1 | Introduction to the Jawami-ul-Hikayat | Mohammad Nizam uddin | 1316 | 016.297 NIZ | 1929 | No further result found |
2 | On Alexander's track to the Indus | Sir Aurel stein | 1754 | 915.491 STE | 1929 | 1972-1974-1975-1985-2001 |
3 | Orrisa, its geography, statistics and history | James Peggs | 16629 | 954.133031 STE | 1846 | No further result found |
4 | The East India: Sketch-Book Vol.I | Richard Bentley | 16781 | 301.08991411 EAS | | 1833 |
5 | The East India: Sketch-Book Vol.II | Richard Bentley | 16782 | 301.08991411 EAS | | 1833 |
6 | Tours in Upper india.Vol.1 | Major Archer | 16783 | 915.4 ARC | 1833 | No further result found |
7 | A Mission to the Mysore | Rev William Arthur | 16784 | 390.95487 ART | 1847 | 1902 |
8 | Rise and progress of the British power in India. Vol.2 | Peter Auber | 16785 | 954.029 AUB | 1834 | 1837 |
9 | The life of Baber | R.M.Caldecott | 16787 | 954.0252 CAL | 1844 | No further result found |
10 | A view of the origin and conduct of the war | Alexander Beatson | 16788 | 954.87 BEA | 1800 | No further result found |
11 | A journey from Madras through… Vol.1 | Francis Buchanan | 16790 | 954.8029 BUC1 | 1807 | 1808-1870-1999 |
12 | A journey from Madras through… Vol.2 | Francis Buchanan | 16791 | 954.8029 BUC | 1807 | 1808-1870-1999 |
13 | A journey from Madras through… Vol.3 | Francis Buchanan | 16792 | 954.8029 BUC | 1807 | 1808-1870-1999 |
14 | Considerations on India Affairs | William Bolts | 16793 | 954.025-BOL | 1772 | No further result found |
15 | The oriental annual or scenes in India | Hobart Caunter | 16794 | 954 CAU | 1834 | 1834 to 1840 |
16 | The oriental annual or scenes in India | Hobart Caunter | 16795 | 954 CAV | 1837 | 1834 to 1840 |
17 | The oriental annual or Scenes in India | Hobart Caunter | 16796 | 954-CAU | 1838 | 1834 to 1840 |
18 | The oriental annual | Thomas Bacon | 16797 | 954 BAC | 1839 | 1834 to 1840 |
19 | The oriental annual | Thomas Bacon | 16798 | 954.BAC | 1839 | 1834 to 1840 |
20 | The mythology of the Hindus | Charles Colemon | 16799 | 295.513 COL | 1832 | No further result found |
21 | Account of the abolition of female infanticide in | Rev.John Cormack | 16800 | 305.40954 COR | 1815 | No further result found |
22 | The history of China and India pictorial | Miss Corner | 16801 | 951.054 COR | 1844 | 1847 |
23 | Researches concerning the laws,theology,learning .Vol.1 | Q.Crafurd | 16802 | 954 CRA | 1817 | No further result found |
24 | Researches concerning the laws,theology,learning .Vol.2 | Q.Crafurd | 16803 | 954 CRA | 1817 | No further result found |
25 | A History of the Sikhs | Joseph Davey Cunningham | 16804 | 954.552 CUN | 1849 | 1853-1918-1955-1966 |
26 | A History of the Mahrattas.Vol.1 | Jamse Grant Duff | 16805 | 954.79 DUF | 1826 | 1912-1921-1971 |
27 | A History of the Mahrattas.Vol.2 | Jamse Grant Duff | 16806 | 954.79 DUF | 1826 | 1912-1921-1971 |
28 | A History of the Mahrattas.Vol.3 | Jamse Grant Duff | 16807 | 954.79 DUF | 1826 | 1912-1921-1971 |
29 | Papers and proceeding of the honourable court of directors relative . | Papers | 16808 | 954.0312 PAP-M | 1796 | Not found |
30 | Papers ordered to be printed | G.E.N court of proprietors | 16809 | 954.0312 PAP | 1806 | Not found |
31 | Description of the character, manners and customs | J.A.Dubais | 16810 | 954 DUB | 1807 | 1817-1818 |
32 | A tour through the Upper Provinces of Hindostan | | 16811 | 915.41 ADE | 1823 | No further result found |
33 | A narrative of the campaign in India | Major Dirom | 16812 | 954.87 DIR | 1794 | 1793-1985 |
34 | History of the Afghans: translation from the Persian of Neamet ullah | Bernhard Dord | 16813 | 958.1 DOR | 1837 | 1829 to 1836 |
35 | A history of India :under the two first sovereigns | Willaim Erskine | 16814 | 954.025 ERS | 1854 | 1972-1973-1974 |
36 | Narrative of a journey overland from England.Vol.1 | Mrs.Colonel Elwood | 16816 | 915.092 ELW | 1830 | 2011 |
37 | Narrative of a Journey Overland from England.Vol.2 | Mrs.Colonel Elwood | 16817 | 915.092 ELW | 1830 | 2011 |
38 | The military operations at Cabul, which ended in the retreat and destruction of the British Army | Vincent Eyre | 16818 | 956.1 ERY | 1842 | 1843-2010 |
39 | Military Memoirs of MR.George thomas | William Francklin | 16819 | 954.031092 THO | 1805 | No further result found |
40 | Report: The Petition of the east india company for Relief | Report | 16820 | 954.0315 REP | 1840 | No further result found |
41 | An account of kingdom of cabul and its dependencies in Persia, tartary and India Vol. 1 | Mountstaurt Elphinstone | 16821 | 958.1 ELP | 1842 | 1969 |
42 | The History of The Reign of Shah-Aulum | W.Franklin | 16822 | 954.29 FRA | 1798 | 1934-1973-1988 |
43 | The East India Gazetteer | Walter Hamilton | 16823 | 915 HAM | 1815 | 1828-1984 |
44 | Memoirs relative to the state of India | Warren Hastings | 16824 | 954.0298 HAS | 1788 | 1973-1978 |
45 | Articles or Charge | Warren Hastings | 16825 | 954.0298 BUR | 1786 | No further result found |
46 | The Neilgherry Hills | Harkness Henry | 16827 | 954.8-HAR | 1832 | No further result found |
47 | Views in India | John Luard | 16828 | 954 LUA | 1830 | 1838 |
48 | Memoirs of Sir Elijah Impey, first chief justice of the supreme court of judicature at fort William, Bengal. | Elijah Barwell Impey | 16829 | 954.0313092 | 1846 | 1847 |
49 | Narrative of journey through the Upper provinces of India Vol. 1 | Reginald Heber | 16833/B | 954.0313 HEB | 1828 | 1829-1873-1985 |
50 | Narrative of journey through the Upper provinces of India Vol. 3 | Reginald Heber | 16833/A | 954.0313 HEB | 1828 | 1829-1873-1985 |
51 | Trial of warren hastings | J. Owen | 16835 | 954.0298 TRI | 1794 | 1788 |
52 | Debates of The House of Lords,Warren Hastings | Debates | 16836 | 954.0298 DEB-H | 1797 | No further result found |
53 | The Hindoos .Vol.1 | Charles Knight | 16837 | 294.5 LEK | 1834 | No further result found |
54 | The Hindoos .Vol.2 | Charles Knight | 16838 | 294.5 LEK | 1834 | No further result found |
55 | The Government of Madras under the honourable Stephen Rumbold Lushington | Henry Lindsell | 16839 | 954.82 LUS | 1831 | No further result found |
56 | Translation of the letters of a Hindoo raja | G.G. & Robinson | 16840 | 954.0298 HAM | 1796 | Not found |
57 | Translation of the letters of a Hindu raja | G.G & Robinson | 16841 | 954.0298 HAM | 1796 | Not found |
58 | Important facts regarding the East India company’s affair in Bengal | J.Z. Holwell | 16842 | 954.029 HOL | 1764 | No further result found |
59 | Interesting historical events relative to province of Bengal | J.Z. Holwell | 16843 | 954.029 HOL | 1764 | 1765-2000-1771 |
60 | Personal narrative of a mission to the south of India from 1820-1828 | Elijah Hoole | 16844 | 954.0314 HOO | 1829 | No further result found |
61 | A voyage from England to India in the year 1754 and a historical narrative of the squadron and army in India | Edward Ives | 16845 | 954.029 IVE | 1773 | No further result found |
62 | India Tracts | John Zephaniah | 16846 | 954.029-HOL | 1760 | 1774 |
63 | Historical researches into the politics, intercourse, and trade of the principal nations of antiquity VOL. 2 | A.H.L Heeren | 16848 | 950 HEE | 1833 | 1846-1847 |
64 | Historical research into the politics, intercourse, and trade of the principal nations of antiquity Vol.3 | A.H.L Heeren | 16849 | 950 HEE | 1833 | 1846-1847 |
65 | A Journey From Bengal to England.Vol.1 | George Forster | 16850 | 954.0298 FOR | | 1798-1970 |
66 | Hindu-Koh | Major G. Donald Macintyre | 16851 | 958.1-MAC | 1989 | 1889-1891 |
67 | Narrative of The Shipwreak of the Juno | William Mackay | 16852 | 362.12300972853 MAC | 1831 | 1798 |
68 | The history of the European commerce with India | Davaid Macpherson | 16853 | 954 MAC | 1812 | No further result found |
69 | Asiatick Researches. Vol.1 | Willaim Jones | 16854 | 954 ASI | 1806 | 1788-1798-1801 |
70 | Asiatick Researches.Vol.2 | Willaim Jones | 16855 | 954 ASI | 1807 | 1788-1798-1801 |
71 | Asiatick Researches.Vol.3 | Willaim Jones | 16856 | 954 ASI | 1807 | 1788-1798-1801 |
72 | Asiatick Researches.Vol.4 | Willaim Jones | 16857 | 954 ASI | 1807 | 1788-1798-1801 |
73 | Asiatick Researches.Vol.5 | Willaim Jones | 16858 | 954 ASI | 1807 | 1788-1798-1801 |
