19. Petition from Meer Ali Murdan Khan to be allowed to change the Jagheer of Bound Maree
  20. Lately granted to his son Moosuffer Ali for that of Bhartee in Noushera
  21. Temporary pensions to members of Khairpur house
  22. Claim to produce of Charkhas on the Meer Wah
  23. Forwarding copy of letter from Meers Ali Mahomed (Wali Mahomed) regarding new building
  24. Report on the petition of Meer Ahmed Khan
  25. Claims of Meer Ghulam Hajee Mustafa Khan to Jagheers in Naushera and various correspondence relative to the levy of certain shares on Jagheers in Naushera
  26. List of Jagheers in actual possession in Noushera and Kandiara at the time of resuming the districts together with tree showing relationship by marriage and otherwise with reigning family
  27. Summary of and report on claims of Meer Roostum’s sons and family
  28. Meer Jam Ninda’s mother in law information on regarding claims of Naushera
  29. Calims and commissioner’s decision thereon of Beebee Sumut widow of Meer Shahdad Khan to Jagheer in Naushahra and Kandiara
  30. Meer Mahomed Khan case
  31. Memorandum showing the provision which has been recommended for the maintenance of the minor Meers of Khyrpoor House
  32. Roll of stipendiary of the Khyrpoor house
  33. Meer Chakur Khan of Khyrpoor

Boundary between Khelat and Sind 1853-61

  1. Boundary between Khelat and Sind in 1853
  2. Survey of the boundary between Khelat & Sindh by Lieutenant E.I. Steuart in 1854
  3. Boundary between Khelat and Sind.
  4. 1855Survey of the boundary between Sind & Khelat in 1856
  5. Lieutenant C.I. Steurat map of the boundary between Khelat & the British territory in 1857
  6. Boundary between Sind and Khelat in 1860-61.

Ex Amirs in Sind 1855

  1.  Pension to the widow of the late Meer Ali Moorad Khan, father of the Ex Ameer Sher Mahomed
  2.  Return to Sind of the Ex Ameer
  3. Residences for the Meers returned from exile. The buildings erected for them to be regarded as the private property of the Meers
  4. Death of Meer Mahomed Khan and provision for his son Meer Shah Nawaz, his family and departments.

Jagheers 1855

  1. Statement of Jagheers and free grants of every description in this Taluka Mohabat, Derah Deputy Collectorate of Mahomed Khan- Ka- Tanda, Hyderabad collectorate Goonee inclusive of Agree.

Kelat Affairs 1858-59

  1.  Measures adopted by the Khan to bring the Murrees to order extra subsidy to the Khan
  2.  Futteh Khan Brahooee, son of Beebee Saheb Khatoon
  3. Remarks and suggestions by Major Green as to the policy to be adopted by the British Government toward that of Khelat (forwarded to Colonel Munro)
  4. Gangaram the Ex Minister of Khelat
  5. Sirdar Jellalloodein of Candahar
  6. Assistant surgeon Wake Field in medical charge of the Khelat agency
  7. Establishment for assistant surgeon Cook of the Khelat agency
  8. Increase to the pay of the poll agents Moonshee
  9. Subject of Khelat and their affairs not to be noticed except in judicial proceedings
  10. Geological to Colonel Munro with commissioner
  11. Presentation of the horse Argus to the Khan
  12. Morasilas
  13. Assistant surgeon Cook to be attached to the Brigade of Sind Horse
  14. Photographic apparatus supplied to Doctor Cook
  15. Complaint of maltreatment against the Khelat authorities by certain Afghan traders.

Amirs of Sind 1858-60

  1. Temporary Dawk between Roree and Jeysulmere for the detachment of Sind Horse
  2. Bills, indents and abstracts of the levy
  3. Morasilas
  4. Mir Futteh Khan offers to accompany Lieutenant Tyrwhitt against the rebel
  5. Route from Jeysulmeer to Bikaneer
  6. Presents to the Rowal of Jeysulmeer and other chiefs
  7. Major Goldsmiths mission to Jeysulmeer
  8. Dawk line between Roree and Jeysulmeer.

Political Matters 1859

  1.  A statement of the civil and police furnished the India army commission in England
  2.  Hajee Ahmad Sindee banished from Hydrabad / Nizams
  3. Narrative of the proceeding of the Wagheers in Okha and rebellion there
  4. Copy of correspondence from the old records of the political agent office Sind and Belochistan forwarded to government
  5. E. R Princep Esquire charged with the care of certain presents from the Maharaja of Cashmore to be assisted in the execution of his commission
  6. Administration report for 1858-59 expedited by government
  7. Proposition to embody into the Beloch battalion certain Mekranies and Belochies of Hussan Khans levies at Ahmadabad
  8. Miscellaneous.

Disturbance in Nuggur Parkur 1859-60

  1.  Attack by the rebels of the June 20, 1859 on Nuggur Parkur
  2.  The Rao of Cutch Rana and Akkajee
  3. Trial of prisoners at Nuggur Parkur and return of Captain Lambert to Hydrabad
  4. Rana and Bhoput Sing sheltered in Cutch Enquiry into the causes of the outbreak
  5. Colonel Evans report
  6. Squadron of Sind and carriage of arms and accoutrements of the police
  7. Confiscation of property of rebels
  8. Tents, shelter for troop at Nuggur, jailor for Nuggur.

Judicial Record

Judicial Record of the Commissioner Office from 1841 to 1860

1 Jail affairs in Sind 1859 278
4 Miscellaneous police  1859 588
6 Bills and accounts of police  1853 211-382
9 Sind expedition 1843 116
9 Regarding the insufficient accommodation for the number of prisoners in jail   1856 322-351
13 Establishment police  1859 518
17 Noomryahs (Mulk Ahmed Khan Noomryah) 1843 579
20 Military commissions, trial in Upper Scinde 1844 842
21 Hydrabad military commission proceeding of trial  1844-46 760
23 Trials of military commission 1844-1848 688
24 Inspection report of Lt. Dureat Adjutant of Kurrachee police 1860-61 599-652
38 On the subject of apprehension & convictions in the Zillahs under the Bombay presidency 1844-53 13-22
41 Regarding certain bad characters confined in the Larkana jail  1855 163-172
42 Correspondence regarding a military department being stationed 1855 223-232
45 Regarding the men to be taken in preventing the act of suicide on the part of the prisoners while in confinement 1855 256-273
50 Circular  1853 12-309
50 On the subject of the testimony of tracker becomes very strong evidence of identity  1853 12
59 Petitions Shikarpoor collectorate  1851 83-298
59 Lunatic prisoners to be sent to the presidency asylum  1856 308-321
59 Returns of prisoners in the district Jail in Sind  1849 572
68 Rules for the horse & clothing funds of the Sind police corps 1855 173-233
69 Authorizing augmentation to the Sind police  1857-1858 352-263
72 Retention of Jackranee horse for further period  1860 488-537
83 Reports from the Thannadar of Allayar’s Tanda on the subject of a dispute which occurred between some of Ameer Sher Mahomed’s followers and the mounted Sowars stationed there  1854 103-115
93 Regarding a complaint made by Dr. Trumpp against the Fouzdar of Kurrachee  1855 234-255
93 Company’s allowance to the adjutants of police in Sind  1860 581-598
96 On the subject of the testimony of tracker becomes very strong evidence of identity  1854 115-120
96 Regarding the convict Oomeid Ali widow Goolun Rinds case for shaving his head & beard 1858 391-400
97 Instructions for the apprehension of the convicts who escaped from New Goa.  1860  538-556
100 Regarding the prisoners in certain cases sent with in 48 hours to the assistant magistrate without the complainant  1858 385-390
101 On the subject of changes in the police department being reported to the magistrate  1855 274-307
102 On the subject of the mounted police lines, Hydrabad  1855  121-162
102 Regarding the prisoners imprisoned in default of security  1860 557-568
102 A return of the description relative to the irregular, local & police corps in the civil department  1858 401-467
105 Regarding insolvent debtors 1859 468-475
107 Regarding pension granted to certain men of the Hydrabad police or those who died in Nagar Parkar outbreak   1860 569-580
111 Letters written in red files  1847-48  286
120 Returns of criminal trial held in the province of Scinde 3 to 56
123 Repairs to police lines  1848 383-448
125 Proclamation relating nuisance committed within the town and suburbs of Kurrachee  1858 321-338
130 The Sudder towns placed under the jurisdiction of the lieutenants of police 1848 449-578
131 Relative to the re-establishment at Kurrachee of a court of arbitrators for disposal of all disputes where in Caffilla merchants may be parties  1859 476-487
150 Fees to Cazees  1848 181- 210
157 Police department, Lieutenant E. Young Husband, acting lieutenant of police at Shikarpoor refuses to appear before a court of request  1848 411-448
176 Trial of Buhadoor Sing and Rugoonath Sing for murder  1848 153-180
183 Arif Khan Bahadoor native adjutant of the Sind police prohibited from receiving land in Jagheer from H.H. Meer Ali Morad 1847-48 579-604
193 Works of public utility  1841  486
198 Recovery of awards by a military court of request against members of the secretary’s establishment  1848 57-152
247 Female suicide, reports by the several magistrates on the subject in Sind  1848 21-140
286 Administration of criminal justice  1849-51 1010
Hydrabad, trial of Mahmood and others for passing false coins  1848 20
Hydrabad, trial of Sooliman Shah Syud passing false coins  1848 449-474
Kurrachee colllectorate, dispute between the Muslemin of the town (Disputes)  1848 141-204
Investigation of accounts in the case of two government defaulters named Chubbildass & Myaram. Kurrachee  1853 23-102
Military commission, proceedings in 14th trial  1848 410
Reports regarding how the matron during the past year has performed her duties 1858 233-264

Contents of the Files of Judicial Record from 1841 to 1860

Kurrachee District 1841

  1. Traveler’s bungalows at Kurrachee, Guah, Gujah and Tatta
  2. Manora, convalescent hospital, tank and wells
  3. Road between Syedpoor and Lakpoor
  4. Traveler’s bungalows, buildings at a total cash of Rs.600 along the line of route from Kurrachee to Kotri
  5. Minor works, collectors of districts authorized to spend annually up to Rs.1000 on works of public utility such as dharmsallas, serias, wells and roads
  6. Wells, grant of lands on favorable terms as to assessment of cultivators who sink Pakka wells
  7. Wells, rules for the digging of wells for irrigation
  8. Minor works, return of the several authorities in Sind rested with poser to extend sums on works of improvement of the districts
  9. A sum of Rs.50,000 placed at the commissioners disposal for the execution of emergent works.

Noomryahs and his Family Members 1843

This file is about Noomryahs family (Mulk Ahmed Khan Noomryah, Mulk Sirdar Khan widow of Sobdar Khan, Pahar Khan Noomryah, Sirdar Khan, Mulk Boola Khan Noomryah Oonerpoor and Jeyund Khan Noomryah etc).

Military Commission and Proceeding of Trial in 1844-46

  1. Trial of Jaffer Chandia for murder
  2. Trial of Zlanda Seedianee for aiding and abetting in murdering a woman
  3. Trial of Bhaye Khan Fukeer for murder of a boy
  4. Trial of Gean Buniah for murder of his daughter
  5. Trial of Alladeen for murder
  6. Trial of Khanum and others for murder
  7. Trial of Chundiram late Kardar of Sehwan for embezzlement of Government property
  8. Trial of Nujjuf Ali late jemadar of police Hydrabad
  9. Trial of Futteh Khan Nawul for murder
  10. Trial of Nizzamuddin and Jumboora for robbery and assault
  11. Trial of Bohawal Luggaree for murder
  12. Trial of Mittoo Shikaree
  13. Trial of Maun Sing Jemadar Nundeeram Monshee for reading false report and creating unnecessary alarm
  14. Trial of Mussora Radhum, Mahmood Hussain and Bahadoor for murder
  15. Trial of Allah Rukhya for murder
  16. Proceedings of the court of enquiry related to the late discovery of treasury in the fort of Hydrabad.

Military Trials and Commission Upper Sind 1844 ,1848

  1. Trial of Monshee Mahomed Ooner, head moonshee in the collector and magistrate officer, Sukkur;
  2. Trial of Uleem accused of having committed murder in the village of Langursha
  3. Report of the court of enquiry regarding the failure at Poolajee with governors remarks on them
  4. Trial of Yarroo Lugaree and Huddeeat Lugaree for murder
  5. Trial of Puryoo for murder
  6. Trial of Punjoo, Hubeeb and Choohur for robbery
  7. Proceedings of a court of request
  8. Trial of prisoners Allanda and Gungul alias Khan Mahomed for robbery
  9. Trial of Jamal Zurdaree for murder
  10. Trial of Brijdoss late kardar of Shikarpoor for embezzlement of government money
  11. Trial of Nubbee Bux Mullah for murder of his mother
  12. Trial of Syuud Buchal Shah for murder
  13. Trial of Abdool Kadeem for murder.

Military Commission 1844-1848

  1. Trial of Soochayt Sing, Duffadar of police for gross prevarication in having given evidence at variance with a former statement made in the case of Souliman Variah
  2. Mohun Singh survey of the corps robbing with force of arms the government treasury at Larkana
  3. Nobut and Mehrab Boardee inhabitants of Cuchee in the Khan of Kelats territory murder
  4. Sobdar Naiteh Fakeer inhabitant of Cuchee in the Khan of Kelats territory, murder case
  5. Notha and Janjee, Skikarpoor, highway robbery
  6. Sonah, Abrah, Skhikarpoor murder case
  7. Moondoo Mooghalree, Larkana, highway robbery
  8. Kasim Mashoree, Larkana, murder case
  9. Allah Bukhsh Khikarpur Distric murder case
  10. Purriah, Suckoo and Chalon, Larkana District , highway robbery
  11. Police establishment
  12. Management of police and administration of civil and criminal justice in Sindh
  13. Argumentation in the police force, rural police, mounted police and city police
  14. Uniformity of police in Sind
  15. Proposal for employment of 100 Chandia Sowars
  16. Appointment of native adjutant of police in Sind
  17. Establishment police; (18) Puggeos or tracer for police, entertainment
  18. Chandia horsemen employed in police
  19. Muster rolls of camel and police corps
  20. Increase to the salary of Mr. Mackeson joint magistrate and lieutenant of police
  21. Increased salary to the Kotwal of Skikarpoor
  22. Lieutenant Young Husband appointment as lieutenant of police Shikarpur
  23. Increase to the pay of city police at Hydrabad
  24. Batta to the party of city police proceeded to Bombay in charge of lieutenant
  25. Trial of Zurdaree for murder.

