Collection on Freedom Movement(1857-1858)
1 | Bakshi S.R., 1857 the historic rebellion. New Delhi : Sarup & Sons,2007.380 p. |
2 | Chakravarty, Gautam. The Indian Mutiny and the British imagination. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press, 2005. 242 p. |
3 | Cosens, F.R. Fatehgrarh and the Mutiny. Karachi : Indus Publications,1978. 276 p. |
4 | Embree, Ainslie T. India in 1857: the Revolt against foreign rule. Delhi: Chanakya Publications, 1987. 197 p. |
5 | Forrest, George W. A history of the Indian Mutiny 1857-1858. New Delhi: Asian Educational Services,2006. 3 volumes. 651 p. |
6 | Forrest, George W. The Indian Mutiny 1857-1858 : selections from the letters and other state papers preserved in the Military department of the Government of India 1857-1858. Calcutta : Military Department Press, 1902. 890 p. |
7 | Hilton, Edward H. The Mutiny records: Outh and Lucknow (1856-1857). Lahore: Sang-e-Meel Publications,2004. 292 p. |
8 | Javeed Jeelani. Indian muslims : through thirteen decades 1857-1987. Karachi: Royal Book Company,1992. 148 p. |
9 | Jayapalan, N. History of the Freedom Movement (1857-1947) New Delhi: Ashish Publishing House, 143 p. |
10 | Lautfullah, Syed. Azimullah Khan Yusufzai: the man behind the war of Independence 1857. Karachi: Mohamedali Education Society, 1970. 197 p. |
11 | Malik, Salahuddin 1857 War of independence or clash of civilizations? British Public reactions. Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2008. 288 p. |
12 | Malleson, G.B. The Indian Mutiny of 1857. Lahore: Sang-e-Meel Publications, Lahore, 421 p. |
13 | Malleson, G.B. The Indian Mutiny of 1857. New Delhi: Rupa, 2005. 278 p. |
14 | May, Linis S. The Evolutions of Indo-muslim thought after 1857. Lahore : S H. Muhammad Ashraf, 1970. 488 p. |
15 | Miles, Alfred H. Fifty two stories of the Indian Mutiny and the men who saved India. Lahore: Sang-e-Meel Publications, 2007. 440p. |
16 | Misra, Amaresh War of civilizations: India AD. 1857: the road to Delhi. New Delhi: Rupa & Co., 2008. 2 v. |
17 | Misra, Amaresh Lucknow: fire of grace: the story of its revolution, renaissance and the aftermath. New Delhi: Rupa & Co., 2004. 369 p. |
18 | Mitchell, William Forbes. Reminiscences of great Munity 1857-1859. New Delhi: Asian Educational Services, 2002. 295 p. |
19 | Mohan, Krishan. Revolt of 1857 and the Indian Freedom Movement. Jaipur: Book Enclave, 1999. 272 p. |
20 | Mukharya, P.S. The Revolt of 1857: Saugor and Nerbudda territories. Delhi: Sharada Publishing House, 2001. 296 p. |
21 | Mutiny records correspondence: in two parts. Lahore: the Punjab Government Press, 2005. 926 p. |
22 | Naravane, M.S. Battles of the Honourable East India Company. New Delhi: APH, 2006. 261 p. |
23 | Nayar, Promod K. (ed.) The Penguin 1857 reader. New Delhi: Penguin, 2007. 339 p. |
24 | Nolan, E.H. The illustrated history of the British empire in India & the East from the earliest times to the Suppression of the sepoy mutiny in 1859. Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1987. 2 v. |
25 | Oldenburg, Verna Talwar. The Making of cononial Lucknow 1856-1877. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984.287 p. |
26 | Ram, S. & Kumar, R. Encyclopedia of Indian Freedom struggle the mutiny & its impact 1857-1884. New Delhi: Comman Wealth, 2008. 10 v. |
27 | Razi Wasti, Syed Muslim Struggle for Freedom in British India. Lahore: Book Traders, 1993. 397 p. |
28 | Record of the Delhi residency and agency. Lahore: Sang-e-Meel Publication, 2006. 488 p. |
29 | Reghavan, G.N.S.The press in India: a new history New Delhi: Gyan Publishing House, c 1994. 245 p. |
30 | Roberts, Lord of Kandahar Forty one years in India from Subaltern to Commander in Chief. New Delhi: Asian Educational Services, 2005. 601 p. |
31 | Spilsbury, Julian The Indian mutiny. London: Weidenfeild & Nicolson, 2007 373 p. |
32 | Srivastava, Dr. K.B. The great Indian revolt of 1857: flames, fire and freedom. New Delhi: Regal, 2007. 197 p. |
33 | Taqvi, Roshan. Lucknow 1857 (the two wars of Laucknow: the dusk of an era). Lucknow: New Royal Book, 2001. 297 p. |
34 | Taylor, P.J.O. A Companion to the Indian Mutiny of 1857. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1996. 415 p. |
35 | Verma, S.P. Eighteen fifty seven: revolt and contemporary visuals. New Delhi: Aryans, 2007. 226 p. |
36 | Wald Andrew. Our bones are scattered: the Cawnpore massacres and the Indian Mutiny of 1857. London: John Murrey Publishers, 1996. 703 p. |
37 | Wilberforce, Reginald G. An Unrecorded chapter of the Indian Mutiny. Lahore: Sang-e-Meel Publications, 2007. 234 p. |
38 | 1857 select documents. New Delhi: Life Span Publishers & Distributors, 2008. 8 v. |

Archival Records
(to be added soon)