74 | Asiatick Researches.Vol.6 | Willaim Jones | 16859 | 954 ASI | 1807 | 1788-1798-1801 |
75 | Asiatick Researches.Vol.7 | Willaim Jones | 16860 | 954 ASI | 1807 | 1788-1798-1801 |
76 | Asiatick Researches.Vol.8 | Willaim Jones | 16861 | 954 ASI | 1807 | 1788-1798-1801 |
77 | Asiatick Researches.Vol.9 | Willaim Jones | 16862 | 954 ASI | 1807 | 1788-1798-1801 |
78 | Asiatick Researches.Vol.10 | Willaim Jones | 16863 | 954 ASI | 1807 | 1788-1798-1801 |
79 | Asiatick Researches.Vol.11 | Willaim Jones | 16864 | 954 ASI | 1807 | 1788-1798-1801 |
80 | Letters from Madras | Maitland Julia Charlotte | 16865 | 954.82-MAI | 1843 | 2003-2004 |
81 | The political history of India from 1784 to 1823 | Sir John Malcom | 16868 | 954.03 MAL | 1826 | No further result found |
82 | A memoir of Central India including Malwa and adjoining provinces...Vol. 2 | John Malcom | 16870 | 954.03 MAL | 1832 | 1823-1970-1972 |
83 | The government of India | Sir John Malcom | 16871 | 954.0314 MAL | 1833 | No further result found |
84 | Review of some important passages in the late administration of Sir G. H. Barlow at Madras | Charles Marsh | 16872 | 954.14031 MAR | 1813 | No further result found |
85 | The political, commercial, and financial condition of the anglo Eastern empire | R. Montgomery | 16873 | 954.0314 MAR | 1833 | 1832 |
86 | The Indian Sceptic Confuted | T.M.Maurice | 16874 | 261.24551 MAU | 1812 | No further result found |
87 | The history of the reign of the Tipu Sultan, being a continuation of the Nishani Hyduri | W. Miles | 16875 | 954.8703 KHA | 1844 | 1842-1923-1980 |
88 | Transactions in India from the commencement of the French | John Moir | 16876 | 954.0294 | 1787 | 1786 |
89 | The Story of hindustan: Its Arts and its..Vol.1 | Thomas Maurice | 16877 | 934 MAU | 1798 | 1799-1973 |
90 | The Story of hindustan: Its Arts and its..Vol.2 | Thomas Maurice | 16878 | 934 MAU | 1798 | 1799-1973 |
91 | Indian antiquities Vol. 1 | Thomas Maurice | 16879 | 954 MAU | 1794 | 1800-1984 |
92 | Indian antiquities Vol. 2 | Thomas Maurice | 16880 | 954 MAU | 1794 | 1800-1984 |
93 | Indian Antiquities Vol.3 | Thomas Maurice | 16881 | 954-MAU | 1794 | 1800-1984 |
94 | Indian antiquities Vol. 4 | Thomas Maurice | 16882 | 954 MAU | 1794 | 1800-1984 |
95 | Indian Antiquities Vol.5 | Thomas Maurice | 16883 | 954-MAU | 1994 | 1800-1984 |
96 | Indian antiquities Vol. 6 | Thomas Maurice | 16884 | 954 MAU | 1794 | 1800-1984 |
97 | Indian antiquities Vol. 2 | Thomas Maurice | 16885 | 954 MAU | 1794 | 1800-1984 |
98 | Narrative of Various Journey Vol.1 | Charles Masson | 16886 | 915.491 MAS | 1844 | 1974 |
99 | Narrative of Various Journey Vol.2 | Charles Masson | 16887 | 915.491 MAS | 1844 | 1974 |
100 | Narrative of Various Journey Vol.3 | Charles Masson | 16888 | 915.491 MAS | 1844 | 1974 |
101 | The history antiquities topography and statistics of Eastern India | Montgomery Mortin | 16890 | 954.1 MAR | 1838 | no further result found |
102 | The History, Antiquities, Topography, and Statistics | Montgomery Martin | 16891 | 954.1-MAR | | 1976 |
103 | Bengal Fort ST George and Bombay Papers | Bengal | 16892 | 954.14 BEN | 1804 | no further result found |
104 | Views in India chiefly among the Himalya mountains | George Francis | 16893 | 954.03 WHI | 1829 | 1838 |
105 | Views in India chiefly among the Himalya mountains | George Francis | 16894 | 954.03 WHI | 1829 | 1838 |
106 | A personal visit to Ghazni | G.T. Vigne | 16895 | 954.9146031 VIG | 1840 | 192-1986-1999 |
107 | Intercepted correspondence from India | Marquis Wellesley | 16896 | 954.03 WEL | 1805 | no further result found |
108 | A View of the history literature and Mythology: The Hindoos Vol.I | William Ward | 16897 | 954-WAR | 1822 | 1822-1970-1824-1863-1818 |
109 | A View of the history literature and Mythology: The Hindoos Vol.II | William Ward | 16898 | 954-WAR | 1822 | 1822-1970-1824-1863-1818 |
110 | A view of the history, literature and mythology of the Hindoos vol.3 | William ward | 16899 | 954 WAR | 1822 | 1822-1970-1824-1863-1818 |
111 | A History of the reigning family of Lahore | Major G. Carmichael Smyth | 16900 | 954.914-SMY | 1847 | 1961-1847 |
112 | An historical disguistion | William Robertson | 16901 | 954 ROB | 1791 | 1792-1791-1904 |
113 | Memoirs of Mrs Harriet Newell | Leonard Woods | 16902 | 954.031092-WOO-N | 1816 | 1848-1815-1816-1827 |
114 | Sketches of India | Sherer Joseph | 16903 | 954 SHE | 1826 | no further result found |
115 | Notes On Indian Affairs | Frederick John Shore | 16904 | 954-SHO | 1837 | no further result found |
116 | Notes on Indian affairs vol. 2 | Fredrick John shore | 16905 | 954 SHO | 1837 | no further result found |
117 | Excursions in India .Vol.1 | Thomas Akinner | 16906 | 915.031 AKI | 1832 | 1833 |
118 | Excursions in India .Vol.2 | Thomas Akinner | 16907 | 915.031 AKI | 1832 | 1833 |
119 | Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official .Vol.1 | L.C.W.H.Sleeman | 16908 | 364.15230954 SLE | 1844 | 1915-1973-1844 |
120 | Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official .Vol.2 | L.C.W.H.Sleeman | 16909 | 364.15230954 SLE | 1844 | 1915-1973-1844 |
121 | Minutes of the Evidence | Sir Thomas Rumbold | 16910 | 954.8029-RUM | 1783 | No further result found |
122 | A Translation of the Memories of Eradut Khan | Jonathan Scott | 16911 | 954.0258092-SCO | 1784 | 1986 |
123 | Reflections on the court of Indostan | Scrafton Luke | 16912 | 954.031 SER | 1770 | no further result found |
124 | A voice from India | Seely John | 16913 | 954 SEE | 1824 | No further result found |
125 | The captivity, sufferings and escape of James Scurry… | James Scurry | 16914 | 954.87031 SCU | 1824 | No further result found |
126 | Recollections of Ceylon after a residence of nearly thirteen years.. | James Selkirk | 16915 | 954.93031 | 1844 | no further result found |
127 | Original papers related to the disturbances | Vansittart Henry | 16916 | 954.14029 VAN | 1759 | 1765 |
128 | A Narrative of the transactions in Bengal.vol-1 | Henry vansittart | 16917 | 954.14029 van | 1765 | 1966-1976 |
129 | A narrative of the transactions of the Bengal vol 2 | Henry vansittart | 16918 | 954.14029 VAN | 1766 | 1966-1976 |
130 | A narrative of the transactions of the Bengal vol 3 | Henry vansittart | 16919 | 954.14029 VAN | 1766 | 1966-1976 |
131 | Papers Relative to certain Pecuniary transactions | William Palmer | 16920 | 954.031-PAL | 1824 | No further result found |
132 | A view of the rise progress and present state | Harry verest | 16921 | 954.14092 VER | 1772 | no further result found |
133 | Essay on The productive resources of India | J.F.Royle | 16922 | 615.32190954031 ROY | 1840 | no further result found |
134 | Memoirs of the life and writings.vol-1 | Hugh pearson | 16923 | 954.14092 pea-b | 1817 | 1817-1818-1837 |
135 | History of the political and military transactions in india.vol-2 | Henry T.Prinsep | 16925 | 954.03123 pri | 1825 | 1825-1972 |
136 | Orissa its geography, statistics, history, religion and antiquities | stirling Andrew | 16926 | 954.133031 STE | 1846 | 2010 |
137 | Personal Observations on Sindh | T. Postans | 16927 | 954.918.31-POS | 1843 | 1973-1840-2005 |
138 | Historical Account of discovries and travels.Vol.1 | Hugh Murray | 16928 | 915 MUR | 1820 | no further result found |
139 | Historical Account of discoveries and travels.Vol.2 | Hugh Murray | 16929 | 915 MUR | 1820 | no further result found |
140 | Historical Account of discovries and travels.Vol.3 | Hugh Murray | 16930 | 915 MUR | 1820 | no further result found |
141 | Oriental fragments | Edward Moor | 16931 | 954 MOO | 1834 | 1982-1934 |
142 | Rustum Khan or Fourteen nights Entertainment.Vol.1 | Thomas Henry Ottley | 16932 | 8230.57 | 1831 OTT | no further result found |
143 | Rustum Khan or Fourteen nights Entertainment.Vol.2 | Thomas Henry Ottley | 16933 | 8230.57 | 1831 OTT | no further result found |
144 | Rustum Khan or Fourteen nights Entertainment.Vol.3 | Thomas Henry Ottley | 16934 | 8230.57 | 1831 OTT | no further result found |
145 | The court and camp of Runjeet sing. | W.G.Osborne | 16935 | 954.0314 osb | 1840 | 1973-1973-1840 |
146 | Pen and pencil sketches | Mundy | 16936 | 954 MUN | 1832 | 1832-1858 |