Meer Ali Morad 1847-48

Alif Khan Bahadoor, native adjutant of the Sind police prohibited from receiving land in Jagheer from H. H. Meer Ali Murad. The son of Alif Khan granted a Jagheer by H. H. Meer Ali Morad which he gave up.

False Coins 1848


a.Trial of Mahmood and others for passing false coins on April 29, 1848

b.Trial of Sooliman Shah Syud passing false coins

Prisoners Returns Sind Jails 1849

  1. Returns of prisoners in the district jails in Sind
  2. Police miscellaneous papers
  3. Kurrachee collectorate
  4. Returns of prisoners in the district jail.

Criminal Justice Administration 1849-51

  1. Administration of criminal justice;
  2. Judicial miscellanies papers
  3. Regarding Mr. Kinmerleys case
  4. Appointment of police officers, disbursements on account of and distribution returns of DCO (Photocopy not original).

Defaulters 1853

Investigation of accounts in the case of two government defaulters named Chubbildass & Myaram Kurrachee April, 1853.

Ameers of Sind 1854

Reports from the thannadar of Allayar’s Tanda on the subject of a dispute which occurred between some of Ameer Sher Mahomed’s followers and the mounted Sowars stationed there.

Suicide 1855

  1. Regarding a complaint made by Dr. Trumpp against the Faizdar of Kurrachee, regarding the means to be taken in preventing the act of suicide on the part of the prisoners while in confinement
  2. Regarding certain bad characters confined in the Larkana jail.

Jail Affairs in Sind 1859

  1. Excess of Rs.1910 spent on the enlargement of the Shikarpur jail
  2. Sanction to an expenditure of fourteen annas for suit of a new jail dress for convicts in the Shikarpoor jail
  3. Diet of prisoners in the Mehur and Larkana jails
  4. Statements of receipts and disbursements of the factories in the jails of Sind
  5. Execration of capital sentence and transportation for life
  6. Escape of prisoners from the jails in Sind
  7. Release of state prisoner Dajee Rao from the Kurrachee jail
  8. Petition from Ismail Khan Kurmettee late Naib Jailer of Kurrachee for the restorations of his appointment
  9. Honor to be paid by a jail guard to the officer in charge of a jail, regarding correspondence.

Police Miscellaneous 1859

  1. Arrival and departure reports, and address of letters
  2. Removal of the police Thanna from Jam Ke Tanda, Meer Mahomed Khans complaint, and final dismissal of Russuldar Khuzzan Shah and other Police Officers
  3. Traveling allowance to Major Marston while detained at Kurrachee as remount agent
  4. Memo by Mr. Gibbs on the Sind police (Sent to secretary to the chief commissioner Sind and Government)
  5. Sowars to be placed at the disposal of the deputy post master Hydrabad for expression for the commissioners camp Burkundaze to be employed at Kurrachee to admit of the police taking military guards
  6. Measures taken by the police for the prevention of disorder during the Hoolie festival
  7. Desertion of Naique Shadee Khan and sale of his horse
  8. For correspondence regarding transfer of prisoners from the Hydrabad to the Kurrachee jail
  9. Filling up of the Foujdarship of Shikarpoor
  10. Certain guards to be taken by the military department
  11. Printed correspondence of Madras police
  12. Guards for the chief engineers office and police escort for the chief engineer
  13. Dockyard guard at Keamaree to be taken by the police
  14. Three Sowars for government house
  15. Major Marstons request to have the order of 10 percent reduction on his contingent allowance cancelled
  16. At the request of the harbor deputy magistrate, the police ordered to strengthen the guard at Keamaree and furnish a guard at Manora (also order for nauseating the police from the aid granted by the municipality)
  17. Major Marston brings to notice the increase of robberies in the Kurrachee town and requests that the city police be increased
  18. Increase to the police guard at Khell
  19. Duffadar Mair Shah charged with bribery.

Police Establishment in Sind 1859

  1.  Police returns furnished to government and Sind discontinued by order of government
  2. Check on the half salary drawn by Lieutenant Gillespic as assistant of the Hydrabad police & application to government for its removal
  3. Gratuity of Rs.40 to Naique Mudday Khan of the Hydrabad police
  4. Compensation of Rs. 4, monthly each to the Sowars of the Kurrachee mounted police
  5. Removal of checks from the salaries of the captain & lieutenant of police for February and March
  6. Atkinson to officiating as lieutenant of Hyderabad police during the temporary absence of Lieutenant Fraser
  7. Carbines for the Kurrachee mounted police
  8. 50 Burkundane for the Hydrabad police
  9. Discharge of and gratuity of Rs. 100 Subedar Mahmoed Khan of the Shikarpoor police
  10. Burkundaze to be employed at Kurrachee to admit in the police taking military guards
  11. Retention of the Shikarpoor Jackranee Horse
  12. Mr. Hansens resignation (Jailor of Shikarpoor)
  13. Conduct of a small party of police in the Thur and Parkur
  14. Discharge and Gratuity to private Kallay Khan of Upper Sind rural police
  15. Statement of the strength and cost of the Sind police since 1851
  16. Statement of the cost and capital of the three jails
  17. Discharge of and gratuity to Naique Tajaram, Naique Owsayree, private Rampirsad, private Shair Khan
  18. Discharge and gratuity to private Elahee Bukhsh of the Shikarpoor police
  19. Permanent police forced for the Thur and Parkar and disturbance in Nuggar Parkkur
  20. Bills of the Shikarpur Jackranee Horse returned by the civil auditor for the heading of new levy to be changed to Jackranee Horse.

Caffilla Merchants 1859

Regarding insolvent debtors, relative to the reestablishment at Kurrachee of a court of arbitrators for disposal of all disputes where in Caffilla Merchants may be parties.


General Record

General Record of the Commissioner Office from 1839-1856

1 General Miscellaneous 


1859 702
1 Sind coal mines 


1859-60 410
1 General Miscellaneous  1859  692
2 Petitions 


1851 299-542
3 Electric telegraph  1859  462
5 School Kurrachee 


1859 270
6 School Hyderabad




7 Hydrabad collectorate Board of conservancy 


1851 15-72
7 School Shikarpur 


1859 319-492
14 Boat establishment, construction of boat 


1851 543-664
17 Appointments and leave general 


1859 100
17 Appointments and leave general 


1860 64
18 Indents 


1860 65-232
20 Books, Pamphlets and Maps




21 Examinations in native languages  1860  705-818


23 Arts Sciences and Antiquities




23 Buildings 


1853 403
25 Municipalities 


1859 599-912
25 Post  1849  59-401
28 Returns general 


1859 312
30 Circulars political 


1859 407-494
30 Circulars general 


1859 313-406
33 Miscellaneous


1851 215-390
36 Census




39 Marine 


1847 426
44 Public works 1851


48 Medical vaccination, Bills 


1860 496-582
49 Caves, temples and monuments  1851  73-146
52 Kurrachee Harbour




60 Indents




61 Petitions Kurrachee collectorate 


1851 36
66 Reports on the season






Kurrachee collectorate, Board of conservancy 


1851 3-276
67 Marine Miscellaneous 


1850 59-428
82 Apothecaries attached to the collectors




82 Marine department




83 Census of all natives of Great Britain and Ireland residing in Sind 


1851 305-356
84 Marine 


1854 320
85 Bombay Miscellaneous 


1847 588-617
92 Kurrachee, Shikarpur etc Collectorate-petitions 


1847 922
94 Sind- population returns 


1850-51 55-97
95 Khety Municipality 


1852-57 414-622
101 Sind school establishment  1852  24
105 Miscellaneous 


1840-47 946
106 An assistant apothecary stationed at Gorabaree




108 Superannuation pension granted to Ramneddee Mookerjee head writer in the Hyderabad
post office 


1845-48 281-348
Mookerjee head writer in the Hyderabad post office  1845-48 281-348
112 Ecclesiastical department, death Mr. Lawrence, Roman Catholic priests in Sind 1847 574-587
Roman Catholic priests in Sind  1847  574-587
121 Public works  1851 465-528
139 Cantonments in Sind limits 


1850 505-534
141 Sindhi dictionary and grammar (Languages)  1849  58
143 Employment of junior civil servants 


1851 8
150 Miscellaneous




152 Postal matters  1849-56 641
166 Roads in Sind  1852-54 474
175 Road leading to and Bunder at waghodur  1851 14
175 Shikarpoor collectorate Rahooja Bund 1845-46 201-280
179 Hyderabad collectorate-petitions  1851 37-82
180 Flotilla Indus  1850  343-358
185 Great Trignometrial survey, Extension of Sind  1850 18
195 Sind Road and ferry tolls in subsequent companies  1851 277-304
196 Civil hospital at Shikarpur  1851 147-214
214 Establishment  1839 767
238 Marine 1839-45 991
278 Survey, Extension of the great trignometrical survey in Sind  24 1848
survey in Sind 1848 24
330 Post offices in Sind, Bills and Accounts 1848 559
332 Shikarpoor collectorate, Boundary survey of the Roree district 1847 28
370 Roads in Sind 1852-60 25-222
iv Supply and Transport  1847 457
viii Military Miscellaneous 1839-46 413
viii Post offices in Sind  1849 146
Papers circulated and returned  1855-60 623-722
Cholera at Hyderabad & in the districts  1851 529-554
Post offices in Sind  1848 25-320
Public works  1851 98-239
Cantonments in Sind limits  1849 420-504
Survey 1849 402-419
Marine Miscellaneous 1848-49 349-434
Ecclesiastical  1849 147-56

Contents of the Files of General Record from 1839 to 1860

Establishment 1839

  1. Establishment of Belooch levy and their movement
  2. Establish of Boolan rangers and their reorganization
  3. Enlistment of Arabs for service on Sind
  4. Salary to political agent Shawal
  5. Establishment to political agent Quetta
  6. Establishment for the political agent lower Sind
  7.  Seth Nao Mulls services to the British government
  8. Establishment for packet boat between Kurrachee and Sukkur
  9. Discontinuance of drawing Batta white stationary and question of increase salary Mr. Surtees head clerk.

Marine 1839-45, 1847, 1850, 1854

  1.  Regulation and rates of charges for accommodation of passengers and conveyance of goods on the government steam boat on the Ganges and Indus
  2. Orders regarding sunglass for vessels entering Kurrachee harbour
  3. Harbour masters department
  4. Relating to the ferry boats at Kotree
  5. Accounts of the boat department of Sukkur, Kotree and Hydrabad
  6. Relating to the employment of the steamer of the Indus Flotilla, for mercantile purpose
  7. Loss of a boat, purchased for the engineer department, Kurrachee
  8. Relating to the issuing of mutton to the Indus Flotilla, by Commissariat
  1. Steam communication with Mooltan
  2. Fuel for river steamers from the forests
  3. Slip or floating Dock for the repair of vessels of the Indus flotilla
  4. Allotment of tonnage on steamers between Kurrachee, Mooltan, Complaint by deputy collector custom
  5. Statement called for the total period in each year during which the flotilla has been deprived of the flats owing to their having been sent to Bombay for repairs.
  1. Navigation of the Indus under L.T.S.H. Wood
  2. Return of boats
  3. Fuels for steamer between Sukkur & Ferozpur
  4. Steam communication between Kurrachee and Bombay
  5. Opinion expressed by Lieutenant Jardine Jacob and Dr. Winchester on the subject of improving the steamer on the Indus
  6. Survey of the Narra by steamer Metior, resulting in the cutting of a bund to compensate a loss of Rupees 15,000 sustained by the Ameers of Hydrabad also navigation of Arrel, Narra and Munchur Lake
  7. Statement of pay allowance of the several naval establishment and regulation under which engineers and other apprentices are serving
  8. Captain Ball claim for the allowance of duties performed by him superintendent of boat department
  9. Rules regulation and scale of passage, money by Commander Charles for passengers and packages conveyed by the vessels of the flotilla
  10. Navigation of the Sutleg, report of the voyage of the steamers Meanee, Napier to Ferozpur and other vessels
  11. Increase to the salary of fuel agents at several stations
  12. Engineers for steamers of the Indus flotilla
  13. Proposed coal depot at Kurrachee
  14. Coal, seed, godown at Kotri and workshop
  15. Repairs to steam vessels the Indus
  16. Purchase of certain buildings at Sukkur for store rooms
  17. Bridge of boats or Pantoon train for river Indus
  18. Fitting up a boat as a Dredge
  19. Seats of Sawyers for Indus steam flotilla
  20. Passage charges, allowances for civil and military functionaries when on board the EIC’s ships
  21. Native vessels trading from Bombay, Cutch of Zanzibar and other ports on the coast of Africa carrying British colours without permission
  22. Supply required for the Indus steam flotilla department from Bombay
  23. System of Indus flotilla payment and proposal for the appointment of a paymaster.

Miscellaneous General 1840-47

  1. In these files fees to Cazees
  2. Sind camel corps transferred to the Bengal presidency file of 1850
  3. Report on the general revenue of miscellaneous subject
  4. Return of public buildings constructed in Scinde since the acquisition of the province
  5. Extract of income and expenditure of the government garden in Scinde
  6. Correspondence regarding the breed of leeches and change of food in the European hospitals in Scinde
  7. Civil justice
  8. Replies to queries on the trade and manufactures of Scinde
  9. River and sea borne trade
  10. Criminal justice, police
  11. List of the officers and establishments of the Hyderabad collectorate
  12. Detailed list of canals in the district of Upper Scinde
  13. List of criminal cases decided in the collectorate of Kurrachee during the year 1840
  14. Memorandum on the duties on fish as levied at Kurrachee
  15. Pearl Banks and Fisheries
  16. Instruction to deputy collectors of Hyderabad regarding the collection of grain revenue in the collectorate
  17. System of canal clearance pursued under the British government
  18. Report on police by judge advocate general
  19. Report on the commission of crime by Captain Anderson
  20. Deputy judge advocate of Hydrabad, replies to questions regarding the revenue of the Kurrachee collectorate
  21. Extract of circular letters from the collector and magistrate of Kurrachee to the deputy director collectors dated August 30, 1844 and memorandum of the chiefs and men of importance residing in the Kurrachee collectorate.

