

Journals are collections of articles published regularly, i.e. in weekly, monthly or quarterly issues. A number of issues together form a volume and these are usually bound when they’re complete. A good collection of old journals bound in volumes are available. This collection comprise journals of Royal Asiatic Societies and some old journals published in Sindh. The process of collection is going on.

List of Journals

01 The Journal Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland i 1934
02 = Xiii 1852
03 = xvi 1856
04 = ii. New Series  1866
05 = viii. New series 1876
06 = iii. New Series 1868
07 =  ix. New Series 1877
08     =      xi. New Series 1879
09 = xvi. New Series 1884
10 = xvii. New Series 1885
11 = xviii. New Series 1886
12 = xx. New Series 1888
13 = xxi. New Series 1889
14 = 1890
15 = 1891
16 = 1893
17 = 1895
18 = 1896
19 = 1897
20 = 1899
21 The Journal Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 1902
22 = 1907
23 = 1905
24 = 1908
25 = 1909
26 = 1910
27 = 1912
28 = 1913
29 = 1914
30 = 1916
31 = 1917
32 = 1918
33 = 1919
34 = 1920
35 = 1921
36 = 1922
37 = 1924
38 = 1925
39 = 1927
40 = 1928
41 The Journal Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 1931
42 = 1932
43 = 1934
44 = Part: iii-July 1934
45 = Part: iv-April 1934
46 = 1935
47 = 1935
48 = Part: i-Jan 1936
49 = Part: ii-April 1936
50 = Part: iii-July 1936
51 = Part: iv-Oct 1936
52 = Part: iii-July 1937
53 = Part: iv-Oct 1937
54 = 1937
55 = 1938
56 = Part: i- Jan 1938
57 = Part: ii-April 1938
58 = 1939
59 = Part: i- Jan 1939
60 = Part: i- April 1939
61 = Part: i- July 1939
62 The Journal Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 1940
63 = January 1940
64 = Part: i 1941
65 = Part: 3 1941
66 = 1943
67 = Part: 1 & 2 1943
68 = Part: 3 & 4 1943
69 = 1944
70 = 1945
71 = Part: 3 & 4 1945
72 = 1946
73 = 1947
74 = 1948
75 = Part: 3 & 4 1948
76 = Part: 3 & 4 1949
77 = 1949
78 = 1950
79 = 1951
80 = Part: 1 & 2 1951
81 = Part: 3 & 4 1951
82 The Journal Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland Part: 3 & 4 1952
83 = Part: 1 & 2 1952
84 = 1952
85 = Part: 3 & 4 1953
86 = Part: 1 & 2 1954
87 = Part: 1 & 2  1960
88 The Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal i-Jan to Dec 1832
89 = ii-Jan to Dec 1833
90 = iii- Jan to Dec 1834
91 = iv- Jan to Dec 1835
92 = v- Jan to Dec 1836
93 = vi-July to Dec 1837
94 = vii- Jan to June 1838
95 = vii- July to Dec 1838
96 = viii- July to Dec 1839
97 = ix, Part: ii- July to Dec 1840
98 = x, Part: ii- Jan to June 1841
99 = x, Part: ii- July to Dec 1841
100 = xi, Part: i- Jan to June 1842
101 = xi, Part: ii- July to Dec 1842
102 = xii, Part: I- Jan to June 1843
103 The Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal xii, Part: ii- July to Dec 1843
104 = xiii, Part: I- Jan to June 1844
105 = xiv, Part: ii- July to Dec 1845
106 = xv 1846
107 = xvi, Part: I- Jan to June 1847
108 = xvi, Part: ii- July to Dec 1847
109 = xvii, Part: I- Jan to June 1848
110 = xviii, Part: I- Jan to June 1849
111 = xviii, Part: ii- July to Dec 1849
112 = xxi. Nos. i to vii. 1852
113 = xxii. Nos. i to vii. 1853
114 = xxiv. Nos. i to vii. 1855
115 = xxv. Nos. i to vii. 1856
116 = xxvi. Nos. i to vi. 1857
117 = xxviii. Nos. i to v. 1859
118  Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal xxix. Nos. i to iv 1860
119 = xxx. Nos. i to iv. 1861
120 = xxxi. Nos. i to v. 1862
121 = xxxii. Nos. i to iv. 1863
122 = xxxiii. Nos. i to v. 1864
123 = -. Nos. i to v. 1866
124 Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Jan to Dec 1866
125  Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal xxxvi. Part: i Nos. i to iii 1867