147 | Voyages and Travels to India,Ceylon,The Red Sea.Vol.1 | George Viscount Valentia | 16938 | 915.4062 VAL | 1809 | 1810 |
148 | Voyages and Travels to India,Ceylon,The Red Sea.Vol.3 | George Viscount Valentia | 16939 | 915.4062 VAL | 1809 | 1810 |
149 | Voyages and tarvels to India, Ceylon and Red sea vol 3 | George Viscount Valentia | 16940 | 915.4062 VAL | 1809 | 1810 |
150 | A narrative of the military operations on the coromandel Coast against the combined forces of the French, Dutch | Innes Munro | 16941 | 954.029 MUN | 1784 | 1789 |
151 | A narrative of the operations of captain little’s detachment | Edward Moor | 16942 | 954.0294 MOO | 1794 | No further result found |
152 | Buddhist records of the Western world .Vol.1 | Samul Beal | 16943 | 951 BEA | 1884 | 1957-58-1969-1885-1968 |
153 | Buddhist records of the Western world .Vol.2 | Samul Beal | 16944 | 951 BEA | 1884 | 1957-58-1969-1885-1968 |
154 | Local Muhammadan Dynasties | Bayley | 16945 | 954.5475 NAY | 1886 | 1970-1886 |
155 | The History of The Indian Mutiny .Vol.1 | Charles Bell | 16946 | 954.82 BAL | 1858 | 1981-1858-59-2005 |
156 | The recent operations of the British forces at Rangoon and Maraban | Thomas Turner | 16947 | 959.1 BAK | 1852 | No further result found |
157 | The Neilgherries | R.Baike | 16948 | 954.082 BAI | 1857 | no further result found |
158 | The Tribes on my Frontier | E.H Aitken | 16949 | 958.1030222-AIT | 1898 | 1887 |
159 | The Rajah and Principality of Mysore | Major Evans Bell | 16950 | 954.87 BEL | 1865 | no further result found |
160 | Life in Bombay and The Neighbouring Out-Stations | Life | 16951 | 390.0954792 LIF | 1852 | No further result found |
161 | Tours in Upper India | Major Archer | 16952 | 915.4 ARC | 1833 | no further result found |
162 | British Drawings in The India Office Library no.Vol.1 | Mildred Archer | 16953 | 01.7790954 ARC | 1969 | no further result found |
163 | British Drawings in The India Office Library .Vol.1 | Mildred Archer | 16954 | 01.7790954 ARC | 1969 | no further result found |
164 | Paintings of The Sikhs | W.G.Archer | 16955 | 758.908991411 ARC | 1966 | no further result found |
165 | The book of Good Counsels from the Sanskrit | Edwin Arnold | 16956 | 891.2 ARN | 1861 | 1971 |
166 | A Naturalist on the prowl | E.H.Aitkem | 16957 | 508.54 AIT | 1917 | 1897 |
167 | The mikirs: from the papers of the late Edward stack | David Nutt | 16959 | 954.162 LYA | 1908 | 1972-1908 |
168 | The Meitheis | T.C. Hodson | 16960 | 954.17 HOD | 1908 | 1975-1908 |
169 | The Garos | A. Play Faw | 16961 | 954 PLA | 1909 | 1975-1909 |
170 | The Kacharis | Sidney Endle | 16962 | 954.162 END | 1911 | 1975-1911 |
171 | The naga tribes of Manipur | T.C. Hodson | 16963 | 954.162 HOD | 1911 | 1974-1911 |
172 | The Lushei kuki clans | J. Shakespear | 16964 | 954.162 SHA | 1912 | 1975-1912 |
173 | The angami nagas with some notes on neighbour tribes | J.H Hutton | 16965 | 954.162 HUT | 1921 | 1885-1968-2007 |
174 | The sema nagas | J. H. Hutton | 16966 | 954.162 HUT | 1921 | 2007-1921-1968 |
175 | Travels in upper and lower Amoor.. | Thomas Witlam | 16968 | 957.7 ATK | 1860 | 1996-1860-1860 |
176 | Mission to Tashkent | Bailey | 16969 | 958.7 BAI | 1947 | 1992-1946 |
177 | No Passport to Tibet | F.M.Bailey | 16970 | 915.5 BAI | 1957 | No further result found |
178 | India's North-West frontier | William Barton | 16971 | 954.910358 BAR | 1939 | no further result found |
179 | Memoirs of a bengal civilian | john Beames | 16972 | 954.1403 BEA | 1961 | 1984-1961-2003 |
180 | Hounarable Company | M.Bellasis | 16973 | 954.031 BEL | 1952 | No further result found |
181 | The People of Tibet | Sir Charles Bell | 16974 | 951.508954 BEL | 1928 | 1992-1928 |
182 | Portrait of The Dalai Lama | Sir Charles Bell | 16975 | 294.3923092 BEL-L | 1946 | no further result found |
183 | Palaces of The Raj | Mark Bence Jones | 16976 | 954 BEN | 1973 | no further result found |
184 | Indian records with a commercial view of the relations between the British Government and the Nawabs Nazim of Bengal Bihar and Orissa | G. Bubb | 16977 | 954.1 IND | 1870 | no further result found |
185 | Tiger Days | James W.Best | 16979 | 634.909254 BES | 1931 | no further result found |
186 | Forest Life in India | James W.Best | 16980 | 634.909254 BES | 1931 | 1935 |
187 | A Memoir of Sir salar jung | Syed Hussain Bilgrami | 16981 | 954.0317 BIL-S | 1883 | No further result found |
188 | Indian Arts | Dr. Birdwood George | 16982 | 745.0954-BIR | 1880 | 1879 |
189 | The ABC on Indian Art | J.F.Blacker | 16983 | 700.54 BLA | 1922 | No further result found |
190 | Calcutta Past and Present | K.Blechynden | 16984 | 954.147 BLE | 1905 | 1978 |
191 | Hazards of Asia's Highlands and Deserts | Walter Bosshard | 16985 | 954.04 BOS | | 1932 |
192 | Social Service in India | Edward Blunt | 16986 | 954 BLU | 1938 | no further result found |
193 | The Story of an Indian Upland | F.B.Bradley | 16987 | 954.3 BRA | 1905 | 2001 |
194 | The romance of an Eastern capital | F.B.Bradley | 16988 | 954.92 BRA | 1906 | 1975-1906 |
195 | Chota Naghpore | F.B.Bradley | 16989 | 954.92 BRA | 1910 | 1998-1910-1903 |
196 | Sylhet Thackeray | F.B.Bradley | 16990 | 954.927 BRA | 1911 | No further result found |
197 | The Forward Policy | Richard Isaac Bruce | 16991 | 954.91035 BRU | 1900 | 1977-1900 |
198 | Wido-Burning : A Narrative | Henry Jeffreys Bushby | 16992 | 305.4869408654 BUS | 1855 | No further result found |
199 | From Southampton to Calcutta | Cadwalladar Cummerbund | 16993 | 954.147 CUM | 1886 | 1860 |
200 | Vazeeri Rupi:The Silver Country of the vazeers in kulu | J.Calvert | 16994 | 954.96 CAL | 1873 | No further result found |
201 | My Indian Journal | Walter Campbell | 16995 | 954.31092 CAM | 1864 | No further result found |
202 | Modern India: A Sketch of The system of civil Govt. | George Cambell | 16996 | 954.035 CAM | 1852 | No further result found |
203 | India As it may be | George Cambell | 16997 | 954.0316 CAM | 1853 | No further result found |
204 | A personal narrative of thirteen years service | John Campbell Oman | 16998 | 954.0311 CAM | 1864 | 1864-2013 |
205 | Narrative | John Campbell Oman | 16999 | 954.0311 CAM | 1861 | Not found |
206 | Memoirs of My Indian Career.Vol.1 | George Cambell | 17000 | 954.031 CAM | 1864 | 2012 |
207 | Memoirs of My Indian Career | George Cambell | 17001 | 954.0355 CUR | 1893 | 2012 |
208 | The Unveiling of Lhasa | Edmund Candler | 17002 | 951.5035 CAN | 1905 | No further result found |
209 | The Three Presidencies of India | John Capper | 17003 | 954 CAP | 1853 | No further result found |
210 | William Carey | S.Pearce Carey | 17004 | 954.031 CAR | 1924 | 1923 |
211 | The Autobiography of An Unknown Indian | Niraa C.Chaudhuri | 17005 | 954.03 CHA | 1951 | 1989-2001 |
212 | The Pilot's book of Eversest | Marguess of Clydesdale | 17006 | 796.522092 CLY | 1936 | Not found |
213 | Calcutta Old and New | H.E.A. Cotton | 17007 | 954.147 COT | 1907 | No further result found |
214 | The jataka or stories of the Buddh's former.Vol.I | Professor E.B.Cowell | 17008 | 294.382325 COW | 1913 | 1923-1895-1957 |
215 | The jataka or stories of the Buddh's former.Vol.II | Professor E.B.Cowell | 17009 | 294.382325 COW | 1913 | 1923-1895-1957 |
216 | The jataka or stories of the Buddh's former.Vol.III | Professor E.B.Cowell | 17010 | 294.382325 COW | 1913 | 1923-1895-1957 |
217 | The jataka or stories of the Buddh's former.Vol.IV | Professor E.B.Cowell | 17011 | 294.382325 COW | 1913 | 1923-1895-1957 |
218 | The jataka or stories of the Buddh's former.VI | Professor E.B.Cowell | 17012 | 294.382325 COW | 1913 | 1923-1895-1957 |
219 | The jataka or stories of the Buddh's Former.Vol.V | Professor E.B.Cowell | 17013 | 294.382325 COW | 1913 | 1923-1895-1957 |
220 | The jataka or stories of the Buddh's former | Professor E.B.Cowell | 17014 | 294.382325 COW | 1913 | 1923-1895-1957 |
221 | The Punjab and North-West Frontier of India | An Old Punjabee | 17015 | 954.91 COX | 1878 | No further result found |
222 | My thirty years in India | Edmund Candler | 17016 | 954.03 COX | 1909 | No further result found |
223 | The North-Western Provinces of India | W.Crooke | 17017 | 954.912 CRO | 1897 | 1971 |