Apothecary at Gorabaree 1845-47

In both files the information about an assistant apothecary stationed at Gorabaree at Sehwan are given who was attached to the collector.

Harbour Kurrachee 1845-55

  1. Bar at the entrance of the Kurrachee harbour
  2. Pilotage
  3. Arrangements for the pilotage of boats in the Kurrachee harbour
  4. Survey of the Kurrachee harbour by Lt. Grieve I. N commanding the Brig. Enphrates
  5. Harbour masters department abolition of 1849-1850
  6. Kurrachee harbour 1850
  7. Entrance into Lenoyed
  8. Harbour masters department bills and
  9. Dredging machine for the Kurrachee harbour.

Indents 1847

  1. Stationery miscellaneous commissioners office
  2. Deputy collector of customs Kurrachee
  3. Jageer department
  4. Collector of Kurrachee
  5. Indent on commissariat department for certain articles required for government house
  6. Political superintendent U.S. frontier meteorological instruments
  7. Collector of Shikarpoor
  8. Educational inspector
  9. Port officer Kurrachee
  10. Collector of Hydrabad
  11. Postal department.

Supply and Transport 1847

  1. Grain for the commissariat department
  2. Embarkation of her Majestys 86 regiment at Kurrachee
  3. Exorbitant rate charged by the commissariat officer
  4. Hydrabad to the ordnance department for yellow Ochre
  5. Reduction of dolly bearers in Scinde, Scinde camel corps
  6. Regarding to charges on account of grain the Torage supplied to the camel of the baggage corps
  7. Camel baggage corps
  8. Regarding Mr. Assistant Surgeon Youngs allowances
  9. Papers alluded to in Sir. Charles Napiers last confidential report (Military Dept.)
  10. Dispatch from Bombay of 600 water casts to the commissariat department
  11. Camel baggage corps
  12. Camels belonging to Lieutenant Lawrence
  13. Camel belonging to Mr. Lawrence late local lieutenant Sind camel baggage corps seized by the government
  14. Shikarpoor collectorate, road between Sukkur & Shikarpur.

Kurrachee, Shikarpoor Collectorate 1847, 1851

  1. Kurrachee petitions
  2. Khyrpore, sanction for the erection of a house for the resident
  3. Shikarpoor collectorate petitions
  4. Hydrabad collectorate
  5. Halla, deputy collectors Bungalow
  6. Public works relating to the river bank at Kotree
  7. Kurrachee collectorate regarding non-interface in the town of Kurrachee
  8. The post office at Kurrachee and the building made over to the superintendent of canals at Hydrabad
  9. Canal and forest department relating to the Shikarpoor.

Ecclesiastical 1847-49

Death of Mr. Lawrence Minezes Roman Catholic priests in Sind, appointment of European Clergyman Mr. Joseph.

Post Office and Postal Matters 1848-56

  1. Superannuation pension granted to Ramneddee Mookerjee head writer in the Hydrabad post office
  2. Extension of the great trigonometrically survey into Scinde
  3. post offices in Scinde
  4. Bills and accounts
  5. Agreement made by the Bombay steam navigation company for the mails between Bombay and Kurrachee in 1849
  6. Experimental lack between Hydrabad and Kurrachee between Tatta and Bhuj
  7. Hydrabad and Sukkur, Sukkur and Shikarpoor
  8. Transfer of the Scinde post offices to the control of the post master general Bombay
  9. Mr. Coffeys report of his annual tour for 1854/55.

Cantonments Limits 1849-50

Limit of all cantonments in Scinde required by government for notification.

Census 1850-51

  1. Orders for the taking of a periodical census in Sind
  2. Population of Sind in 1851
  3. Population of Sind in 1852
  4. General instructions for census in 1856
  5. Census of all natives of Great Britain and Ireland residing in Sind on March 31, 1851.

Caves, Temples and Monuments 1851

Caves, temples and monuments of antiquities, search to be made in Sind.

Building 1853

  1. Shikarpoor district: Collector’s Kurrachee at Shikarpur
  2. Sukkur District. Military buildings in Sukkur fort of Bukker
  3. Residency at Shikarpoor
  4. Arsenals fort of Bukkur
  5. Staging bungalows rules
  6.  The Sukkur residency

Roads in Sind 1851-56

  1. Construction of a road from Kurrachee to Kotri in 1852, Construction a road from Hydrabad to Subzul Cote in 1855
  2. Larkana to Shikarpoor road in 1852
  3. Sukkur to Shikarpoor road in 1852
  4. Thar and Parkar district road in 1853, Upper Sind Frontier
  5. Kurrachee to the frontier
  6. Bunder road Kurrachee, roads at Kotree
  7. Kurrachee to Kotree, Lukkey pass and report on roads construction by Maj. J. Jacob in the Upper Sind Frontier in 1853
  8. Embanking the road between Gholam Hyder Ka Tenda and Tulhar
  9. New road from Shahpoor to Sanghur. Ditto from Mukooda Sind to join the postal road near Suvair Khan Talpoors village
  10. Road between Nuseerpoor and Qoderalal
  11. Reference from the chief engineer in Sind regarding the line of road between Hydrabad and Kotree on H. H. Meer Ali Moorads frontier and requesting to be informed for the authority on which the time is being proceeded with by the deputy collector of Nowsherah. Rs.400 sanctioned for a line of road from Brahminabad to Kippra. Rs.1200 sanctioned for metalling road in the vicinity of Hydrabad
  12. Extension of the river and Bellasis road and planting trees along it and compensation to owners of houses removed to make way for the road
  13. The charge for the road that runs from the residence of near Mahomed Khan Talpoor near the entranced camp at Hydrabad along the river face to the Bunder road made over to the near and half the proceeds of the Feray Sind placed at his disposal
  14. The inspecting post master in Sind brings to notice the bad state of the road from Hydrabad to Chang
  15. Clearing road from Islamkote to the boundary of Chaokree and form Islamkote to Deepla.

Education in Sind 1852


  1. Appointment of Moonshee Pribdass as assistant school master to the English school at Hydrabad
  2. Committee for the supervision of education
  3. Mathlee school and petition from the school master at Alyar Ka Tanda
  4. Grant of Rs 400 for the purchase of furniture for the European and Indo European school at Kurrachee and continuance for another year of the monthly subscription of Rs. 100 on the part of government
  5. Assistant master for the vernacular school at Sehwan
  6. European and Indo European school
  7. Closing of the English at Kotree
  8. School house for the Roman Catholic Children
  9. School at Mugribee, English school at Tatta
  10. Application for special sanction to the establishment of the Kurrachee English school and the normal class are included and these information are taken from the office of the educational inspector in Sind
  11. Rules for regulating the fees for the English school at Sukkur
  12. School at Shikarpoor, Larkhana
  13. Rutta Derah and Buckrana schools
  14. Appointment of Mahomed Shuraf as assistant teacher in the vernacular school at Shikarpoor
  15. Engineering instruments for the use of the English school at Sukkur
  16. Traveling expenses to Mr. Chaintaman Sakharam English school master at Sukkur
  17. Report regarding how the matron during the past year has performed her duties
  18. Scinde dictionary and grammar complied by Lieutenant Stack.

Arts Sciences and Antiquities 1858-60

  1. Expenses incurred in excavating the ruins Mukan Ke Thool
  2. Bills of expenses for farming certificates of merit awarded by the exposition universally to persons in Sind
  3. Organizing of local committees in Sind with a view to promote the success of the central museum at Bombay
  4. The forest ranger in Sind requested to collect a complete set of specimens to the vegetable products of Sind both raw and manufactured for the Royal Museum
  5. The captain of police requested to furnish two complete sets of specimens of articles manufactured in each of the Kails
  6. Punjab produce, Mr. Cope as agent for the Kurrachee and Bombay museums
  7. Specimen of the Lyneah Valley
  8. Large glass fronted cases for the Kurrachee Museum
  9. Dr. Bird Wood acknowledges receipt of specimens from the Lyneah Valley and requests specimens of the woods of Sind of Hydrabad embroidered and lacquered ware
  10. Hydrabad lacquered ware
  11. Coral for the Kurrrachee Museum 
  12. Miscellaneous, Hail Storm etc.

Circulars General and Political 1859

  1. Political officers in charge of lapsed and attached lands to furnish statement similar to those rendered by the collectors
  2. Directions against making public any official document whether printed or not
  3. Name of persons dismissed and period of service to be shown in returns of stipendiary officers drawing, more than 10 rupees
  4. Political officers directed to account regularly for all sums of money from whatever source derived which came into their hands or under their controls
  5. I. D Inverarity Esquire commissioner in Sind arrival announced to the chiefs in the province
  6. Arabs The practice of government officers offering appointments to members of another establishment without consulting the officers under whom they are serving discouraged
  7. Ancient buildings on ruins not to be disturbed without permission
  8. Controlling officers to record their opinion of their subordinates on quitting office
  9. Service telegraphs messages to be condensed
  10. Anundrow Rugoonath Jee readmitted in government employ
  11. Office waste paper to be soaked in water and afterwards sold
  12. Reduction to be made in the quantity of official correspondence in Sind
  13. What papers should be sent under cover to the address of the assistant commissioner
  14. Proscribed public servants
  15. Treatment of mutineers and rebels who may surrender themselves subsequently to the January 01, 1859 and has been taken advantages by mutineers, deserters and rebels
  16. Annual statement of fines levied by Sind police to be forwarded direct to the civil auditor in future.

General Miscellaneous 1859

  1. Fares for public conveyances in Kurrachee
  2. Captain H.G. Ravertys dictionary and text book of the Afghan language
  3. Proposed amalgamation of the two libraries at Kurrachee
  4. Information relative to area and population of Sind for Mr. Bettington
  5. The detention of Dr. Steadwan in the commissioners camp owing to the illness of a patient
  6. Route from Kippra to Jeysulmeer
  7. Route from Jeysulmeer to Bikaneer
  8. Route from Bikaneer to Khanpoor
  9. Route from Khanpoor to Nuggur Parkur
  10. Reports of the Kurrachee benevolent society the erection of a Dhurrumsalla at Muggur Peer
  11. Paper parchment for government offices
  12. The Moonsiff of Sukkur to examine the commissariat chest monthly
  13. Domestic ceremonies of the Sind and people of Tatta curtailed
  14. Piracy or Barratry committed in table Bay
  15. Congratulations and fare well letters to Sir Bartle Frere from Jewanram Dewane Chund. From Chintamun Sukkaram and others of the English School Sukkur
  16. Slabs from the new quarry near Roce and Jeysulmeer for lithographic purposes
  17. Macleod memorial fund
  18. Vernacular papers placed at the disposal of the paper
  19. Curator central museum Bombay requests to be furnished with a series of all the foreign articles obtaining a ready market among the natives of Sind
  20. Moonshee Mooklis Ali editor of the Moofurra-ul-Kuloob asks for official advertisement and paper
  21. Prospectus of the Madras school of industry
  22. Proclamation for the celebration of a solemn thanks giving for the restoration of peace and tranquility in India and part taken by the inhabitants of Sind
  23. Ten copies of a Sindee translation of Her Majestys proclamation forwarded to the secretary to the government of India
  24. Reports of two outrages committed by the men of the Belooch regiment and crew of the planet, Mittree station
  25. Assault by crew of Lawrence Dubtlee Vichola Bunder
  26. Assault by crew of the steamer Indus seta Bunder
  27. Non payment for supplies by troops S.V Lawrence, Khaiee station
  28. Complaints against river Cotwalls
  29. Establishment of a, Victoria museum and gardens in Bombay
  30. Puttora fair held between Meerpoor and Oomercote
  31. Resignation by Sir Bartle Frere office of chairman to the Kurrachee General Library
  32. Mr. W.H. Mc Donald applying for the acting appointment of deputy collector of customs
  33. Mr. Restomjee Byramjee Bantras scheme for raising new taxes.

Municipalities 1859

  1. Fixing municipal limits
  2.  Anonymous complaint against the Fouzdar of Kurrachee and members of the Kurrachee municipality
  3. Dr. W. Niven appointed member of the Kotree municipal commissioner and Jeevirt Bunya & Khujal Iregoon to the Janghar municipal commissioner
  4. Municipal receipts and disbursement for 1859
  5. Lighting the camp bazaar and town with gas
  6. List of the Kurrachee municipal commissioners and additional appointment of member file 25/60
  7. Annual report and accounts of the Tatta & Jerruck municipalities for the years 1857/58 & 1858 /59
  8. Appointment of three municipal commissioners for the town of Sehwan in the place of those deceased.

Electric Telegraph 1859

  1. Telegraph office at Taroo Shah in the Nowshera districts
  2. Discontinuance of Mr. Hower’s contingent allowance on accounts of electric telegraph stores
  3. State of the telegraph posts on the Hydrabad and Kotree line
  4. Lieutenant P.Z.M completes the electric telegraph line from Kotree in H.H. Meer Ali Morad’s territory to Shawallee
  5. Red Sea and Indian telegraph
  6. Miss conduct of subordinates and correspondence on the subject with government and Sir W.O. Shanghuessy
  7. Defaulting signalers threatened to be sent to Sind as to a penal province by Sir W.O. Shanghuessy correspondence with government & Sir W.O Shanghuessy
  8. Unsatisfactory working of the telegraph between Kurrachee and Jacobabad Telegraph office at Hydrabad
  9. Mr. Smith’s complaint of heavy charges for the conveyance of electric telegraph poles in the Mahomed Khan’s Tanda district
  10. Mr. Nelson’s report on the state of the line from Hydrabad to Nuggur Parkar
  11. Mr. Smith’s departure, Mr. Nelson placed in charge of telegraph office
  12. Mr. Nelson’s resignation
  13. Appointment of Captain Magrath as deputy superintendent of electric telegraphs Sind and Punjab levies
  14. Discontinuance of horse patrols on the electric telegraph line between Kurrachee and Hydrabad, Hydrabad & Bedeen and Mohmbra and Deesa
  15. Proposed abolition of telegraph offices at Keamaree and Ghizree.