126 = xxxvii. Part: i Nos. i to v. 1868
127 Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Jan to Dec 1868
128  Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal xxxviii. Part: i Nos. i to iv. 1869
129 = XL. Part: i Nos. i to iii. 1871
130 = Xlii. Part: I Nos. i to iv 1873
131 = Xliii. Part: I Nos. i to iv. 1874
132 = Xliii. Part: II Nos. i to iv 1874
133  Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Xliv. Part: II Nos. i to iii. 1875
134 = Xlv. Part: I Nos. i to iii. 1876
135 = Xlv. Part: II Nos. i to iv. 1876
136 = Xlvi. Part: II Nos. i to iv. 1877
137 = Xlviii. Part: I Nos. i to iv. 1879
138 = L. Part: I Nos. i to iv. 1881
139 = L. Part: II Nos. i to iv. 1881
140 = Li. Part: I Nos. i to iv. 1882
141 = Lii. Part: I Nos. i to iv. 1883
142 = Liii. Part: I Nos. i to iv 1884
143 = Lv. Part: I Nos. i to v 1886
144 = Lv. Part: II Nos. i to iii 1886
145 = Lvii. Part: II Nos. i to v. 1888
146 = Lviii. Part: I Nos. i to ii 1889
147 = Lviii. Part: I Nos. i to iii 1889
148 Journal & Proceeding of the Asiatic Society of Bengal ii-New Series 1906
149 = iii-New Series 1907
150 = v-New Series 1909
151 = ix-New Series 1913
152 = x-New Series 1914
153 = xi-New Series 1915
154 = xii-New Series 1916
155 = xiii-New Series 1917
156 = xvi-New Series 1920
157 =   xvii-New Series 1922
158 = xviii-New Series 1922
159 = xxi-New Series 1925
160 = xxii-New Series 1926
161 = xxiv-New Series 1928
162 = xxvi-New Series 1930
163 Journal & Proceeding of the Asiatic Society of Bengal xxix-New Series 1933
164 = xxx-New Series  1934
165 Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal Letters iv 1938
166 Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal viii- New Series Jan to June 1939
167 Journal & Proceeding of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal vi-Third Series 1940
168 The Journal of the Bihar and Orissa Research Society XII. Part: i to iv. March 1926
169 = X. Part: I to ii 1928
170 = XIV. Part: ii June 1928
171 = XIV. Part: iv December 1928
172 = XV. Part: I&II March-June 1929
173 = XVIII. Part: ii 1932
174 = XVIII. Part: I March 1932
175 = XIX. Part: iv December 1933
176 = XIX. Part: I&II March-June 1933
177 = XX. Part: II June 1934
178 = XXIII. Part: I March 1937
179 Journal of the Bombay Branch of The Royal Asiatic Society xxi-New Series 1945
180 = xxi-New Series 1946
181 = xxi-xxv New Series 1948-9
182 = xxvi. Part: I New Series 1950
183 Journal of the Bombay Branch of The Royal Asiatic Society xxvii. Part: I New Series 1951
184 = xxviii. Part: I New Series 1953
185 = xxix. Part: I New Series 1954
186 = xxx. Part: II New Series 1955
187 Journal of The Royal Statistical Society Series A (General) CXV. Part: I to IV 1952
188 = CXV. Part: I to IV 1952
189 Journal of The Royal Statistical Society Series B (Methodological) XIV 1952
190 Journal of The Royal Statistical Society Series B (Methodological) XX 1958
191 The Journal of The Royal United Service Institution CII. Feb to Nov 1957
192 The Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society  XXXI. Part: I & II 1926
193 = XLIV. Part: I & II 1944
194 The Geographical Journal XCII. NO: 4 October 1938
195 = XCVII. NO: I January 1941
196 = XCVII. NO: 3 March 1941
197 The Geographical Journal XCVII. NO: 6 June 1941
198 Journal of The Gujarat Society II. No. I January 1940
199 Journal of The Royal Institute of Chemistry 84 1960
200 = 85 1961
201 = 86 1962
202 = 87 1963
203 = 88 1964
204 The Quarterly Journal of The Geological Society of London CIX. Part: 3 April 1954
205 Useful Tables, Forming An Appendix to The Journal of The Asiatic Society. Coins,
Weights, and Measures of British India
Part, First 1834