224 | Religion and Folklore of Northern India | William Crooke | 17018 | 294 CRO | 1926 | 1972 |
225 | Notes on the North western provinces of India | W.Crooke | 17019 | 954.912 CRO | 1869 | Not found |
226 | Sports of the Pamirs and Turkistan steppes. | C.S. Cuberland | 17020 | 958.6 CUM | 1895 | No further result found |
227 | In The Himalayas and On the Indian Plains | C.F.Gordon Cumming | 17021 | 954 CUM | 1886 | 1884 |
228 | The Native Races of the British Empire | W.Crooke | 17022 | 305.891411 CRO | 1907 | No further result found |
229 | Some Indian Friends and Acquaintances | Lt.Colonel D.D.Cunnungham | 17023 | 952.95491 CUN | 1903 | No further result found |
230 | Plagues and Pleasures of Life in Bengal | L.C.D.D. Cunningham | 17024 | 508.2095414 CUN | 1907 | No further result found |
231 | Tales of Travel | Marquess Curzon Kedleston | 17025 | 954.0355092 CUR | 1923 | No further result found |
232 | British Government in India | Marquis Curzon | 17026 | 954.0355 CUR | 1925 | No further result found |
233 | Leaves from A Viceroy's Note book | Marquis Curzon Kedleston | 17027 | 954.0355092 CUR | 1926 | 1984 |
234 | The life of the Marquis of Dalhousie | William Lee warner | 17028 | 954.0316092 LEE | 1904 | 1972 |
235 | Private Letters of The Marguess of Dalhousie | J.G.A Baird | 17030 | 954.0316092 BAI-D | 1910 | 1972 |
236 | India Under Morely and Minto | M.N.Das | 17031 | 954.30356092 DAS-M | 1964 | No further result found |
237 | My Journey To Lhasa | Alexandra David Neel | 17032 | 915.5 DAV | 1927 | 1983-1986-1993 & 2005 |
238 | Yun-Nan:The Link Between India and Yangtze | H.R.Davies | 17033 | 915.5091 DAV | 1909 | 2006 |
239 | A Ride to India | Harry De Windt | 17034 | 915 DEW | 1891 | No further result found |
240 | Bombay in The Days of Geotge | F.Dawtrey Drewitt | 17035 | 954.031 DRE-W | 1907 | No further result found |
241 | The Northern barrier of India | Frederic Drew | 17036 | 954.6 DRE | 1877 | 1971 |
242 | Afoot Through the Kashmir Valleys | Marion Doughty | 17037 | 954.6 DOU | 1902 | 1902 |
243 | Notes From A Diary .Vol.1 1886-1888 | M.E.Grant duff | 17038 | 954.035 DUF | 1900 | No further result found |
244 | Notes From A Diary .Vol.1 1886-1888 | M.E.Grant duff | 17039 | 954.035 DUF | 1900 | No further result found |
245 | Letters From India and Kashmir | J.Duguid | 17040 | 954.035 DUG | 1874 | No further result found |
246 | The Annexation of The Punjab | Major Evans Bell | 17042 | 954.031 BEL | 1882 | 1969-1999 |
247 | Frontiers | George Dunbar | 17043 | 954.03 DUN | 1932 | No further result found |
248 | The Pamirs: Second Edition.Vol.1 Second Edition | Earl of Dunmore | 17044 | 915 DUN | 1894 | 1893-1996 |
249 | The Pamirs: Second Edition | Earl of Dunmore | 17045 | 915 DUN | 1894 | 1893-1996 |
250 | Life of Warren Hastings | G.B. Malleson | 17095 | 954.0298 MAL | 1894 | 1986 |
251 | The Nilgiri Guide and Directory | J.S.C.Eagan | 17046 | 954.8 EAG | 1916 | 1916-1911 |
252 | Memorandum: Pecuniary Provision for the Maharajah Duleep | Dhuleep Singh | 17047 | 954.031 GOV | 1887 | Not found |
253 | The Maharajah Duleep Singh and The Government | Duleep Singh | 17048 | 954.031 DUL | 1884 | 1999 |
254 | Up the Country | Emily Eden | 17051 | 915.0314 EDE | 1867 | 1983 |
255 | A Year on the Punjab Frontier in 1848-49. Vol.1 | Herbert B.Edwardes | 17052 | 954.0316092 EDW | 1851 | 1963 |
256 | A Year on the Punjab Frontier in 1848-49. Vol.2 | Maj Herbert B.Edwardes | 17053 | 954.031692 EDW | 1851 | 1963 |
257 | Gold,Sport and Coffee Planting in Mysore | Robert H.Elliot | 17054 | 954.035 ELL | 1894 | No further result found |
258 | The History of India.Vol.1 | Mountstuart Elphinstone | 17055 | 954 ELP | 1841 | 1841-1843 |
259 | Leaves from the Jungale: Life in Good Village | Verrier Elwin | 17057 | 954.0358092 ELW | 1936 | Not found |
260 | The Baiga | Verrier Elwin | 17058 | 954 ELW | 1939 | 1979-1986 |
261 | The History of India.Vol.2 | Mountstuart Elphinstone | 17059 | 954 ELP | 1841 | 1841-1843 |
262 | The Agaria | Verrier Elwin | 17060 | 954 ELW | 1942 | 1991 |
263 | Maria Murder and Suicide | Verrier Elwin | 17061 | 364.954 ELW | 1943 | 1950 |
264 | Nagaland | Verrier Elwin | 17062 | 954.0165 ELW | 1961 | 1997 |
265 | Folk-Songs of Chhattisgarh | Verrier Elwin | 17063 | 781.62089914 ELW | 1946 | No further result found |
266 | The Last Strongholds | P.T.Etherton | 17064 | 954.96 ETH | 1934 | No further result found |
267 | Adventure Sport and Travel on The Tibetana | W. Fergusson | 17065 | 915.1 FER | 1911 | No further result found |
268 | When Kings Rode to Delhi | Gabrielle Festing | 17066 | 954.56025 FES | 1912 | 1923-1997-2008 |
269 | Bayonets to Lhasa | Peter Fleming | 17067 | 951.5 FLE | 1961 | 1986 |
270 | Cities of India: Past and Persent | G.W.Forrest | 17068 | 954.0317 FOR | 1905 | 1903 |
271 | The Highlands of Central India | J.Forsyth | 17069 | 954.7 FOR | 1889 | 1919-1975 |
272 | Jataka Tales | H.T. Francis | 17070 | 294.382325 FRA-J | 1916 | No further result found |
273 | The Short Cut to India | David Fraser | 17071 | 915.67147 FRA | 1909 | No further result found |
274 | Tracts, Political,Georaphical and Commercial | William Franklin | 17072 | 954.558 FRA | 1811 | Not found |
275 | India Under Curzon and After | Lovat Fraser | 17073 | 954.0355 FRA | 1911 | 1968 |
276 | Among Indian Rajahs | Andrew Fraser | 17074 | 954.140355 FRA | 1911 | 1975 |
277 | The Viceroy at Bay | John Glendevon | 17075 | 954.0359 GLE | 1971 | No further result found |
278 | The First Christian Mission to The Great Mogul | Francis Goldie | 17076 | 954.0254 GOL | 1897 | 1897-2013 |
279 | Lights and shades of Indian hill life | J.Gore | 17077 | 954.913 GOR | 1895 | 1972 |
280 | Himalayan village: an account of the lepchas of sikkim | George Geoffrey | 17078 | 954.96 GOR | 1938 | 1967-1968 |
281 | The Life in The Mofussil.Vol.1 | An.Ex-Civilian | 17079 | 954.031 GRA | 1874 | No further result found |
282 | On The Threshold of three closed lands | J.A Graham | 17081 | 954.9 GRA | 1897 | No further result found |
283 | Rural life in Bengal | W.Thacker | 17082 | 954.14 GRA | 1860 | 1984 |
284 | Chizer Poem | W.Green | 17084 | 821.2 GRE | 1833 | Not found |
285 | My three years in Manipur | Clair Grimwood | 17085 | 954.170317 GRI | 1891 | No further result found |
286 | Mathura: A District Memoir Part-1 | F.S.Grows | 17086 | 954.14 GRO | 1874 | 1880-1978 |
287 | A Code of Gentoo laws | Halhed | 17087 | 294.55 HAL | 1777 | 1776-1781 |
288 | In Abor jungles being an account of the abor expedition | Eveleigh Nash | 17088 | 954.0356 HAM | 1912 | 1983 |
289 | The private journal of the Marquess of hastings Vol. 1 | Marchioness of Bute | 17089 | 954.0298 HAS | 1858 | 1907 |
290 | The private journal of the Marquess of Hastings | Marchioness of Bute | 17090 | 954.0298 HAS | 1858 | 1907 |
291 | A narrative of the insurrections which happened in the zemeedary of Banaris in the month of August 1781… | Warren Hastings | 17091 | 954.14 HAS | 1782 | No further result found |
292 | Warren Hastings | Thomas Babington Macaulay | 17092 | 954.0298-MAC | 1851 | 1886 |
293 | The Trial of Maharaja Nanda Kumar | H.Beveridge | 17093 | 954.0298 BEV | 1886 | No further result found |
294 | Echoes from old Calcutta .2nd Edition | H.E.Busteed | 17094 | 954.0298 BUS | 1888 | 1882-1897 |
295 | Warren Hastings | Keith Feiling | 17097 | 954.0298 FEI | 1954 | 1967 |
296 | The land pirates of India | W.J. Hatch | 17098 | 954.84 HAT | 1928 | 1976 |
297 | A handbook to Agra and the Taj | E.B. Havell | 17099 | 954.025 HAV | 1904 | 1912-2003 |
298 | The Ideals of Indian Art | E.B.Havell | 17100 | 720.954 HAV | 1911 | 1920-1972 |
299 | Indian Architecture | E.B.Havell | 17101 | 720.954 HAV | 1913 | 1927 |
300 | The Ancient and Medieval Architecture of India | E.B.Havell | 17102 | 720.954 HAV | 1915 | 1972 |
301 | The history of Aryan rule in India form the earliest time to the death of the Akbar | George G. Harrap | 17103 | 954 HAV | 1918 | No further result found |
302 | The Himalayas in Indian Art | E.B.Havell | 17104 | 720.954 HAV | 1924 | 1977 |
303 | A Hand book of Indian Art | E.B.Havell | 17105 | 720.954 HAV | 1924 | 1920 |
304 | The seven cities of Delhi | Gordon Hearn | 17106 | 954.56 HEA | 1906 | 1928-1974 |
305 | The diary of william Hedges vol.1 | Henry Yule | 17107 | 954.0258 HED | 1887 | No further result found |