Return General 1859

  1.  Half yearly civil lists
  2. Half yearly returns of Europeans tea employed in a civil
  3. Military or medical capacity under native states
  4. Quarterly return showing the manner in which the assistants to the commissioner in Sind are employed
  5. Annual statement of fines levied by the Sind police for 1858/59
  6. List of all periodical returns & a furnished by the collectors in Sind
  7. Returns of sums expended on account of charges for printing forms and other papers during the year 1859
  8. List of all persons drawing 50 Rs. and upwards on the establishment of the collector of Kurrachee and recommended for promotion.

Appointment and Leave General 1859-60

 In these files the appointments and leaves of different officers are included

  1. Appointment of justices of the peace
  2. Departure for England of Brigadier General G. Lawrence and appointment of Major Eden to the Rajpootana Agency
  3. Appointment of Meer Wulleedad Khan Talpur as extra assistant collector and magistrate
  4. Appointment of Captain Nixon to the Koudhpoor political agency and Serohi political superintendence instead of Captain J. C. Brook
  5. Report of Sir Bartle Frere K.C.B and J.D Inverarity Esqure having respectively delivered over and received charge of the office of commissioner in Sind
  6. Service of Captain L. Pelly placed at the disposal of the secretary of state for employment under H. Ms envoy in Persia
  7. Lieutenant W. Dickinson, appointed to act as assistant political superintendent U.S Frontier during absence of Captain Briggs
  8. Commander A. MacDonald, appointed superintendent of the Indus flotilla and superintendent of boats vice Captain Daniell
  9. Captain G. B. Tyrwhitt leave
  10. Assistant surgeon Asher’s appointment as acting civil surgeon at Hydrabad
  11. Captain W.C Brigadier resumption of office of assistant political superintendent U.S Frontier
  12. Assistant surgeon H. Cooke / Khelat agency / leave granted and
  13. Major Malcolm, deputy consulting engineer Sind railway deputed to Bombay on duty.

Canals and Irrigation 1859-60

  1. This file is about the general estimates for canal clearance
  2. Rules
  3. Difference between the superintendent of canals and chief engineer authority
  4. Abolition of certain officers and recommendation to commerce the canals from Roree to Hydrabad
  5. Canals clearance estimates for 1860/61
  6. Establishment for water gauges
  7. Reduction of canals department by His Excellency Governor on public works and report by committee and circulation about the assimilation of canal clearance in the financial year harvests and installments vide file 22 of 1860/61.

Sind Coal Mines 1859-60

  1.  The coal mines leased to the Sind railway commissioner
  2. Temporary discontinuance of coal being supplied to the Indus flotilla
  3. Compensation to widow of a Miver who accidentally lost his life at the Lyneeah colliery
  4. Progress at the Miver & Mr. Inmans employment under the collector
  5. Mr. Inman allowed to reside at Kurrachee
  6. Discovery of a seam of coal by Beloochees in the hills of Runny Ke Cote
  7. Report By Mr. Inman of smoke having been seen issuing from the shaft of the coal mine on the morning of the 25 instant
  8. Return of the number of collieries and amount of coal roused in Sind

Books, Pamphlets and Maps 1860

  1. Bombay, Bengal, Madras and Punjab selections
  2. Punjabee almanac for 1860
  3. Books supplied to educational inspector and commissioners office
  4. Maps and plans
  5. Books in the Urdu and Persian characters received from Calcutta
  6. Hindustani version of Mr. Wilsons speech on the financial pressure in India
  7. Publication of a book entitled Majmooa Mufied by Moonshee Nizamoodeen of Poona.

Examinations in Native Languages 1860

  1. Rewards for passing in Sindee not applicable to civil servants
  2. Examination of Mr. Burra C.S /deputy collector in colloquial Sindee
  3. Lieutenant Gambier, public works department in Sindee
  4. Captain Henderson, lieutenant of police Shikarpoor, Sindee interpreters examination
  5. Messrs W.A. Ingle and F. Morris
  6. Settlement department Kurrachee Sindee and interpreters examination and Mr. G.B Coulson C.S in colloquial Sindee.

Medical Vaccination, Bills 1860

In this file bills, abstracts, vaccination report for the year 1859 and employment of local vaccinator in district towns to be paid from local funds are included.

Military Record

Military Record of the Commissioner Office from 1847-60


Subject and Contents




Mutiny of Bengal Army




Land Property belonging to the convict Von Geyer




Military Miscellaneous




Supply and Transport




Cantonments Kurrachee, Hyderabad Cantonment




Miscellaneous Military




Marine Miscellaneous




Marine Miscellaneous




Marine Miscellaneous




Marine Miscellaneous




Sind canal corps transferred to the Bengal presidency




European discharged soldiers & individuals and five expired men




Military Miscellaneous




Medical Miscellaneous




Ordnance, Flint Fuzils and muskets in the Arsenals




Military Miscellaneous 1847 29-204
91 Military Public works 1849 311-362
115 Destruction of some boats at Mandavie at the time the 16th Regiment Native 1847 372-453
124 Two Nishan burdars of the second regiment Scinde horse accused of having committed
a murder many years since in Burdoan
1848 321-395
127 Cantonment in Sind Limits fixed 1851 437-504
156 Camel belonging to Mr. Lawrence Late local Lieutenant Sind  1850 299-342
178 Sind Troops relief 1850 171-252
205 General orders 1846 3-446
205 Supply and Transport 1851 49-56
Scinde camel corps   1847 237-250
 Military, Cutch relating to the ruinous state    Sir Wm. Cotton
takes, the command of the Bombay army 
1847 251-299
Government of Bombay Sir T. Mc Mahon proceeds to England, 1847 300-371
Government of India relating to the propriety of women & children accompanying
Native regiments
1847 454-519

Contents of the Files of Military Record from 1846 to 1860

General Orders 1846

General orders, by his Excellency Major General Sir C. J. Napier G. C. B. commanding the forces in Scinde.
Sir T. Mc Mahon and Sir Wm. Cotton in Bombay Army 1847

Government of Bombay Sir T. Mc. Mohan proceeds to England; Sir Wm. Cotton takes the command of the Bombay Army. Government of India relating to the propriety of women and children: accompanying native regiments and the regular payment of remittances from soldiers on foreign services to their families.
Military Miscellaneous 1847 and 1860

  1. Correspondence regarding requisitions and reception of Mall Liquor required for European troops
  2. Steamer Hugh Lindsay placed at the disposal of Sir William Monsfield
  3. Departure report of Brigadier General Hale on being relieved of the Sind divisional command and other minor matters
  4. Application for civil officers to examine and report on condition of commissariat stores at Sukkur
  5. Application from Corporal Ryland, Surveyor Jageer department for his discharge from the Army
  6. Appointment of his Excellency Lt. General Sir William Mansfield K.E.B. as commander in chief of Bombay army
  7. Fatigue parties from European regiments for deceased seamen at Kurrachee
  8. Contrasted statement showing strength of the Sind police in 1847 and 1860
  9. Arrangements for the reception at Kurrachee and onward progress to Mooltan of the families of soldiers shortly expected from England by the star of the south
  10. Volunteer Rifle corps organized at Kurrachee
  11. Major Golds appointment as commandant, Mr. Deyells appointment as Captain of No.3 company, Merrs Brunton & Warrens appointed as captain & lieutenant of a company and indents for certain articles from the advance stores
  12. Dispatch of the 8th Punjab infantry from China to Kurrachee, on return from field service
  13. Pedals for European troops at Kurrachee; (n) Return of the first grenadier regiment from service
  14. Proposal from the military authorities for the reduction of Puekaul camels employed with the frontiers field force at Jacobabad.

Supply and Transport 1851

a. Invalids of her Majestys service sent by water from Ferozepur to Bombay and Sind camel corps transfer to the Bengal presidency.

Cantonment in Sind 1851-52

  1. Alteration in the limits of and correspondence relating to the right of civil officers to reside in Kurrachee,
  2. Boundaries of the cantonment limits of Kurrachee
  3. Hyderabad cantonment demarcation of the limits
  4. Sukkur cantonment and transfer of the Sadar bazaar from the cantonment to the civil authorities and consequent charges
  5. Larkana cantonment and compensation granted to owners of land for the handling over of the Larkana fort to the civil authorities
  6. Conversion of fort Fitz Gerald into accommodation for the Kardar of Larkana.

Mutiny of Bungal Army 1857

  1. Transfer of third troops to Bombay the fourth troop H.A. sent instead
  2. Tonnage to Mandavue
  3. Collection of carriage
  4. Horses required for military purposes
  5. Formation of a new battery for field service.

Medical Miscellaneous 1860

  1. Withdrawal of assistant surgeon Mott from Jacobabad to Shikarpur and grant of additional allowances to that officer
  2. Application from Mr. Ramsay apothecary commissioners establishment for increase allowances
  3. Proposed employment of Mukdoom Noor Mahomed of Boobue as native vaccinator and dispenser of fever medicines
  4. Hospital assistant temporarily detached for duty at the Buddeen telegraph office
  5. Annual medical report of the Hyderabad collectorate for 1859 / 60
  6. Prevalence of cholera at Khetty, Keamaree, Kurrachee, Sukkur and Roree
  7. Leave to Mr. Ramsay, apothecary commissioners establishment.

Public Works Record

Public Works Record of the Commissioner Office from 1857 to 1860


Subject and Contents




Canals and Bunds General




Canals and Bunds




Public works General




Public works Miscellaneous




Public works Hyderabad solitary cell at Meerpoor etc




Public works Shikarpoor & Frontier












Public works




Public works Kurrachee




Public works Roads Hyderabad




Public works roads Shikarpoor and Frontier




Kurrachee water supplies, correspondence



Contents of the Files of Public Works Record from 1857 to 1860

Kurrachee Water Supplies, Correspondence 1857-62

Correspondence from 1857 to 1862 containing correspondence on several schemes for supplying Kurrachee with water.

Public Works 1859

  1. The Chief Engineer in Sind submits a list of roads in Sind that will be taken charge for repair by the executive engineer from first May
  2. The chief engineer enquiries whether the correspondence placing certain portions of the trunk roads under the executive engineer has been communicated to the revenue officers and on the subject of repairs to district roads in Sind from Tatta to Jerruck to Mirpoor.

Public Works Kurrachee 1859-60

  1.  An advance of Rs. 10,000 sanctioned for the repair of the civil and military roads at Kurrachee
  2.  Raising of the Tatta roads and completing the bund in the Dubbrin forest near Shaik Taroo. (Talooka Jerruck)
  3. Culverts on the Kurrachee and Tatta roads
  4. Repair to the road from Kotree to Durwat
  5. Tramway across the Muleer at Jemadar Ke Landee
  6. New roads at Kotree
  7. State of the road between Jim Peer & Jerruck
  8. Road from Veron towards the Indus in the direction of Sunn & Lukkee
  9. Construction of road way from the high water mark at Keamaree to the eastern limit pillar of the railway terminus
  10. Representation from captain Phillips deputy collector Sehwan regarding the state of the road between Kurrachee and Tatta
  11. Repairs to the Meanee road at Kotree at the joint expense of government and the local funds
  12. Improvement of the high road near the Bharun river; and (13) Raising, rolling, metalling and gravelling two roads at Kotree leading from the town bund to the market square and Edgah.

Public Works Roads Hyderabad 1859-60

  1. Improvement of the continuation of Bellasis road from the foot of the incline to the fort
  2. Sanction of Rs.400 for side paths to Bellasis road
  3. Do, Rs.310 for improving the slope to Cowra Jemadars Charee
  4. Do, Rs. 300 for completing the Dhurmsalla at Halla  
  5. Road from Gotana to the Indus
  6. Road from Meerpoor to the boundary of Shahdadpoor
  7. Clearance of a road between Adam Ke Tanda and Gotana
  8. Embanking the road between Gholan Hyder Ka Tenda and Tulhar
  9. New road from Shahpoor to Sanghur, Ditto from Mukooda Sind to join the postal road near Suvair Khan Talpoors village
  10. Road between Nuseerpoor and Qoderal
  11. Reference from the chief engineer in Sind regarding the line of road between Hyderabad and Kotree on H. H. Meer Ali Moorads frontier and requesting to be informed for the authority on which the time is being proceeded with by the deputy collector of Nowsherah
  12. Rs.400 sanctioned for a line of road from Brahminabad to Kippra
  13. Rs.1200 sanctioned for metalling road in the vicinity of Hyderabad
  14. Extension of the river and Bellasis road and planting trees along it and compensation to owners of houses removed to make way for the road
  15. The charge for the road that runs from the residence of near Mahomed Khan Talpoor near, the entranced camp at Hyderabad along the river face to the Bunder road made over to the near and half the proceeds of the Feray Sindh
  16. The inspecting post master in Sind brings to notice the bad state of the road from Hyderabad to change
  17. Clearing road from Islamkote to the boundary of Chaokree and form Islamkote to Deepla
  18. Police lines at Mahomed Khans Tanda embank out of road to Tulh

Public Works Roads Shikarpoor and Frontier 1859-60

  1. Emergent repairs to the Sukkur and Shikarpoor road also state of Ditto
  2. Improvement of the road, between Larkana, Kumber & Kumber and Nusseerabad
  3. Raising the road leading from the Lukkee gate and joining the same to the Shair Bagh road and other lines of communication in the city of Shikarpoor
  4. Rs.170 sanctioned for making possible two rocky ascents in the road, from Boda to Schuyun and from Oomerpoor to Lynean
  5. Watering the roads near Larkana on Captain Fifes plan for watering roads in Sind
  6. Roads from the bridges over Biggaria at Hourejah & Sukkur to Jagun being 14 miles
  7. Metalling the road round the Hujaree, learning and leveling the two lines of road from the same, running in the directions of Jacobabad and Sukur
  8. Widening and embanking the road. Connecting the Shikarpoor city with the cantonment
  9. Construction of a new road from the Rafoderah bunder in the Mehur district to join the Schwar as grand trunk road
  10. Construction of a road in the line of road from Shikarpoor to the cantonment of Sukkur
  11. New roads in the Mehur district also sanction of Rs.100 for an approach to the town of Mehur from the high road leading to Sehwan
  12. Proposal to raise the road between the Nowshera and Kurrum gates of Shikarpoor
  13. Raising portions of the high road leading from Larkana to Kumber, from Larkana to Nasseerabad and from Ruttaberah to Kumber
  14. Raising the Larkana road between the Futtehpoor and Larkana
  15. Repairing the Sehwan road between the two portion of the Rookur bund
  16. Classification of roads and their protection from injury.