306 | The diary of William Hedges Vol. 2 | Henry Yule | 17108 | 954.0258 HED | 1888 | No further result found |
307 | The diary of William Hedges Vol. 3 | Henry Yule | 17109 | 954.0258 HED | 1889 | No further result found |
308 | The wandering lake | George Routledge | 17110 | 954.4 HED | 1940 | 1937 |
309 | Memoirs of William Hickey Vol. 1 | William Hickey | 17111 | 954.0929 HIC | | 1913-1960-1975 |
310 | Memoirs of William Hickey Vol. 2 | William Hickey | 17112 | 954.029 HIC | | 1913-1960-1976 |
311 | Memoirs of William Hickey Vol. 3 | William Hickey | 17113 | 954.029 HIC | | 1913-1960-1977 |
312 | Memoirs of William Hickey Vol. 4 | William Hickey | 17114 | 954.029 HIC | | 1913-1960-1978 |
313 | Naturalist in Himalaya | R.W.G.Hingston | 17115 | 590.95414 HIN | 1923 | 1920-1982 |
314 | A Naturalist in Hindustan | R.W.G.Hingston | 17116 | 590.95414 HIN | 1923 | No further result found |
315 | Sketches on service during the Indian frontier campaigns of 1897 | Major E.A.P Hodbhoy | 17117 | 954.035 HOB | 1897 | 1898 |
316 | India | Sir Thomas Holdich | 17118 | 654 HOL | 1904 | 1905-1975 |
317 | The Gates of India | thomas Holdich | 17119 | 915.4 HOL | 1910 | 1977 |
318 | Political frontiers and boundry making | Thomas Holdich | 17120 | 954 HOL | 1916 | No further result found |
319 | Bihar the heart of India | John Houlton | 17122 | 954.123 HOU | 1949 | No further result found |
320 | Mount everest: The reconnaissance 1921 | Howard Bury | 17123 | 954.96 HOW | 1921 | 1991 |
321 | The Imperial Gazetteer of India .Vol.1 | W.W.Hunter | 17124 | 915.4 HUN-G | 1881 | No further result found |
322 | The Imperial Gazetteer of India.Vol.II | W.W.Hunter | 17125 | 915.4 HUN-G | 1879 | No further result found |
323 | The Imperial Gazetteer of India.Vol.III | W.W.Hunter | 17126 | 915.4 HUN-G | 1879 | No further result found |
324 | The Imperial Gazetteer of India .Vol.IV | W.W.Hunter | 17127 | 915.4 HUN-G | 1881 | No further result found |
325 | The Imperial Gazetteer of India.Vol.V | W.W.Hunter | 17128 | 915.4 HUN-G | 1879 | No further result found |
326 | The Imperial Gazetteer of India .Vol.VI | W.W.Hunter | 17129 | 915.4 HUN-G | 1881 | No further result found |
327 | The Imperial Gazetteer of India.Vol.VIII | W.W.Hunter | 17130 | 915.4 HUN-G | 1879 | No further result found |
328 | The Imperial Gazetteer of India .Vol.VII | W.W.Hunter | 17131 | 915.4 HUN-G | 1881 | No further result found |
329 | The Imperial Gazetteer of India .Vol.IX | W.W.Hunter | 17132 | 915.4 HUN-G | 1881 | No further result found |
330 | The annals of rural bengal | W.W. Hunter | 17134 | 954.14035 HUN | 1868 | 1897-1970 |
331 | The old missionary | W.W.Hunter | 17135 | 954 HUN | 1896 | 1895 |
332 | A history of British India Vol. 1 | W.W. Hunter | 17136 | 954 HUN | 1900 | 1966 |
333 | A guide to fatehpur sikri | Muhammad Ashraf Hussain | 17138 | 954.14 HUS | 1937 | No further result found |
334 | The Mammals of India | T.C.Jerdon | 17143 | 590.954 JER | 1874 | 1867-1874-1984 |
335 | Tibetan trek | Ronald Kaulback | 17145 | 951.5 KAU | 1934 | No further result found |
336 | Salween | Ronald Kaulback | 17146 | 951.5 KAU | 1938 | 1939 |
337 | Life and correspondence of Henry St. George Tucker | John William Kaye | 17148 | 954.03 KAY | 1854 | No further result found |
338 | British social life in India 1608-1937 | Dennis Kincaid | 17151 | 954 KIN | 1938 | 1939-1973 |
339 | Beast and Man In India | John Lockwood Kipling | 17152 | 636.0954 KIP | 1892 | 1891-1904-1978 |
340 | Where three empires meet | E.F. Knight | 17153 | 954 KNI | 1893 | 1897-1978-1985 |
341 | Tropical sketches or reminiscences of an Indian journalist | William Knighton | 17155 | 954 KNI | 1855 | 2005 |
342 | Tibet and Nepal | Henry Savage | 17156 | 951.505496 LAN | 1905 | 1975 |
343 | Speeches Vol. 1 | Lansdowne Marquis | 17157 | 954.0354 LAN | 1894 | No further result found |
344 | Speeches Vol. 2 | Lansdowne Marquis | 17158 | 954.0354 LAN | 1894 | No further result found |
345 | Games,Shore and Water Birds of India | A.Lemessurier | 17160 | 598.0954 LEM | 1904 | No further result found |
346 | Language Hunting in the Karakoram | E.O.Lorimer | 17161 | 491.499 LOR | 1939 | 1989 |
347 | Myths and Legends of India | J.M.Macfie | 17164 | 294.5 MAC | 1924 | No further result found |
348 | Western India, reports addressed to the chambers of commerce | Alexander Mackay | 17165 | 954.7 MAC | 1853 | No further result found |
349 | Life in the mission, the camp, and the zenana or six years in India Vol. 2 | Mrs. Colin Mackenzie | 17167 | 954.031092 MAC | 1853 | No further result found |
350 | Impressions of an Indian Civil Servant | R.D.Machleod | 17169 | 342.0680954035 MAC | 1938 | No further result found |
351 | The romance of the Indian frontier | MacMunn | 17170 | 954 MAC | 1937 | 2000 |
352 | The Under World of India | L.T.G.George Macmun | 17171 | 364.954 MAC | 1933 | Not found |
353 | The Armies of India | Major G.F.Macmunn | 17172 | 355.005403 MAC | 1911 | 1980 |
354 | Memoirs of service in India | William Macpherson | 17173 | 954.133 MAC | 1865 | Not found |
355 | Gujrat and The Gujratis | Behramji M.Malabari | 17175 | 954.75 BEH | 1882 | 1889-1983-1997 |
356 | Mogul India | Niccolao Manucci | 17177 | 954.025 MAN | 1907 | 1908 |
357 | Moghul India | Niccolao Manucci | 17178 | 954.025 MAN | 1907 | 1908 |
358 | Indian text series Vol. 3 | Royal Asiatic society | 17179 | 954.025 MAN | 1907 | Not found |
359 | Indian text series Vol. 4 | Royal Asiatic society | 17180 | 954.025 MAN | 1907 | Not found |
360 | Secret tibet | Fosco Maraini | 17181 | 951.5 MAR | 1952 | No further result found |
361 | A guide to Taxila | John Marshall | 17182 | 954.9142 MAR | 1936 | 1918-1939-1960-1983 |
362 | The India empire | Montgomery Mortin | 17183 | 954.0317 MAR | 1858 | Not found |
363 | The Queen of the World | Charles Marvin | 17184 | 958.4-MAR | 1881 | Not found |
364 | England to Delhi | John Matheson | 17186 | 915.4 MAT | 1870 | No further result found |
365 | The Indian alps and how we crossed them | Nirva Elizabeth | 17187 | 954.06 MAZ | 1876 | No further result found |
366 | Bengali Household Tales | W.Mcculloch | 17188 | 891.443083 MCC | 1912 | 2002 |
367 | To Lhasa in disguise | McGovern | 17189 | 951.5MCG | 1924 | 1902 |
368 | From New York to Delhi | Robert B.Minturn | 17191 | 915.MIN | 1858 | No further result found |
369 | An Indian diary | Edwin S. Montagu | 17193 | 954.0313 MON | 1930 | No further result found |
370 | From Edinburgh to India and Burmah | W.G.Burn Murdoch | 17194 | 915.4 MUR | | 1908 |
371 | The high road of Empire | A.H. Hallam Murray | 17195 | 954.0222 MUR | 1905 | No further result found |
372 | Naini Tal: a historical and descriptive account | Naini Tal | 17196 | 954.14 NAI | 1928 | 2005 |
373 | Defects civil and military of the Indian Government | L.G.Charles James Napier | 17197 | 355.490954 NAP | 1854 | 1853-1977 |
374 | Minutes on the resignation of the… | Puke | 17198 | 954.0316 NAP | 1854 | No further result found |
375 | The glories of Hindustan | Dr. Earnst alfred | 17199 | 954.0222 NAW | 1935 | 2004 |
376 | The Highlands of India Vol.I | D.J.F Newall R.A | 17200 | 954.913203-NEW | 1882 | 1984 |
377 | The Highlands of India Vol.II | D.J.F Newall R.A | 17201 | 954.9132031-NEW | 1887 | 1984 |
378 | Scraps of paper | A.P Nicholson | 17202 | 954 NIC | 1930 | No further result found |
379 | Myths of the Hindus and Buddhists | Sister Nivedita | 17203 | 954.0222 NIV | 1918 | 1913-1914-1932-1934-1967 |
380 | A History of the British Empire India and the East. | Dr.E.H.Nolan | 17204 | 954 NOL | 1860 | 1878-1987 |
381 | A History of the British Empire India and the East. | Dr.E.H.Nolan | 17205 | 954 NOL | 1860 | 1878-1987 |
382 | A History of the British Empire India and the East. | Dr.E.H.Nolan | 17206 | 954 NOL | 1860 | 1878-1987 |
383 | A History of the British Empire india and the east. | Dr.E.H.Nolan | 17207 | 954 NOL | 1860 | 1878-1987 |
384 | A History of the British Empire India and the East. | Dr.E.H.Nolan | 17208 | 954 NOL | 1860 | 1878-1987 |
385 | A History of the British Empire india and the east. | Dr.E.H.Nolan | 17209 | 954-nol | 1860 | 1878-1987 |