Public Works General 1859-60

  1. Principles to regulate sanction for emergent on earthquake
  2. Reports on earthquake
  3. Koombart grant road
  4. River encroachment above the railway terminus at Kotree
  5. Civil engineers for service in the canal department in Sind
  6. Rewards for manual on road and bridge making
  7. Government house Kurrachee
  8. Plans for Dawk bungalows, for the first and second class roads
  9. Barracks material received from England
  10. Sawing machinery
  11. Public works code for the collector of Hydrabad and Kurrachee
  12. Iron framed barracks correspondence regarding
  13. Brick making machine sold to Sind railway company
  14. Returns from irrigational works in Sind also water gauges (report to government)
  15. Colonel Cottons letter on the improvement of Indus and harbour of Kurrachee
  16. Telegraph offices at Kushmore and Tarooshah
  17. Junior appointments in the public works department in India
  18. Nussurpoor glazed files for public buildings
  19. Mr. James Collins a civil engineer solicits employment
  20. Iron road rollers
  21. Remedies against white ants
  22. Want of water in desert districts in Sind for the people and cattle in Jeysulmere
  23. Charge of travelers bungalows transferred to public works department, improved accommodation at Kurrachee and Kotree
  24. Model water mills
  25. Annual report of public works in Sind for 1859-60 with statement

Canals and Bunds 1859-60

  1. The Surfrazwah
  2. Mr. Beattys report on the canals of the Hydrabad collector for the year 1857-59
  3. Sanctions of Rs.3000 for erecting a fence to assist in fixing the sand on the Surfrazwah & Kosana canals
  4. Canal clearances for the year 1859, also bridges over canals
  5. Re measurement of the Surfrazwah clearances
  6. Canal clearances at the tail of the Surfrazwah
  7. Modification in the proposal channel through ridge in the bed of the Nasra below the village of Kipra
  8. Proposed improvement of the Jamrow sang
  9. Construction of second bunds around a portion of the town of Sanhur
  10. Application from the deputy collector of Mahomed Khans Tanda to expend an additional sum of Rs. 20,000 for completing the clearance of the Dadra canal
  11. Bund for the protection of Ismail Shah ka Tanda for the Toolalee flood
  12. Irrecoverable balances standing against the canal depart in the Hyderabad collectorate
  13. Charges prepared against Mr. Barrett a canal survey
  14. Report of inspection of the channel of the foolailee
  15. Canal clearances.

Public Works Shikarpoor & Frontier 1859-60

  1.  Annual repairs roads and bridges
  2. Additions and alterations to senior naval officer’s quarters at Sukkur
  3. Buildings at Jacobabad to be repaired by the public works department. The chief engineer considers the practice objectionable of making over to the public works department which have been built by other departments
  4. Six pillars or obelisks to carry sire over the Indus at Sukkur
  5. Supplementary estimate for repairs to building in the Shikarpur collectorate during the year 1858 and Nein roof to Kardars Kutchery at Mehur
  6. Clearing out drains around the Sind Horse lines at Jacobabad
  7. Want of accommodation at Jacobabad for Jacobs Rifle regiments and proposal of the quarter master general to appropriate the lines at Shikarpoor or the Barracks at Sukkur and commencement of lines at Jacobabad
  8. Rebuild the old town of Shadadpoor in the Kumber Talooka Larkana district rest houses
  9. Well at peer Munchur Shahs Mukan near Shikarpoor
  10. Residence for the English school master at Sukkur
  11. Repairs to the residence at Larkana of Beebee Sahib Katoon of Khelat
  12. Door and window to the quarter guard of the rural police at Shikarpoor
  13. Increasing the size of the Magranee bungalow compound
  14. Filling up hollow out side the Luckie gate Shikarpoor city
  15. House for the jail hospital assistant Shikarpoor
  16. Well in the desert at the village of Thaim in the Shikarpoor and Sukkur district
  17. Serais at Soojawul and Bungul derah
  18. Bridge over the Mahomed wah on the Shikarpoor and Larkana road & Bridges over the trenches cut to supply water to the trees in the Shikarpoor camp
  19. Travelers Landee, and a Pucka well with cattle through at Mithtow , on the Jessulmere road
  20. Out houses to the travelers Landee at Roree
  21. Bridges over roads in the frontier district
  22. Bridges over canals from Larkana to Fordwah
  23. Improvements city street at Shikarpoor
  24. Wells from Roree to the Jeysulmere Frontier
  25. Bridging Noorwah, Rohree and Kohawur canals Kumber and Shadadpoor road
  26. Mehur Jail
  27. District post office Roree
  28. Proposition to convert a dilapidated bungalow on the river bank at Sukkur into a hotel and to build a towing path
  29. Annual repairs to roads bridges & public buildings for 1859-60
  30. Stone on the Roree side of the river above the old mouth of the Qoumurkus canal
  31. Bridges over canals between Nyaderah and Muddajee
  32. Tuppadars Landees at Rojan and Mumanghur
  33. Landee for Mooktyarkars office records, treasury at Mehur
  34. Compensation to the contractor, for loss sustained in constructing the police Chowkies and stables at Marah 
  35. Shikarpoor jail enlargement.

Public Works Hyderabad Solitary Cell at Meerpoor 1859-60

  1. Solitary cells at Meerpoor
  2. Bridge over the Fullalie on the Alyar ke Tanda and Oomercote road
  3. Repairs to river bank from the southern termination of the entrenched camp to Gido ke Tanda
  4. English Church Hydrabad
  5. Repairs to government house Hyderabad hell at now Bahar Shah ke Gote, Talooka Muttaree
  6. Compensation to contain Syuds for buildings at Hyderabad taken possession of shortly after the conquest for the police
  7. Tanks at Falee Ke Gote and Kejuaree in the Oomercote Talooka
  8. Supplementary statement of annual repairs to government buildings in the Jooda Talooka
  9. Lockups at Nuggur, Mittee and Deepla in the Thur & Parkur districts
  10. Filling up pits and building a tank near the jail at Halla
  11. Well at Karora / Oomercote Talooka
  12. Wells at Naggur Parkar for electric telegraph department
  13. Well at Shukkeel Khoosa on the road from Mohomed Khans Tanda to Ghoolam Ali Ka Tunda
  14. Well at Syudabad
  15. Well at Rutnow near Sekra holy way Oomercote and Guddra
  16. Two wells along Bellasis road
  17. Masonry recess and shed for the Persian water wheels in the government garden Hyderabad
  18. Deepening the tank at Buddeen
  19. Well at Fakeer-Ke-Gote Talooka Meerpoor
  20. Office accommodation fort two extra Tuppedars for the Nowshera and Kundiara districts
  21. Police ladies at Moondwa, Adegum, Mokliah, Chneeda, Cooleeveree, Beron and Ranaveree until the Rebel Rana is arrested
  22. Public works suspended in the Halla districts and compensation to contractors
  23. Telegraph offices Hyderabad and Kotree
  24. Annual repairs to public buildings and repairs to roads for 1859 -60
  25. Compensation to Mukkoo Kismutgar for less sustained in making the eastern approach to the new bridge over the Fullailee near Hyderabad
  26. Two bridge over the Ali Gunj canal
  27. Road between Dowlutpoor and Cazee ke Gote
  28. Repairing out house near the deputy collectors bungalow for the settlement officers establishment Mahomed Khans Tanda
  29. Unfinished works in the Halla districts
  30. Timber for the construction of bridges in the Meerpoor districts
  31. Temporary wooden bridges over the Fullialee
  32. Permanent wooden bridge over the Foolailee & proposed Masonry bridge deferred
  33. Two stone bridges over the new Follailee supply channel
  34. Compound wall to Kardars Dhera at Naggur Parkar got sanctioned
  35. Enquiry respecting the plans of Punjab Cutcherries
  36. Shool and well at Mohomed Khans Tanda.

Returns 1859-60

  1. Return of sanctions by the commissioner forwarded to the auditor of public works accounts and chief engineer in Sind
  2. Monthly returns of sanctions given by chief engineer
  3. Statement of remunerative works in the Hyderbad collectorate for 1859-60
  4. Returns of works of pubic utility executed by private individuals during 1859
  5. Return of roads, canals, bridges and public buildings for 1859-60
  6. Annual return of public works from 1851 to 1856-57
  7. Public works returns for 1857-58
  8. Public works returns for 1858-59.

Canals and Bunds General 1860-61

  1. Revised rules for canal department
  2. Form of general estimate for canal clearances
  3. Difference between the superintendent of canals and chief engineer authority and position of each defined
  4. Employment of the canal department: abolition of certain offices and recommendation to commerce the canal from Roree to Hyderabad
  5. Canal clearance estimates from 1860-61
  6. Redistribution of the subordinate canal establishment
  7. Form of estimate of Hyderabad canal clearances on File of 1858-59
  8. Establishment for water gauges
  9. Reduction of canal department. Minutes by His Excellency the Governor on public works and report by the committee
  10. Assimilation of canal clearance with financial year.

Revenue Record

Revenue Record of the Commissioner Office from 1845 to 1857 

File Subject and Contents Year Pages


Arts,Industries and Manufactures




Revenue Hyderabad




Revenue Shikarpoor




Revenue Management Accounts Kurrachee




Taluka Mehur and Tigr Rolls




Revenue Management and Accounts Hyderabad




Leases and remissions Hyderabad




Revenue Management and Accounts Frontier




Revenue Management and Accounts Shikarpoor




Jagheers and Free grants




Petitions Hyderabad




Petitions Hyderabad








Trafic Returns




Trafic Returns




Trafic Returns




Canal (Inundation Reports)




Cotton Reports




Tolls and Ferries




Revenue returns




Government Collector of Shikarpoor, Hyderabad, Kurrachee and Police




Gardens Shikarpoor, Hydrabad etc




Rules and General instructions




Rough Survey and Settlement Shikarpoor Districts




Revenue Trade Returns




Dead Stock




Bills and Accounts Commission office




Boat returns




Boat returns




Revenue Reports Hydrabad




Annual Reports Hydrabad




Annual Revenue Reports




Annual Revenue Reports




Departmental Examinations




Canals and Bunds Frontier Kurrachee




Canals and Bunds Hydrabad the Narra




Canals and Bunds Hydrabad the Narra




Leases and remissions Kurrachee




Canals and Bunds




Cotton Cultivation in Sind




Canals and Bunds Frontier




Canals and Bunds Frontier




Cotton General Reports




Jagheers, Puttahdarees grants




Revenue Management Kurrachee Collectorate




Leases and remissions Kurrachee




Managements and Accounts Kurrachee




Revenue Survey and settlement




Survey and Settlement General




Topographical Survey




Topographical Survey of Sind




Trade and Frontier duties Salt




Trade and Frontier duties Salt




Jagheers (Lands) Alluvion and Diluvion rules




Local Funds and Libraries Revenue




Jagheers Kurrachee




Jagheers Shikarpoor




Charitable and other Grant Hydrabad (Pir Shah son of Akil Shah Nowshera District)




Jagheers of Hyderabd collectorate Meer Ahmed Khan son of the late Meer Mahmoud Khan Talpoor




Revenue Management Accounts




Salt works (Thur and Parkur Districts)




Monthly price currents




Relating to a body of Persian Vagrants sent down from Lahore to be dispatched to their own country




Petitions (Nao Mull, head Kardar of Kurrachee and others)




Jagheers (Grant of Jagheer to Jaffer Khan S/O Durya Khan Thora, Buchal and Jehan Khan etc Arts, Industries and Manufactures Changs etc                                                                                                                               



Contents of the Files of Revenue Record from 1845 to 1860

Jagheers and Grants to Jagheerdars 1845-54

  1. Grant of Jageer to Jaffer Khan S/o Durya Khan Thora
  2. Buchal and Jehan Khan sons of Meer Mahomed Talpoor. Thora, Pullio and Dost Mahomed, cousins of Buchal
  3. Baji Khan and widow of Ghulam Hyder Khokur
  4. Jehan Khan Khokur
  5. Khudabux and widow Mewa Khokur
  6. Bhero Khan Khokur
  7. Bahdoor Noon
  8. Sher Mahomed and widow Dingana Khokur
  9. Yusif Noon
  10. Moobarik Khan s/o Rustom Khan
  11. Urzee Khokur
  12. Bhao Khan Jageerdar lays claim to land thrown up by the river Shikarpoor collectorate Taluka Sukkur
  13. Lushkur Khan and six other Noohanees
  14. Duoo, Mehrab, Syed Khan
  15. Easan, Mooreed, Ally Khan, Shano and eight other Noohanees
  16. Yousoof, Talha, Chootha, Taja, Billawul, Noohanees
  17. Raheem, Taja, Meer Khan, Sobha and four other Noohanees
  18. Sohrab, Sall Khan, Jetha, Jehan Khan, Jam and 11 Noohanees
  19. Mahomed Khan Noohanee Talooka Iyotree Kurrachee collectorate.

Revenue Management and Accounts 1846-50

  1. Mr. Pringles administration.
  2. Cash rents conversion of corn rents into cash rents in the Gozah division of Mehar
  3. Collector of Shikarpur authorized to commute cash rents in kind in certain cases
  4. Mr. Pringles circular calling for reports
  5. Thar & Parkar district
  6. Report by lieutenant S. N. Raikeb (political agent and deputy collectors & magistrate Thur & Parkur)
  7. Revenue accounts
  8. System in the Shikarpur district in 1849
  9. System of accounts in the Kurrachee district.

Salt work in Sind 1846-51

  1. Salt works; Mokye salt works (Thur & Parkur district).
  2. The entire control of the secured by the government of Sind, transfer of the Mokye works to British control and views of Sir Charles Napier on the question of the levy of duty on salt.
  3. Salt beds on the right bank of the Roree Creek and report on (Shahbunder sub division) by Lt. J. H. Burke of the 130 engineers.
  4. Salt duty, excise duty on salt exported from ports in Bombay presidency and wastage allowance on shipments.
  5. Salt trade, report by Mr. H. B. E. Frere on the state of the trade in salt in Sind (1851).
  6. Duty on salt export from Sind.

Arts, Industries and Manu Accession 1847-52

  1. Leather
  2. Linseed
  3. Cultivation
  4. Sind Pottery
  5. Prices and wages of labour in Sind in 1839
  6. Saltpeter
  7. Inquiry as to the capabilities of Sind for exporting saltpeter
  8. Silk trade; and (9) Report on the winding and dyeing branches of the silk trade of Kurrachee.

Changs 1847-54

Files on the families of

  1. Khooda Buksh, Tuth Khan & Gholam Mahomed Changs
  2. Meerum Surdar & Hayat Chang, Nuseer Chang, Cummal Wullud Yaroo Chang, Moonda, Dosh Ally, Wullio, Firoz Hayat, Alla Buksh Changs, Iara, Rohil, Kubbur & 13 others Changs, Barka, Dhoola Changs, Chuto, Mitto and others Chang, Nuseer and Boodho Changs of Hydrabad
  3. Saindad, Muggar, Shahak, Ghoram, Ghulam Hussain, Ali Morad and Gull Mahomed Changs of Hydrabad.

Jagheers and Lands 1850-56

  1. Employment of a prisoner for the supervision of the government garden Kurrachee
  2. Rules for the adjudication of claims to lands in Sind
  3. Rules for the grant of lands for building purposes
  4. Garden lands, Mr. Freres instructions regarding the assessment of garden lands or orchards in Sind
  5. Gardens in Kurrachee district
  6. Shahbunder gardens
  7. Appointment of a committee to ascertain the working and result, financial and general of the government garden at Kurrachee and accounts of the government garden
  8. Government gardens at Kurrachee and Hydrabad
  9. Gardens Hydrabad district, Faiz Bagh
  10. Gardens of Sukkur district
  11. Levy of the following imports abolished: Ruksutanah, Dhurut and Nazarana
  12. Shah Bagh at Shikarpur
  13. Gardens of Larkana district and nursery gardens
  14. Sale of government gardens in the Rohree districts
  15. Kurrachee government farm.

Cotton Cultivation 1852

  1. Egyptian cotton
  2. Sea Island cotton
  3. Sind cotton (exported)
  4. Heerat cotton (Imported)
  5. New Orleans cotton
  6. Egyptian cotton cleaning machine
  7. Appointment of superintendent cotton experiment
  8. Price of cotton in Sind fixed
  9. Supply of medicine for Mr. Prince.

Local Funds and Libraries 1852-56

  1. Road and educational fund, proposal to levy a cess for roads and education, compulsory education of children of agriculturists
  2. Libraries, Sind association and library (Frere Hall Library) of 1851
  3. Libraries and museums
  4. Kurrachee general library and museum
  5. General library and establishment of library at Hydrabad.

Charitable and other Grants at Hydrabad 1852

  1. Piri Shah son of Akil Shah of Nowshera district
  2. General statement of Grants in Nowshera
  3. Shah Ali Buksh and widow of Syud Sooltan Shah
  4. Boodum Shah and Gool Mahomed
  5. Sons of Puril Shah, Laik Poor and Shikarpur
  6. Gool Mahomed Fukeer
  7. Son of Mahomed Saleh of Larkanah
  8. Syuds Chuttun Shah and Wuril Shah of Roree.

Jagheers Shikarpoor 1852

  1.  Abduoola Khan and Rawut Khan Talpoor Bukrani
  2. Ahmed Khan Lughari
  3. Alla Buxsh widow Neeal Khan Murree
  4. Ali Akbar Shah and Mooreed Aly Shah of Roree
  5. Ghulam Ali Shah, Fukeer Ali Shah, Suwarl Shah of Roree
  6. Ghulam Shah
  7. Kootub Ali Shah and Gool Shah
  8. Boolund Ali Shah son of Kootub Ali Shah petition
  9. Moobaruck Shah and others of Roree.

Rules and General Instructions for Jagheers etc 1852-56

  1. Jageers:
    1. Enquiries
    2. General question
    3. Definition of shares
    4. Transfer of shares
    5. Collateral succession
    6. Superficial measures employed in measuring
    7. Dates to be accorded to first proof of holding in actual Jagheer, exclusive of Seree and minor allotments
    8. Respecting disposal (from date of Jageerdars demise) of proceeds
    9. Suggestions for the disposal of claims
    10. Suggestion for the disposal in regard to five years produce
    11. Boundary marks, and proposed settlement and surveys of the Jageers of the Great Talpoor families


    1. Title deeds to re grantees
    2. Lapsed estates:
        a. Rules respecting claims of holders
        b. Period to be assigned for calculating the proportionate division
        c.  In case of preparation before demise of Jageerdars, heirs allowed to reap the produce
        d. Government shares
      1. Lands:
        1. Resumption
        2. Succession (by grants on to grand fathers)
        3. Regarding rates in Churka
      2. Grants
        1. Respecting shares in less than 50 Beegas in charitable,
        2. By others than the Rais of Upper Sind,
        3. In payment of (10 years to invalidated claims), and
        4. Rule respecting Mamool and Seree;
      3. Taxes: Rule respecting remission of Hueeaba (water)
      4. Rule respecting succession by nomination
      5. Jageerdars: Practice observed on demise of a member of the four great Talpoor families and 1st class, jurisdiction of the police over the villages belonging to and maintenance of destitute widows
      6. Debts: Settlement against Jageerdars
      7. Religions establishments
      8. Rules for the adjudication of claims to money or grain held by individual for the support
      9. Felony:
        1. Practice with regard to Jageerdars conviction
      10. Surrinjam: Regarding submission of report of records and accounts in all future recommendation for pension or lapse;
      11. Sunneasee: Orders respecting persons
      12. Appeals and petitions:
        1. On decision of Jageers,
        2. No notice to be taken without commissioner’s endorsement
      13. Genealogical table: Rules observed in the Inam commission
      14. Documents: Presentation of certain classes
      15. Forest Limits: Inclusion of Jageer land
      16. Rule respecting holders of alienated revenue
      17. Canal clearances
      18. Summary of rules
      19. Seree:
        1. Wijoohal
        2. Mulazim derivation.

    Jagheer Puttahdarees Grant 1853

    The information on

    1.  General report on Puttahdaree tenure and claims
    2.  Hubeeb Ollah, Puttahdar
    3. Report on petition of Abdool Ahid, Ulawee, Fakhroo Deen and other Puttahdars
    4. Ghulam Mustapha and Ghulam Moortuza Puttahdars
    5. Moorban Khan son of Suliman Khan deceased Puttahdar
    6. Abdool Kareem and Jooma Shah of Muddajee of Nowshera Abro district
    7. Mahomed Hussain son of the late Ali Murdan Moghul
    8. Ghulam Shah, Ghulam Kadir and Buchul of Syudabad
    9. Puttadaree of Gosurjee
    10. Gadoo Khan Puttahdar of Aurungabad & Amroot
    11. Hatim Shah, Puttahdar of Muddajee
    12. Bhao Khan Misree, Puttadaree of Sukkur
    13. First class Jageers, Puttahdars & Khyratdars and second and third class Puttahdars are present in this file.

    Jagheers Kurrachee 1853

    1.  Allah Buksh and Ghoolam Shah (Syuds) Talooka Naing
    2.  Balech Khan Rhind, Mureh and Mhow Jagheers
    3.  Boolah Khan Noowria
    4. Futteh Khan Chandia
    5. Gool Mahmomed Lugharee
    6. Jan Mohomed son of Mohamed Ali and the sons of Roostum Talpoor Thora
    7. Jam Meer Ali Jokea
    8. Jaffer Khan Talpoor Thora
    9. Kaisur Khan Noowria
    10. Kurm Khan and Dhunee Buksh (Syuds)
    11. Koorban Ali Khutiyanp
    12. Lall Khan son of Beelooch Khan Murree Hajanee
    13. Progress of enquiries in Kurrachee collectorate and transfer to the assistant commissioner for Jagheers
    14. Real Jagheers. Loonds, death of a share without heirs; (14) Re Grouts of Jagheers rules
    15. Sher Mahomed Khan Lugharee
    16. Sher Mahomed, Hakeem, Bahadoor and others, Lugharees Brimain
    17. Sirdar Khan Noomria (Mulik)
    18. Statement Jagheer preparation of and Jagheer enquiries.

    Taluka Mehur and Tigri 1855

    Information about different cases in Mehur and Tigri

    1. Sabur Khan Chandia by his Vakeel Moorad Machee
    2. ; (2) Shukkul Khan son of Chupper Khan Murree; (3) Sirdar Khan widow Mehrab Khan Bhoorqaree; and (4) Doda Powhur

    Talukas Baghban Inclusive of Mehur 1855

    1.  Shikarpoor collectorate, deputy collector of Mehur
    2. Description of Jagheerdars in Sind; and (3) Sirdar or presumed Sirdars.

    Jagheers and Free Grants 1855-57

    Different cases and correspondences of

    1.  Talookas Shikarpoor and Oboura roll and correspondence
    2. Nowshera Abra Talooka, Sukkur, Ghotekee and Roree
    3. Meer Mahomed Khan of Khyrpoor, (Roree)
    4. Hajee Khan and Yar Mahomed Khan of Iltas Bagranee Jagheerdare of Khan Beyla
    5. Meer Mahomed Khan case in roll for Talooka Nowshera
    6. Syud Ameer Ali Shah and others of Hoossein Belee, case no. 22 in roll for Talooka Roree
    7. Abdullah Barukzaie
    8. Syud Khy Mahomed Shah son of Allah Wurraya Shah and other Jageerdars and Zemindars of Hoossein Beylah Taluka Roree complaining against the imposition of certain taxes.

    Monthly Price Currents 1856

    List of articles in the market of Kurrachee, Hydrabad, Shikarpoor, Frontier of Upper Sind showing the retail quantities and numbers sold for one companys rupee, during the month of January to December 1856.

    Revenue Survey and Settlement 1856-61

    1. Government letter to commissioner, No 1317 dated 16th April 1856 with accompaniment etc
    2. Revenue surveyors reply No 167 dated the 4th September 1856
    3. Government endorsement to commissioner No 3218 dated the 26th August 1856
    4. Commissioners reply No 346 dated 11th September 1856 etc
    5. Commissioner endorsement to collectors Hyderabad & Shikarpoor and Revenue surveyor in Sind No 218 dated the 12th February 1857
    6. Revenue surveyors letter to commissioner No 265 dated 27th February 1857
    7.  Letter from superintendent Sind revenue survey to commissioner, dated the 2nd July 1857
    8. Collector of Shikarpoors reply No 230 dated the 15th June 1857
    9. Commissioners memorandum to collector of Shikarpoor No 565 dated the 3rd April 1857
    10. Collector of Shikarpoors memorandum to commissioner No 148 dated the 8th April 1857 with accompaniments
    11. Government resolution to commissioner No 4811 dated the 7th November 1857
    12. Commissioners reply No 8 dated the 7th January 1858
    13. Government reply No 1288 dated the 6th April 1859
    14. Government endorsement to commissioner No 2219 of 8th June 1859
    15. Commissioners endorsement to collector’s Kurrachee & Shikarpoor No 1319 dated 15th June 1859
    16. Government endorsement to commissioner No 1489 dated the 18th April 1859
    17. Commissioners letter to collectors of Kurrachee and Shikarpoor No 1053 dated the 13th May 1859 with accompaniment
    18. Commissioners letter to revenue surveyors No 1054 dated the 13th May 1859
    19. Revenue surveyors reply No 789 dated the 17th May 1859 with accompaniment
    20. Commissioners endorsement to collector, political superintendent Upper Sind Frontier and Revenue surveyor in Sind No. 2434 dated the 21st September 1859
    21. Commissioners: memorandum to the collector of Shikarpoor and settlement officer Sukkur. No 2777 dated the 17th November 1858
    22. Commissioners endorsement to three collectors’ and political superintendent U.S. Frontier No 89 dated the 7th January 1860; (22) Memorandum by Mr Stewart dated the 3rd March 1860
    23. Demi, Official from captain Macdonald to Major Goldsmith dated the 23rd March 1860
    24. Commissioners letter to government No 159 dated the 28th July 1860
    25. Collector of Shikarpoors endorsement to commissioner No 271 dated the 17th September 1860
    26. Deputy surveyor generals letter to commissioner No 12 dated the 8th February 1860
    27. Commissioners endorsement to revenue surveyor No 2433 dated the 20th November / 60
    28. Endorsement from the collector of Hydrabad No. 393 dated 14th March 1861. In this file 135 letters which are replies, endorsements, surveys and memorandum about Karachi, Hyderabad, Shikarpur, Sukkur and Upper Sindh are present covering the period from 1856 to 1861 written from different government officers working in the relevant fields.

    Rough Survey and Settlement Shikarpoor District 1857

    1. General instructions
    2. Quarterly reports
    3. Putvarees
    4. Establishment
    5. Deputation allowance of settlement officers according to the Punjab scale
    6. Comparison of measurements as made by Lieutenant Macdonalds and Captain Days establishments
    7. Contingent allowance succeeded by Captain Day
    8. Robbery of Rs.151156 from captain Days office
    9. Captain Day and establishment granted free passage from Sukkur to Ghizree
    10. Annual progress reports for 1856-57

    Management and Accounts Kurrachee 1857

    1. Irrecoverable balances on the books of the collectorate 1855-56
    2. The Hill districts
    3. Moorad Khans project to construct irrigational works at the Hubb river
    4. Tuccavee advances in the Shahbunder districts
    5. Settlements and remissions in the Ghorabaree Talooka
    6. Tuccavee advance to Mulk Jhan Khan Jhutt
    7. Tuccavee advances in the Jerruck districts
    8. Detailed list of Dehs in the Sewan deputy collectorate
    9. Revenue settlements in the Sehwan deputy collecotrate
    10. System of assessment in the Behla Kardarate
    11. Assessment in the Hill district. The collector requested to report the result of five years remissions on rain land cultivation.