386 | A History of the British Empire India and the East. | Dr.E.H.Nolan | 17210 | 954-Nol | 1860 | 1878-1987 |
387 | A History of the British Empire India and the East. | Dr.E.H.Nolan | 17211 | 954 NOL | 1860 | 1878-1987 |
388 | The Land of the Gurkhas. | Major W. Brook Northey | 17212 | 954.96 NOR | 1934 | 1937-1975-1998 |
389 | On the frontier and beyond | Sir Fredrick | 17213 | 954.913035 OCO | 1931 | No further result found |
390 | The charm of kashmir. | V.C.Scoot O,Connor | 17214 | 954.6 OCO | 1920 | No further result found |
391 | India as I knew it | Sir Michael Dwyer | 17215 | 954.0350 ODW | 1926 | 1925 |
392 | Through The Unknown Pamirs | O. Olufsen | 17216 | 915.86 OLU | 1904 | 1969-2008 |
393 | The Brahmans, Theists and Muslims of India | John Campbell Oman | 17217 | 290 OMA | 1907 | 1973-1975 |
394 | The Fall of the Mogul Empire | Sidney J. Owen | 17218 | 954.0258-OWE | 1912 | No further result found |
395 | Mahabaleshwar | Rao Bahadur D.B Parasnis | 17219 | 954.80314-PAR | 1916 | No further result found |
396 | Memoirs of Sir philip Francis | Parkes Joseph | 17220 | 954.029092 PAR | 1867 | No further result found |
397 | The Ocean Telegraph to India | J.C.Parkinson | 17221 | 384.10954 PAR | 1870 | No further result found |
398 | Memoirs of Sir philip Francis. Vol-2 | Joseph Parkes | 17222 | 954.029092 par-f | 1867 | 1869 |
399 | Mysore city | Contan Porsons | 17223 | 954.87 PAR | 1930 | No further result found |
400 | Memoirs of the life and writings.vol-2 | Hugh Pearson | 17224 | 954.14092 PEA-B | 1817 | 1818-1837 |
401 | Pennell of the Afghan frontier. | Alice m.Pennell | 17225 | 954.0356 pen | 1914 | 1978-2002 |
402 | Wallace Brothers. | A.C.Pointon | 17226 | 954.035-poi-w | 1974 | No further result found |
403 | Illustrated Guide to The South Indian Railway | South Indian Railway | 17227 | 385.0954 ILL | 1913 | 1900-1921-190? |
404 | The private diary of Ananda Ranga Vol.1 | J. Frederick | 17228 | 954.029 RAN | 1904 | 1904-1984 |
405 | The private diary of Ananda Ranga Vol.2 | Rangachri | 17229 | 954.029 RAN | 1907 | 1904-1984 |
406 | The private diary of Ananda Ranga Vol.3 | J. Frederick | 17230 | 954.029 RAN | 1904 | 1904-1984 |
407 | The private diary of Ananda Ranga Vol.4 | Dodwell | 17231 | 954.029 RAN | 1916 | 1904-1984 |
408 | An Indian sketch | L.Raven Hill | 17232 | 954 RAV | 1903 | 1903-1905 |
409 | India a short culture | G.H. Rawlinson | 17233 | 954 RAW | 1954 | 1937 |
410 | The India I knew | Stanley Red | 17234 | 954.035 REE | 1952 | No further result found |
411 | Occasional Essays on Native South Indian life | Stanley Rice | 17235 | 954.8 RIC | 1901 | 2001 |
412 | Many Memories of life in India, at home and abroad | J.H Rivett Carnac | 17236 | 954.140314092 | 1910 | No further result found |
413 | Forty One Years in India | Lord Roberts of Kandahar | 17237 | 954.031-ROB | 1900 | 1897-1898-2005 |
414 | The kafirs of the Hindu kash | George Scott Robertson | 17238 | 950 ROB | 1896 | 2001 |
415 | Lands of the thunder bolt | Earl of Ronaldshay | 17239 | 954.9 RON | 1923 | 1987 |
416 | India: the birds eye view | Earl of Ronaldshay | 17240 | 954 RON | 1924 | No further result found |
417 | The land of the five rivers and Sindh | David Ross | 17241 | 954.91 ROS | 1883 | 1970-1976 |
418 | India Under Royal Eyes | Prevost Battersby | 17242 | 954. BAT | 1906 | No further result found |
419 | The Prince of Wales Tour: A diary In India | William Howard Russell | 17243 | 954.035-RUS | 1877 | 1878 |
420 | Ajmeer Historical and Descriptive. | Har Bilas Sarda | 17244 | 954.5 sar | 1911 | 1941 |
421 | Selections from Calcutta Gazetteers | W.S.Seton Karr | 17245 | 915.414703 SET | 1864 | No further result found |
422 | The Tregedy of Amanullah | Sirdar Ikbal Ali Shah | 17246 | 958.1-SHA | 1933 | No further result found |
423 | Departed glory. | R.Slater | 17247 | 954 sla | 1937 | No further result found |
424 | A journey throught the kingdom of Oude.in 1849-1850;vol-1 | W.H. Suleeman | 17248 | 954.1620316 sle | 1858 | 1971 |
425 | Journey throughout the kingdom Oude | W.H Suleeman | 17249 | 954.1620316 SLE | 1858 | 1971 |
426 | The yellow scar | Francis Tukev | 17250 | 954.03092 TUK | 1977 | Not found |
427 | The Kangchenjunga Adventure | F.S.Smythe | 17251 | 915.496 AMY | 1931 | 1930-1946-1985 |
428 | Modern India | Henry spry | 17252 | 954 SPR | 1837 | No further result found |
429 | Indian Recollections. | J. Statham | 17253 | 954 STA | 1832 | No further result found |
430 | The Punjaub | Lieut.-Colonel Steinbach | 17254 | 954.914-STE | 1845 | 1846-1976 |
431 | Monsoon Morning | Ian stephens | 17255 | 954.359 STE | 1966 | No further result found |
432 | Natural History of Indian Mammals of India | Robert A Sterndals | 17256 | 599.0954 STE | 1884 | 1982 |
433 | The Story of Bengal. | Charles Stewart | 17257 | 954.140295 STE | 1757 | Not found |
434 | From Lapzig to Cabul | G. Skratil Saucer | 17258 | 958.1 GTR | 1926 | Not found |
435 | A Holiday in the Happy Valley with Pen and Pencil | T.R Swinburne | 17259 | 954.60222-SWI | 1907 | 1970 |
436 | Journey to Turkistan | Sir Eric Telchman | 17260 | 915.84 TEL | 1937 | No further result found |
437 | Memoirs of the life | Lord Teignmouth | 17261 | 954.0294 TEI | 1804 | 1806-1843 |
438 | Men and events of my time in India | Richard Temple | 17262 | 954.031 TEM | 1882 | 1985 |
439 | Indian recollections.Vol-1 | J. Statham | 17263 | 954.031 sta | 1832 | No further result found |
440 | Indian recollections | William Tennant | 17264 | 954.031 TEN | 1803 | No further result found |
441 | Thoughts on the effects | William Tennant | 17265 | 954.03 TEN | 1807 | No further result found |
442 | A voyage to East India | Edward Terry | 17266 | 954.025 TER | 1655 | 1777 |
443 | Bannu;or our Afghan forntier. | S.S Thorburn | 17267 | 954.91271 THO | 1876 | 1978 |
444 | Illustrations of the history and practices | E.Thornton | 17269 | 364.150954 THO | 1837 | 2000 |
445 | Light and shade in bygone India | Thoranton | 17270 | 954.87031 THO | 1927 | No further result found |
446 | Ethnographic notes in Southern India | Edgar Thurson | 17271 | 954.8 THU | 1906 | 1975 |
447 | Castes and tribes of southern India Vol. 1 | Edgar Thurston | 17272 | 954.8 THU | 1909 | 1975 |
448 | Castes and tribes of southern India Vol.3 | Edgar Thurston | 17274 | 954.8 THU | 1909 | 1975 |
449 | Castes and tribes of southern India vol. 4 | Edgar Thurston | 17275 | 954.8 THU | 1909 | 1975 |
450 | Castes and tribes of southern India vol.6 | Edgar Thurston | 17277 | 954.8 THU | 1909 | 1975 |
451 | Castes and tribes of southern India vol.7 | Edgar Thurston | 17278 | 954.8 THU | 1909 | 1975 |
452 | Travels in western India | Lt. Tod James | 17279 | 954.031 TOD | 1839 | 1971-1997-1998 |
453 | On the education of The people of India | Charles E.Trevelyon | 17280 | 370.954031 TRE | 1838 | No further result found |
454 | The life of John Nicholson | Capt. J Trotter | 17281 | 954.0317092 TRO | 1898 | 1897-1978 |
455 | The life of John Nicholson | Lionel J. Trotter | 17281 | 954.0317092 TRO | 1898 | 1897-1978 |
456 | While memory serves | Tuker Liet Generd | 17282 | 954.0359092 TUK | 1950 | No further result found |
457 | Travels in Central Asia | Arminius Vemberg | 17283 | 915.0314 VAM | 1864 | 1865-1970-1996 |
458 | The coming struggle of India | Arminius Vemberg | 17284 | 954 VAM | 1885 | No further result found |
459 | Mormugoa at land | Venut | 17285 | 954.7803 STV | 1932 | Not found |
460 | From Wall Street to Cashmere | Ireland John B. | 17139 | 915.0406 IRE | 1859 | 1860 |
461 | Among the Himalayas | Major L.A.Waddell | 17287 | 915.49 WAD | 1900 | 1899-1978 |
462 | Indian India | C.W. Waddington | 17288 | 954.4 WAD | 1933 | No further result found |
463 | The timely treat vol.2 | Wallace Dunloop | 17289 | 954.14031 WAL | 1858 | Not found |
464 | Fifteen years in India | Robert Grenville | 17290 | 954.031 WAL | 1823 | No further result found |
465 | Eighteen years in the khyber | Sir Robert Warburton | 17291 | 958.103-WAR | 1900 | 1970-2007 |
466 | The history of the Kathiawar from the earliest time | H. Wilberforce | 17292 | 954.75 WIL | 1916 | 1980 |
467 | Illustrations of Indian field Sports | Thomas Williamson | 17293 | 796.0954 WILL | 1892 | No further result found |