    Leases and Remissions Kurrachee 1857

    1. Leases of Dehs Kumaon, Boottee, Koobee and Machee of Talooka Mahjainda
    2. Leases of Mukan Sitya of Taluka Kotree, Dehs Bundee, Kandee, Faduk of Sehwan, Bagh Mijawut and Bootra of Johee
    3. Lease of Noorpoor garden in Talooka Mahjinda
    4. Leases of garden lands of Channa, Taluka Johee
    5. Gahir Taluka Sehwan
    6. Lease of Deh Singool of Taluka Sehwan
    7. Lease Deh Garandee, Taluka Sehwan
    8. Leases Dehs Tandoo Shabazee of Taluka Sehwan
    9. Leases in the Shahbunder district
    10. Leases Dehs. Dhera Hiat, Taluka Sehwan
    11. Leases of Dehs Boota, Treenee, De Mookan, Gumbratch, Vulleedad Dhera, Sandanee of Taluka Sehwan
    12. Leases of Mukan book, Deh Chana, garden in Tuppa Kuchar, Deh Jooa, Deh Khoodabad, Four Beegas of land in Tuppa Moondur, Mukan Baghan, Fishery of the Kinjur and Sonerea Dunds
    13. Leases of Mukans Surree & Multara, Mukan Oodejanee and Mukans Cholunder
    14. Leases of Deh Kate Baroche Tuppa, Jangar, Kutehee, Bag Eusuf, Mukan Sehwan and Deh Sehwan of Taluka Sehwan
    15. Remission to the farmer of the fishery of certain Dunds in the Sehwan Talooka
    16. Leases in Mukan Mookee, Tuppa Hubb, Taluka Kurrachee, Mukan Kookul, Tuppa Mulleer of Taluka Kurrachee
    17. Remissions in the Sehwan & Shah bunder districts
    18. Leases entered veto by the deputy collector of Jerruck
    19. Leases of Sehwan deputy collectorate.

    Revenue Management Kurrachee 1857-58

    1. State of the assessment in the Sehwan district
    2. Appoint of Captain L. Dunsterville as deputy collectorate
    3. Settlement and establishment.

    Revenue Returns 1858

    1.  Quarterly returns of new appointments for the quarters ending 31st March. 30th June 30th September and 31st December 1858
    2. Dismissal returns for the half year ending 30th June and 31st December 1858
    3. Delay on the part of the deputy collector of the Thur and Parkur in forwarding to the civil auditor his return of establishments and allowances for 1857-58
    4. Monthly returns of fines inflected by the forest ranger
    5. Quarterly returns of grain sales
    6. Statement of decreases
    7. Monthly statements of leave.

    Boat Returns 1858

    1. Boat returns received from superintendent of the Indus flotilla
    2. Renewed sanction for the entertainment of the establishment for the registry of traffic on the Indus.

    Traffic Returns 1858

    1. Returns of traffic between Larkana and Sehwan, Larkana and Sukkur
    2. Returns of traffic submitted by the officers of police
    3. Returns of traffic passing Kurrachee Bunder, Seergunda, Boot, Khetty Bunder, Unnee Bunder and frontier districts Upper Sind.

    Revenue Shikarpoor 1858

    1. Information solicited by the collector of Shikarpoor regarding the heading under which Hakkab or water tax should be credited
    2. Checks against the Shikarpoor collectorate on account of certain disbursements from May, 1852 to January, 1855
    3. Mr. Surties deputy collector of Mehur complains of difficulty in drawing
    4. Reference from the collector of Shikarpoor for information as to whether he is to omit any past of the revenue collector or brought to account during last year from the statements for 1858-59
    5. An irrecoverable balance of Rs.371,13.2 for the years 1854-55 & 1856-57 written off
    6. Lieutenant Wallace applies to be allowed to carry on at Sukkar the duties of officiating collector of Shikarpoor
    7. The collector proceeds into the districts resumption of land in the town of new Sukkur required for government purposes.

    Revenue Hyderabad 1858

    1. Sanction of rupees 20 for the purchase of matting Kardars. Dhera at Mora in the Nowshera district
    2. Alteration in the mode of management of the Pullah fisheries vide
    3. Matting for the lower rooms of new Cuthcerry
    4. Sanction of rupees 400 for the purchase of Loongees for the canal Jamadars in the Meerpoor district who exerted themselves in the clearance of canals
    5. Compensation to a Tuckeer named Misree for a Mango garden & a Pucka will destroyed in cutting a new mouth to the Gaja canal also grant of 28 Jerebs of land for another garden
    6. Matting for Kardars officers in the Meerpoor and Thur & Parkur
    7. Compensation to the purchases of a camel belonging to the Faiz Bagh
    8. Report by Captain Lambert, on the revenue of the Mohomed Khans Tanda district.

    Revenue Management and Accounts Shikarpoor 1858

    1.  Amalgamation of the Sukkur and Abdoo Kardarates
    2.  Rent free lands to Patels in the Shikarpoor collectorate
    3. Transfer of the Sudder bazaar at Sukkur and sent of a building used as a Kotivalee
    4. Alteration of Talookas in the Shikarpoor collectorate and transfer of Mukhtiarkars
    5. Reduction of assessment on Sylabee land in the Larkana deputy collectorate
    6. Reduction of assessment in Sylabee lands in the Meerpoor districts.

    Leases and Returns 1858

    1. Settlements made in the Sukkurund and Shahdadpur Talokas
    2. Checks on remissions in the Thur & Parkur
    3. Remission to Zamindars of the Nowshero, Kundiara and Mora Talukas also remarks by the commissioner on applications remissions by the above Zamindars
    4. Lease, Mukan Bairain Shah, Tuppah Khokure Talooka Gooree to Haider Shah wallud Syed Hashmi Shah
    5. Lease, Alibur canal and lands to Meer Khan Mohamed
    6. Settlements effected in the Hydrabad collectorate under the provisions of the rules of 1855 relative to digging wells for irrigation
    7. Leases of Muhammad Khans Tanda; and (8) Revenue settlements in the Halla and Meerpoor deputy collctorates.

    Canals and Bunds Shikarpoor 1859

    1. Canal works in the Larkana district
    2. Canal clearances for 1858-59
    3. Extension of the Edenwah
    4. Sluices to three canals in the Mehur deputy collectorate
    5. Transfer of Rs.1500 from the sum allowed for cleaning the Ghar to the clearance of the Nusout canal
    6. Report by Mr. A. R. Macdonald C. S. on the irrigational works executed in the deputy collectorate of Larkana during the year 1858-59
    7. Widening of the tail of the Noorwah (one of the lower branches of the Ghar) transfer of Rs.2000 from the sum allowed for the clearance of the western Narra sanctioned for the purpose
    8. Enlargement of the tail of the Shah Hummeer from a part of the amount sanctioned for the clearance of the Ghar
    9. State of the canals in the Shikarpoor collectorate
    10. Additional Abkalanee expenses in the Mehur district
    11. During the present year 1859
    12. Overflow of the Ghar, distinction of houses in the town of Larkana consequent there on assistance of Rs.400 to the poor, Inhabitants to enable them to rebuild their houses also Rs.100 to be placed to canal expenses for repairing & constructing the bank of the Ghar
    13. Entertainment of a staff of 150 laborers for two & half months @ Rs.8 each for watching the Bunds of the new mouth of the Sind canal
    14. Transfer of Rs.2325 from the Roree district canal clearances to the Sukkur & Shikarpoor district for the protection of the Gunee Tehgha Bunds
    15. Appointment of Mr. Johnstone as canal surveyor as a temporary measure
    16. Advance of tent age to Mr. Newnham assistant collectorate for canals
    17. Rs.500 sanctioned for Abkalanie expenses in the Larkana District
    18. Proposal to repair the Rookun Bund on the Trunk road between Sehwan & Larkana
    19. Irrigational improvement to increase the supply of water in the Sind canal
    20. Proposed extension of the tail canals of the Ghar in the Larkana deputy collectorate
    21. Relative to the introduction of native agency in place of European in the Shikarpoor canal department
    22. Estimate of canal clearances for 1859-60
    23. Embankment of the left bank of the river above Roree on account of flood.

    Annual Revenue Reports 1859-61

    1. Annual revenue reports for 1859 from political superintendent on the frontier of Upper Sind
    2. Collectorate of Shikarpoor, Hyderabad, Kurrachee Commissioner
    3. Institutions regarding preparation of Jummabundy
    4. Rubbee reports 185860
    5. Political superintendent on the frontier of Upper Sind

    Topographical Survey in Sind 1859-60

    1. Returns of field work
    2. Lieutenant Macdonald revenue survey brings to notice the employment in the electric telegraph department of a computer dismissed from the survey department for neglect of duty and insolence
    3. Lieutenant Mac Donalds report of 1857-58
    4. Probable period of completion of the Sind revenue survey and reference to the deputy surveyor government relative to the want of a map of Sind on a large scale
    5. Complaint from the Punjab authorities against Lieutenant Mac Donald revenue surveyor in Sind for demanding beggar Labourers from the Bhawulpore authorities

    Tolls and Ferries 1859-60

    1. Accounts, Hyderabad and Shikarpoor collectorates for the half year ending 31st October 1858
    2. Expenditure of surplus ferry funds in the Hyderbad collectorate
    3. Alterations in the terms of ferry licenses
    4. Additions to the ferry boat plying between Giddoo Bunder and Kotree
    5. Accounts, Kurrachee, Hyderabad and Shikarpoor collectorates for the half year ending 30th April 1859
    6. List of ferries in Sind and of boats provided with single and double landing boards
    7. New rates for the Sukkur ferry employment of Mr Howe
    8. Increased scale of tolls on Public ferries
    9. Improving the river bank at Kotree from ferry funds
    10. Metalling and raising the Meanee Mooltanee road at Kotree
    11. The deputy collector of Sehwan allowed to expend up to Rs.200 from the ferry funds without sanction
    12. Accounts, Kurrachee, Hyderbad and Shikarpoor for the half year ending 31st October 1859
    13. Accounts, Kurrachee and Shikarpoor for the half year ending 30th April 1860

    Annual Revenue Reports 1858-59

    1. Political superintendent Upper Sind Frontier
    2. Collector of Shikarpoor, Hyderabad, Kurrachee and Jemuabundy report to government

    Canal Inundation Reports 1859

    1. Inundation report and estimate for canal clearance on the frontier for 1859-60
    2. Inundation report canal estimates of the Shikarpoor collectorate for 1859-60
    3. Inundation reports of the Kurrachee collectorate
    4. Inundation report of the Hydrabad collectorate.

    Canals and Bunds Kurrachee 1859

    1.  Scheme proposed by Captain Tife for Mulleer and other valleys near Kurrachee by means of Dams
    2.  Repair of the Khunder bund 
    3. Repair to sluices in the Shah Bunder district
    4. Balances on account of canal clearances and protection to Futtehpoor bund from the Abkalanee funds
    5. Fixing permanent bench marks in the beds of canals in Kurrachee collectorate and censure passed on Mr. Elander for negligence
    6. Report by Mr. Elander on the present system of canal clearance in Kurrachee collectorate

    Canals and Bunds Frontier 1859-60

    1. Improvement & enlargement of the Mukkmoahee canal at Kacomabad Rs.1900
    2.  Rupees 26100 sanctioned for canal clearances 1859-60.1859-60.

    Cotton Reports 1859-60

    1. Returns for 1853-59
    2. Sind specimen forwarded to Dr. Forbes civil surgeon and superintendent of the Dharwar cotton gin factory
    3. Correspondence on cotton cultivation
    4. American cotton seed from Chamber of Commerce Bombay cotton seed and gins from Manchester cotton supply association
    5. Report on cotton cultivation and cotton damaged in transit through the commissariat department

    Petitions Hydrabad 1859-60

    1. Ramsing Son of Vadhoo Sing compensation for losses sustained on account of the Ijara Tax on gram in the Nowshera district
    2. Atmaram late head Moonshee Halla Deputy collectors office
    3. Puhoonchbaee wife of Buduldass
    4. Buradia, contractor for the Pulla fishery
    5. Obdha boatman of Hyderabad Fukeer and other fishermen of Khanat in Re Pulla fishery
    6. Sobha Chang (appeal)
    7. Ayulmull son of Khuttunmull of Hyderbad
    8. Geehee son of Ayul of Halla
    9. Jooma son of Khoobur Kumbranee and Moosa son of Waliana Oonur jemadars of canal clearances at Sukkurund
    10. Ghulam Mohomed of Kuddooree, Taluka Shadadpoor
    11. Hajee Hukkoo of Hyderabad, Syud Hyder Shah and others of Wussee for Mohomed Khans Tanda
    12. Munthur Naim and Janee Joonijo
    13. Tumachee Bubro of Halla
    14. Ali Mohomed Jumali, by his vukeel Jam Khizmutgar
    15. Kaisur Khan Rind
    16. Poorsoor, a canal contractor
    17. Hajee Khatee
    18. Girdhurdass son of Hotechund
    19. Hajee Sahtoo, Kurm Khan Zemindar of Nowshera employed as a moonshee in the Larkana district
    20. Ibrahim Khan Khizmutgar, Khooda Buksh Nizamanee, Rukhial Jumal Khan and others, Koura Mull of Hydrabad
    21. Ghulam Hyder and other Zemindars of the Doeba Taluka
    22. Mohomed Hussain Nizammanee, Khan son of Gunna Rajpoor, Mohomed Khan and Aboo Bukkur,Hazee Mohomed Sadik of Halla, Syed Shurfoodeen compensation for land included within forest limits, Munucck Sing, Late Mookhtiarkar of Tabba prays for employment, Mahomed Ali, Arbab and other cultivators of Jame Tande, Gool Mahomed Faqueer Ahmad Munjo and Mahmood, Mahomed Shah, Sooltan Ali son of Mahomed Hussain Nizamanee, Koobaredass son of Mooljee suddur bazar, Hyderbad, Syed Ali Achur of Dundee, Moonshee Pahoo Mull, Samun Hindoo of Halla, Kaim Wullud Bkkur and Syed Alim Shah, Alana and other Mohanes of Halla
    23. Khyr Mahomed Wullud Wessaya of Abjee Nowshera Talooka, Allah Buksh Wullud Ibrahim Khan Jageerdar of Mahomed Khan Tanda, Nusseer Khan Wullud Jaffer Khan, Ayo Khan Wullud Morad Ali Khan, Kamil Khubar, Raj Mahomed and other zemindars of the Sukkurund Talooka, Syed Nawaz Ali Shah and Gehee Bunya, Lalloo Wullud Gungaram, Compensation to Mahomed Zumma of Sekat, Compensation to Ram Rukhio Wullud Mithun, Ghulam Bubbee Nizammanee, Meer Khan Wullud Purya Matchee vs Peer Meer Ali Shah ? Appeal, Abdoola Khan Pummun Bunyah
    24. Aissa daughter of Bhairoo Khizmutgar, Abdoola Wullud Soomur of Muttaree, Lall Khan, Kubool Mahomed of Muharee, Moolchund wullud Ramdass Hindoo, Abdoola Muree of Newshera, Wudduer a Khysur Khan and Mahomed Ali Murree, Mohandas of Hydrabad, exemption from Taxation, Hussain Khan Lugharee Wullud Durya Khan Bramanee
    25. Gachul Esso, Mohomed Ali and other Zemindars of Nowshera Talooka, Rahil Wullud Hallpotha Ali Mahomed and Khumeesa, Emam Buksh and Ali Buksh, Jadeen Raqveer of Hallanee, Buchoo Daee, Mean Bukhsh of Muttaree, Ghulam Wullud Chibbur zemindar, Emam Bukhsh Wullud Bhaee Khan Loher
    26. Hajee Kaka, Nimree Wullud Naleechunga, Claim on the Engineering Department by Rustomjee Peroze Shah contractor, Vurrial Singh wullud Thakoordass
    27. Morad Khan and Mirza Moreed Ali Mogul.

    Revenue Management and Accounts Hydrabad 1859-60

    1. Captain Cowpars revised assessment for the Halla districts, Rupees 1867 written off as irrecoverable from the books of the Nuggur Parkar Talooka
    2. For irrecoverable balances in the Mittee Kardarate

    Revenue Management and Accounts Shikarpoor 1859 -60

    1. Irrecoverable balances, due by Wahid Bux Zamindar of Tagur written off
    2. Mamool allowance to Patels
    3. Outstanding balances of Revenue for 1857-58 written off
    4. Irrecoverable balances of Sayed revenue due by Hurdass & Gunnomull written off

    Revenue Management and Accounts Kurrachee 1859-60

    1. Report by Captain I. B. Dunstervilles on the pasture lands at Mulleer
    2. Tuccavee advances in the Jerruck deputy collectorate
    3. Revised assessment for the Talookas of Sukkur & Ghorabaree
    4. Cultivation of land reclaimed from the Mancher Lake by cutting the new drainage channel
    5. Rates of assessment on cultivated land in the Kohistan districts
    6. Outstanding canal balances for the years 1855-58 written off the accounts
    7. Proposed arrangements of the Jerruck deputy collectorate.

    Leases, Remissions and Settlements of Kurrachee 1859-60

    1. Revenue settlements in the Shahbunder Talooka
    2. Leases with the Zamindars of Bada, Rajur & Kotree Talookas cancelled
    3. Refund in a Jageer case
    4. Lease: Mukkan bund in the Tuppa of Bhan to Syed Gool Mahomed Shah
    5. Suggestions by the settlement officer Sehwan for canceling certain leases and granting remissions to Zamindars in the Sehwan and Bhan Kardarates
    6. Leases by Messers Trader and company of the Salt Peter land in the Sehwan districts
    7. Leases Shahbunder districts.

    Gardens 1859-60

    1.  Shaee Bagh Shikarpoor advances
    2. Shaee Bagh accounts Shikarpoor
    3. Accounts Hyderabad
    4. Lease in the Hyderabad and Goonee Talooka
    5. Lease for ground at Sukkur to one Toolsia
    6. Kurrachee and Hydrabad expenses and realizations for 1858
    7. Lease of two gardens near the towns if Hydrabad and Alyar to Revendass and Mehurchand
    8. Employment the government garden at Kurrachee
    9. Ground at Mulleer for a garden
    10. Sunnuds to Goor Ramchund of Hundiara Peer Toorab Allyshah of Nowshera for Puttahs for free garden grants
    11. Akhoond Hubbeeboollah extra assistant collector & magistrate Hyderabad Gullee garden
    12. Government garden Kurrachee.

    Circular Financial 1859-60

    1. Civil auditor empowered to exempt pensioners from personal attendance to receive their pensions
    2. Introduction of the pre-audit system Sind exempted
    3. Contingent bills in duplicate
    4. Security of treasure while under the charge of military or other guards
    5. Date and hour of transmission to be shown in all official telegrams
    6. Government officers prohibited from drawing permanent traveling allowance
    7. Printing or lithographing the headings of pay abstracts
    8. Service under municipal commissioners of Rajaram
    9. Form of statement for receipts on account of interest paid on promissory notes to be forwarded as a voucher with cash account
    10. Remarks on Bills of unpaid salaries of the Hyderabad Collectorate, for August 1859
    11. Prohibiting the issue of drafts on treasuries at the presidency
    12. Remittance list to be used
    13. Balance on account of costs on suits exhibited under miscellaneous
    14. Advances to be transferred to a distinct heading of costs on suits
    15. Instructions regarding preparation of estimates of increase to establishments
    16. Discontinuance in public accounts of the heading Bengal Muting
    17. Substitution of drafts for remittance lists
    18. Exemption from pre-audit of alienated allowance and allowances to district and village officers
    19. Discount on stamps to be brought to account in the same manner as the sale of postal stamps
    20. Original authority to be furnished for amounts detailed in accounts under Profit and Loss on account of outstanding balances written off
    21. Rule for the disposal of bills
    22. Circulars from the audit department discontinuing all points which require to be made generally known will be notified in the government gazette
    23. Directors that audited vouchers for charges be sent with the accounts duly checked
    24. Remittances to the Sind Horse to be made through military pay master
    25. The district of Leia & Dhera Ismael Khan in the Punjab, incorporated
    26. Limiting the use of fractional portions of a rupee in accounts
    27. Cash accounts to be sent to Bombay on the 2nd working day of each month also improved form of preparation
    28. Classification of cash account
    29. Time allowed for joining appointments either by sea or railway.

    Boat Returns 1859-60


    1. Flotilla, returns of river streamers and boats
    2. Customs
    3. Returns of River Streamers and Boats

    Traffic Returns 1859-60

    1. Traffic on the Indus at Sukkur from May 1858 to April 1859
    2. Traffic returns customs from January to December 1859
    3. Police Traffic returns from 1st January to December 1859
    4. Shikarpoor traffic returns from January to December 1859

    Trade and Frontier Duties Salt 1859-62

    1. Salt trade with Calcutta, Representation from Messrs Warwick & Co & Danolly & Co regarding the salt trade of Sind
    2. Bills for salt shipped to Calcutta per Tartar and Startled Fawn 
    3. Supply of salt from the Eastern Della Mr. Dalzells visit to Sweirgunda
    4. Farm of the Seirgunda slat beds to Messrs Dunolly
    5. Mr. P. M. Dalzells visit to Sonmeeanee in search of salt
    6. Claim to credit the duty on salt exported from Kurrachee to Calcutta
    7. Proposed increased revenue on slat introduction of an excise on salt into Sind.

    Petitions Hydrabad 1860-61

    1. Ghoolam Hingoora
    2. Hurkishendass widow of Dewan Sobasing
    3. Ghoolam Etro
    4. Nusseer Khan, Mahomed Hussain and Nuzzur Ali Khan
    5. Moonshee Akhoond Khalidoola
    6. Meer Khan Mahomed, Meer Ghoolam Mahomed Khan
    7. Wadoomull Syud Ghoolam Ali Shah appeal
    8. Imam Bux wullud Kysur Khan Prang
    9. Sher Mahomed and other cultivators of Punjmore
    10. Hyat Mooghi
    11. Nubbee Bux Gopang
    12. Gazool Allee Shah of Bhanote
    13. Kubool son of Mahomed
    14. Sunjur and Nusseer Khan
    15. Motoo and Nisbut
    16. Syud Mahomed Alle Shah
    17. Kulloosing of Mungh
    18. Cultivators of the Nowshera Talooka
    19. Abro of Buddeena
    20. Puryo son of Laikno
    21. Allah Bux, Gahee Rajpur & others
    22. Compensation to Dawood Haroon, Umur Yoosoof Seekindo Daturdinno & Gwuz cultivators of Halla Talooka
    23. Sobha and Khya Mahomed of Sekhat on forest dispute
    24. Khanoo Odhodass Mookhee and other Hindoos, Mahomedans of Halla Beg Walliana, Ahmed & others of Hyderbad. Dyall and other shop keepers of Halla Talooka
    25. Gujsing wullud Sunt Sing
    26. Mooheem wullued Agurdo, Ubrejo
    27. Mehul, Butchell, Kassim and Kumun Mohanas
    28. Koorban Ali Shah, Syud
    29. Nuwab son of Duleb Lugharee
    30. Amber wullud Hubeeb Shora
    31. Kurreemo wullud Sher Khan
    32. Hajee and Edun of hall
    33. Forest dispute
    34. Shorafoodeen, Dinul Shah, Syud and others: Sawul Sing kardar of Kundiara
    35. Bukka Mahomed widow Hadjee Burreero of Mora
    36. Pandee of Narra
    37. Sahibuo widow of Fazil Daree
    38. Suleeman Bhanoo
    39. Bajee Muree of Shadadpur
    40. Khumal bin Tatya contractor
    41. Ghoolam Hyder Khan Juttoee and Poonoo wullud Dadoo Chund (appeal)
    42. Ramdass widow Seetuldass & other Buchul Shah widow Ghoolam Russool Syud (Appeal)
    43. Kadir Bux Gahee & others of the village of Chaie Pergunah Nowshera
    44. Sobha widow Mukan of Sekut in the Muttaree Talooka
    45. Hassun Fakeer Noodanee of Allah Yar ka Tanda Choota son of Mohomed Khan Rind
    46. Bucka Jajee of Mora
    47. Lalla Lakoomull
    48. Anonymous petition against Akhoond Mahomed Alli Kardar of Bhagaka Tanda
    49. Peer Hajee Ata Mahomed
    50. Alla Rukhio and others of Oomer Kote
    51. Katoo Sonar
    52. Roopah wullud Pubbah Hyderbad Church
    53. Mahomed Ahsan Zemindar.

    Bills and Accounts Commissioner’s office 1860-61

    1. Pay to escort of the Sinde irregular horse
    2. Pay abstracts
    3. Contingent bills & advances for contingent expenses
    4. Certificate of last payment of salary made to Sir Bartle Frere
    5. Salary and advances to J. D. Inverarity Esquire
    6. Refund of pay of 4 peons on the commissioner’s establishment for November and December 1859 and January & February 1860
    7. Passage money to Messrs Gardiner & Castato
    8. Adjustment of an advance on account of camel hire
    9. Refunds on account of income tax
    10. Pay abstracts how to be prepared

    Dead Stock 1860-61

    1. Treasure chest, Kardar of Oomer Kote
    2. Treasrue chest, Nuggur Parkur Kardarate
    3. Bungalows at Dingana and Soofee-Ka-Gote, Hyderbad collectorate struck off
    4. Unserviceable police Chowkies, Shikarpoor Collectorate, struck off
    5. Commissioners office
    6. Carpets, Goonee Kardarate
    7. Treasure boxes for Tuppedars, Thur and Parkur
    8. Unserviceable record boxes hall, a deputy Collectorate struck off
    9. Furniture of income tax officer Hydrabad
    10. Four chairs, One silver breasted plate and one seal of the Mooktiarkar of Halla Talooka struck off
    11. Boxes for keeping stamps for Kardars, Thur & Parkur
    12. Wooden chests for keeping stamps Hydrabad collectorare
    13. Furniture for office of deputy collector of Meerpoor
    14. Surveying instruments, settlement office, Shikarpoor
    15. Transfer of Kardars Dhera at Hoosree
    16. One desk and one table from commissioner’s office made over to the customer’s department.

    Revenue Survey and Settlement General 1860-61

    1.  Arrangements for conducting the duties of the settlement officer pending Mr. Coulson’s arrival
    2. Mr. Coulsons assumes charge
    3. Revenue surveyor’s complaint on the subject of supplying labour for the operations of the survey
    4. Captain Phillips invested with the powers of a settlement officer. Deputy collectors decision liable to revision by the settlement officers
    5. The collector applies for a copy of lieutenant Tyrwitts report on the system of settlement adopted in the Oomercote and Narra districts
    6. Discrepancies in the Sehwan survey
    7. Charges against the subordinates of the Revenue survey department at Sehwan
    8. Trial of Moonshee Narain Dass, Vide Judicial Departmen
    9. Annual reports of Kurrachee, Larkana, Hydrabad, Sukkur and Shikarpoor
    10. Transfer of a portion of the establishment from Shikarpoor to Hydrabad
    11. The settlement officer Shikarpor applies for sanction to expend money in obtaining a copy of the revised settlement of the Mooltan district
    12. Accommodation in the Hyderabad fort to the Kurrachee settlement establishment
    13. Progress reports to be made to the commissioner
    14. For report of Sind revenue survey for 1858-59
    15. Repairing outhouse for settlement officers establishment at Mahomed Khans Tanda.

    Trade and Frontier Duties Salt 1860-62

    1. Alleged obstacles to the importation of English sell in India represented by the salt chamber of commerce at North
    2. Drafts received by the customs department in payment of export. Duty on salt sent to Calcutta prohibited
    3. Salt required by the board of revenue Calcutta and reference regarding Mr. Dunollys agreement also correspondence regarding interference of government in the salt trade of Sind
    4. Messrs Dunolly and Company complain against the collector of customs for refusing to receive excise duty on salt in accordance with their agreement
    5. Draft of new act to regulate the manufacture importation & exportation of salt
    6. Duty on salt imported from the Persian Gulf for eventual exportation to Calcutta
    7. Memorial from Mr. Dunolly regarding his contract with government of the Seirgunda salt fields.