468 | Old fort William in Bengal | C.R. Wilson | 17294 | 954.0258 WIL | 1906 | No further result found |
469 | Old fort William in Bengal vol. 2 | C.R. Wilson | 17295 | 954.0258 WIL | 1906 | No further result found |
470 | Ceylon in my time 1889-1949 | T.Y. Wright | 17296 | 954.93035 WRI | 1951 | No further result found |
471 | History of Nepal | Shew shanker | 17297 | 954.96 SHA | 1877 | 1958 |
472 | The story of the guides | G.J young | 17298 | 954.031 YOU | 1908 | No further result found |
473 | The heart of a continent | Frank E.Younghusband | 17299 | 915.1803 YOU | 1896 | 1937-1984 |
474 | Kashmir black popular | Younghusband Francis | 17300 | 954.6 YOU | 1924 | No further result found |
475 | Dawn in India | Sir Francis Younghusband | 17301 | 320.0954 YOU | 1930 | 1931-2013 |
476 | Indian Art at Delhi 1903 | Sir George Watt | 17302 | 708.954 WAT | 1903 | No further result found |
477 | The dawn of civilization | Maspero Gaston | 17303 | 962 MAS | 1922 | 1897-1968 |
478 | The Indian village Community | B.H.Baden Powell | 17304 | 954 BAD | 1896 | 1957 |
479 | History of Alienations in The Province of Sindh .Vol.2 | Bombay Government | 17305 | 954.918 BOM | 1888 | 1886 |
480 | The Life of Captain Sir Richard F.Burton | Isabel Burton | 17306 | 954.918035092 BUR | 1893 | 1973-1977 |
481 | Bannu or our Afghan frontier. | S.S Thorburn | 17307 | 954.91271 tho | 1876 | 1978 |
482 | The Hearseys | Colonel Hugh Pearse | 17308 | 954.08991411-PEA | 1905 | No further result found |
483 | The Management of Archives | T.R.Schellenberg | 17311 | 025.84 SCH | 1965 | 1988 |
484 | The Song of The Necklace | Trithdas Hotchand | 17317 | 891.411 HOT | 1961 | No further result found |
485 | Travels in The Mogul Empire | Francois Bernier | 17318 | 954.918035 BUR | 1851 | 1826-1916-1976-2001 |
486 | Sindh and the races that inhabit the valley | Richard F.Burton | 17433 | 954.918035 BUR | 1851 | 1973-1976 |
487 | The Arabian Prophet | Liu Chatlien | 17319 | 297.63 CHA | 1921 | No further result found |
488 | Narrative of Various journeys in Balochistan | Charles Masson | 17320 | 915.49150581 MAS | 1844 | 1974 to 1977- 2001 |
489 | The Strangling of Persia. | W. Morgan shuster | 17325 | 955.04 shu | 1912 | 1968-1987- |
490 | A journey through the kingdom of Oude in 1849-1850 | W.H. Sleeman | 17328 | 954.031092 SLE | 1858 | 1971 |
491 | The Women of Israel | Grace Aguilar | 17329 | 296.082 AGU | | 1851-2011 |
492 | The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia | Sir Samuelw Baker | 17330 | 916.203 BAK | 1872 | 1867-1868-1967 |
493 | The Lure of The Indus | George Macmun | 17331 | 940.5425 MAC | 1933 | 1986 |
494 | Narrative of the residence at the court of Meer Ali Moorad with wild sports in the valley of Indus Vol. 1 | Edward Richard Lengley | 17333 | 954.918031 LAN | 1860 | No further result found |
495 | Narrative of the residence at the court of Meer Ali Moorad with wild sports in the valley of Indus Vol. 1 | Edward Richard Lengley | 17334 | 954.918031 LAN | 1860 | No further result found |
496 | Narrative of the residence at the court of Meer Ali Moorad with wild sports in the valley of Indus Vol. 2 | Edward Richard Lengley | 17335 | 954.918031 LAN | 1860 | No further result found |
497 | Narrative of the residence at the court of Meer Ali Moorad with wild sports in the valley of Indus Vol. 2 | Edward Richard Lengley | 17336 | 954.918031 LAN | 1860 | No further result found |
498 | History of Gujarat | J.W. Watson | 17337 | 954.7502 WAT | 1886 | 1876-1983 |
499 | A Grammar of the Hindustani or Urdu Language | John T.Platts | 17338 | 491.4395 PLA | 1904 | 1920-1967-2002 |
500 | Ladak,Physical,Statistical and Historical | Alexander Cunningham | 17339 | 951.5 CUN | 1854 | 1970 |
501 | Across the border | E. Oliver | 17340 | 954.918029 OLI | 1890 | 1977 |
502 | The Indus and its Provinces | W.P.Andrew | 17341 | 954.91031 AND | 1857 | 1976 |
503 | Imperial Gazetteer of India : Baluchistan | | 17342 | 915.4915 IMP-G | 1908 | 2002 |
504 | Women of India | Otto Rathfeld | 17343 | 305.48891411 ROT | | 1928 |
505 | James Outram A Biography .Vol.2 | Maj-Gem Goldsmith | 17344 | 954.031092 GOL-O | 1880 | No further result found |
506 | India Office Library and Records | | 17345 | 027.508042 IND | 1977 | 1999 |
507 | The frontiers of Balochistan | G.P Tate | 17346 | 958 TAT | 1909 | 1976 |
508 | Memoirs on The History,Folk-Lore | Sir henry Elliot | 17347 | 954.035 ELL | | 2004-1869 |
509 | Ancient Indian education | Radha Kumud Mookerji | 17348 | 294 MOO | 1951 | 1969 |
510 | Still digging | Sir Mortimers Wheeler | 17349 | 930.1 WHE | 1956 | 1955 |
511 | The physiology of war power and liberty | Count Lyof N.Tolstoi | 17350 | 940.27 TOL | 1889 | 1889 |
512 | Zockharts advance through tirah | L.J Shadell | 17351 | 954.9123031 SHA | 1898 | Not found |
513 | The Life of Captain Sir Richard F.Burton | Isabel Burton | 17352 | 954.031092 BUR | 1898 | 1977-1973-1893 |
514 | The Asokan Rockat Gimar | Hiranda Sastri | 17353 | 934.04 SAS | 1936 | Not found |
515 | Nineteenth Century Essays | Georage Sampson | 17354 | 809.4 SAM | 1916 | 1971 |
516 | Grammar of The Sindhi Language | Captain George stack | 17355 | 491.415 STA | | 1970-1872 |
517 | Inside India | Halide Edib | 17356 | 954 EDI | 1937 | 1937-2002 |
518 | Bolan and Chagi | R.Hughes Buller | 17357 | 915.4915 HUG-G | 1906 | Not found |
519 | Geography of rajpoot tribes | | 17358 | 954.08991 HIS | | Not found |
520 | Forres's Hindustani Grammar | Forres | 17359 | 491.435 FOR | | Not found |
521 | The journals of Andre Gide. Vol.IV | Justin O'Brien | 17360 | 840.912 OBR-G | 1951 | 1947-1951-1956 |
522 | The journals of Andre Gide. Vol.II | Justin O'Brien | 17361 | 840.912 OBR-G | 1948 | 1947-1951-1956 |
523 | The journals of Andre Gide. Vol.I | Justin O'Brien | 17361 | 840.912 OBR-G | 1949 | 1947-1951-1956 |
524 | Sindh: a general introduction | H.T Lambrick | 17362 | 954.918 LAM | 1964 | 1864-1975-1964 |
525 | Personal Narrative of A Pilgrimage Vol.1 | Capt.Sir Richard F | 17363 | 297.35 BUR | 1924 | 1964-1856-2003-2012-1874 |
526 | From Brigand to King: autobiography of Amir Habibullah | Sampson Low | 17364 | 958.1 HAB | | No further result found |
527 | Narrative of The travels of Marco Polo | Hugh Murray | 17365 | 915.02 MUR | | Not found |
528 | Lives of the successors of Mahomat | Washington Irving | 17366 | 909.0927 IRV | | Not found |
529 | Annals and antiquities of Rajasthan | James Todd | 17368 | 954.40899147 TOD | 1914 | 1914-1971-1920-1940 |
530 | Grammar of The Sindhi language | Dr.Ernesnt Trumpp | 17370 | 491.415 TRU | 1970 | No further result found |
531 | Verses of Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai | Ali Akbar | 17371 | 891.41102202 RAS-S | 1965 | 1931-1965 |
532 | Speech of sir Shah nawaz bhutto on the separation of Sind. | bhutto | 17372 | 954.9180358 bhu | 1930 | Not found |
533 | Table of instan sindh | | 17373 | 954.918 TAB | 1938 | Not found |
534 | The Economic condition of India during | H.L.Chablani | 17374 | 330.954025 CHA | 1929 | Not found |
535 | The Plants and drugs of Sind | James A Murray | 17375 | 615.3210954918 MUR | 1881 | 1983 |
536 | Annual report of archaeological survey of India 1926-27 | Sir John Marshall | 17377 | 954 MAR | 1930 | 2002 |
537 | Annual report of The archaeological survey | J.F.Blakistan | 17378 | 954.0358 DLA-A | 1928 | No further result found |
538 | Sindh and Its Sufis | Jethmal Parsram Gulraj | 17379 | 297.40954918 GUL | 1924 | 1979 |
539 | Folk heritage of Pakistan | National institure of folklore | 17380 | 954.91 NAT | | 1977 |
540 | Shah Abdul Latif: An Introduction to his art | Allama I.I.Kazi | 17381 | 891.411 KAZ | 1961 | 1973-1961 |
541 | Burners Biography | | 17382 | 355.00922 BUR | | Not found |
542 | Illustrious Women | Queen Victoria | 17385 | 305.4094 ILL | | Not found |
543 | Indroduction to Sindh: Its Wealth and Welfare | Maneck B. Pithawalla | 17386 | 954.73-MAN | 1951 | Not found |
544 | The Struggle Of the Nations Egypt, Syia | Gaston Maspero | 17388 | 956.9-MAS | 1925 | 1897 |
545 | The Historical Background of Pakistan and Its People | Ahmed Abdullah | 17389 | 954.91 ABD | 1973 | no further result found |
546 | Gazetteer of the Province of sind.Bvol-1 Larkana. | | 17390 | 915.49182Gaz-s | 1927 | Not found |
547 | Gazetter of province of sindh: hyderabad district | Bombay govt. central press | 17392 | 954.918 BOM | 1927 | 2003 |
548 | Lahore to Yarkand | T.D.Forsyth | 17394 | 508.6954914 FOR | 1873 | 1981.1973.2004 |
549 | Sind a re-interpretion of the unhappy valley | J.Abbott | 17395 | 954.918 ABB | 1977 | 1924 |
550 | Spanish Cante Jondo and Its origin in Sindh Music | Aziz Baloch | 17396 | 781.6261054918 AZI | 1968 | no further result found |
551 | Balochistan through the ages .Vol.1 | Balochistan | 17397 | 954.915 BAL | 1979 | no further result found |
552 | Assessment of the Omercote and Narra District | | 17398 | 915.491813 GAZ-S | 1855 | Not found |
553 | Romantic tales from The Punjab with Indian nights.Vol.1 | Charles Swynnerton | 17399 | 891.423085 SWY | 1908 | 1963 |
554 | Falconry in The Valley of The Indus | Richard F.Burton | 17400 | 799.230954918 BUR | 1852 | 1997-1852 |
555 | Sind a re-interpretion of the unhappy valley | J.Abbott | 17401 | 954.918 ABB | 1977 | 1924 |
556 | Historical Wealth of The North -West | S.M.Jaffer | 17402 | 027.554912 JAF | 1954 | Not found |
557 | Voyage of Nearchus | Vincent | 17403 | 954.91 VIN | 1797 | 1797-1800-1800 |
558 | Report Oon an inquiry into the Silk industry in India.Vol.3 | H.Maxwell Lefroy | 17404 | 677.390954 MAX | 1916 | 1917 |
559 | Report on an inquiry into the Silk industry in India.Vol.1 | H.Maxwell Lefroy | 17405 | 677.390954 MAX | 1917 | 1917 |
560 | Gazetteer of the province of Sindh Vol.VII Upper Sindh Frontier District | J.W.Smyth | 17406 | 915.49182 SMY-G | 1919 | No further result found |
561 | Dry leaves from young Egypt | J.B Egstwick | 17407 | 954.918031-EAS | 1851 | 1851-2005 |
562 | The Tuzuk i jahangiri | Alexander Rogers | 17408 | 954.0256 ROG | 1909 | 1909-14-1968 |
563 | Lists of Places in The Bombay presidency | | 17410 | 915.4792 LIS | 1875 | Not found |
564 | Report on the territories conquered from the paishwa | Mountstuart Elphinstone | 17411 | 915.4792 ELP-G | 1872 | 1973 |
565 | Selected Works on Sindhi | M.Q.Bughio | 17413 | 491.4108 BUG | | Not found |
566 | Appendix to Sind Survey Manual | | 17414 | 333.080287 App-S | | Not found |
567 | Gazetteer of The Province of Sindh Vol.V Nawabshah District | J.W.Smyth | 17415 | 915.491813 GAZ-S | 1920 | No further result found |
568 | Gazetteer of The Province of Sindh Vol.III Sukkar District | J.W.Smyth | 17416 | 915.49182 SMY-G | 1919 | No further result found |
569 | Gazetteer of The Province of Sindh Vol.II Hyderabad District | J.W.Smyth | 17417 | 915.49182 SMY-G | 1920 | 2003 |
570 | Indian Costumes | B.N.Goswamy | 17418 | 746.92 GOS | 1993 | No further result found |
571 | Papers Relating to the revision Mirpur Sakro Taluka | | 17419 | 915.491813 GAZ-S | 1907 | No further result found |
572 | The Art of Flamenco | D.E.Pohren | 17421 | 781.62610468 POH | 1962 | 1971-1967-1962 |
573 | Gazetteer of the province of sindh | A.W.Hughes | 17422 | 954.918 HUG | 1876 | 1876-1996 |
574 | Gazetteer of the Province of Sindh (III) | | 17424 | | 1928 | 1876-1996 |
575 | Stone Carving and Inalaying in The bombay Presidently | J.H.E.Tupper | 17425 | 729.0954 TUP | 1906 | no further result found |
576 | Gazetteer of The Province of Sindh | A.W.Hughes | 17426 | 915.4918 HUG | 1876 | 1876-1996 |
577 | Yun-Nan:The Link Between India and Yangtze | H.R.Davies | 17428 | 954.0512 DAV | 1909 | no further result found |
578 | Memoirs of Seth Naomul Hatchand, C.S.I., of Karachi | Rao Bahadur Alumal Bhojwani | 17429 | 954.031 BHO | 1915 | 2006 |
579 | The Budhist Art of Gnadhara | Sir John Marshall | 17430 | 700.482943 MAR | 1973 | 1960-1973 |
580 | Modern India with illustrations of the resources and capabilities of Hindustan | Henry H. Spry | 17431 | 954.031 SPR | 1837 | no further result found |
581 | The Life Religion and Poetry of Shah Abdul Latif | Lilram Watanmal Lalwani | 17432 | 891.411 LAL | 1890 | Not found |
582 | Sindh and the races that inhabit the valley | Richard F.Burton | 17433 | 954.918 BUR | 1973 | no further result found |
583 | A Compendium of Speeches and Press Statements | Zulfikar Ali Bhutto | 17435 | 353.13095491 BHU | 1966 | no further result found |
584 | The Great Baluch | Muhammad Sardar khan | 17437 | 305.48891411 KHA | 1965 | 1964 |
585 | Indian travels of the venot | Surendranath Sen | 17440 | 954.0290922 SEN | 1949 | 1949-2011 |
586 | The Bulletin of The Karachi Geographical Society | Maneck B.Pithawala | 17441 | 915.4918305 BUL | 1949 | no further result found |
587 | Culture History of sindh. | Faiz mohammad soomro | 17442 | 954.98029 soo | 1977 | no further result found |
588 | The Biggar Saint sehwan and Others Sketches | S.Khan | 17443 | 297.40954918 KHA | | Not found |
589 | Cultural Amplifiers | Josepl C.Berland | 17444 | 306.08991497 BER | 1977 | no further result found |
590 | Cultural Amplifiers | Josepl C.Berland | 17445 | 306.08991497 BER | 1977 | no further result found |
591 | The selections from the records of the Bombay government memories (photo copy) | Hughes Thomas | 17446 | 954.918 HED | 1855 | no further result found |
592 | The Gulistan : Rose Garden | John T.Platts | 17447 | 491.551 PLA | 1876 | no further result found |
593 | Grammar of The Sindhi language | Dr.Ernesnt Trumpp | 17448 | 491.415 TRU | 1970 | no further result found |
594 | Travels in Baluchistan and sind. | LT.Henery Pottinger | 17449 | 954. pot | | 1816 |
595 | Stories From Herodotus | H.L.Havell | 17452 | 883.01 HAV | 1934 | 1923 |
596 | The Cotton fabrics of the Bombay presidency | R.E.Enthoven | 17454 | 677.210954792 ENT | | Not found |
597 | Fifty years with john company: from the letters of General Sir John low of Clatto | Ursula Low | 17456 | 954.03 LOW | 1936 | no further result found |
598 | Narrative of journey through the Upper provinces of India Vol. 2 | Reginald Heber | 17457 | 954.031 HEB | 1828 | 1828-1829-1985-1873 |
599 | Lonhus :Daphnis and Chloe | Raphael Collin | 17458 | 843.6 COU | 1896 | Not found |
600 | To Cabul with the cavalry brigade | R.C.W. Mitford | 17459 | 958.1 MIT | 1881 | 1881-2000 |
601 | Gazetteer of the province of Sindh | J.W. Smyth | 17460 | 915.471813 SMY | 1920 | 1876-1996 |
602 | Shah Abdul Latif of Bhatti his poetry, life and time | | 17461 | | | Not found |
603 | The history of the Kathiawar from the earliest time | Wilberforce | 17462 | 954 WIL | 1916 | 1916-1980 |
604 | Ceyoln | James Emerson | 17463 | 954.9303 TEN | 1859 | 1859-1977 |
605 | Ceylon | James Emerson | 17464 | 954.9303 TEN | 1859 | 1859-1860 |
606 | Early records of british India | Talboys Wheeler | 17465 | 954.029 WHE | 1879 | 1878-1972 |
607 | The Indian empire | Montgomery Martin | 17466 | 954 MAR | 1840 | 1983-1857-1858-61 |
608 | Minutes of evidence taken before the Right honourable the house of lords… | E. Cox | 17468 | 954.031 MIN | 1813 | no further result found |
609 | Selections from the records of District Sukkur,Larkana | | 17470 | 915.491813 GAZ-S | 1934 | Not found |
610 | Pappers Relating to revision-Thar Parker and Nawabshah District | GAZ.S | 17471 | 915.49183 GAZ-S | 1934 | Not found |
611 | Papers Relating to the revision:Thar Parker District | GAZ.S | 17472 | 915.491812 GAZ-S | | Not found |
612 | Selections from the records of district Upper Sind frontier | | 17473 | 915.491813 GAZ-S | 1918 | Not found |
613 | Papers Relating to the Upper Sind Frontier District | GAZ-S | 17474 | 915.4918 GAZ-S | 1918 | Not found |
614 | Papers relating to the revision:Hyderabad District | GAZ.S | 17475 | 915.491812 GAZ-S | 1934 | Not found |
615 | The umeers of sindh | H.H. Ameer Muhammad | 17476 | 954.918031 UME | 1846 | no further result found |
616 | Cutch | Mrs. Postans | 17477 | 954.7 POS | 1839 | 2001-1839 |
617 | A Dictionary Gujrati and English | SE-G | 17480 | 491.4703 SE-G | 1863 | no further result found |
618 | Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental manuscripts | Dr.Najmul Islam | 17481 | 011.31 NAJ-C | | Not found |
619 | Postan's personal observations on Sindh | Sir Henry Pottinger | 17483 | 954 PER | 1843 | 1843-1973-2005 |
620 | Rise and progress of the British power in India. Vol.1 | Peter Auber | 17484 | 954.029 AUB | 1834 | 1837 |
621 | The West Pakistan Civil List | | 17485 | 352.630216 | 1957 | no further result found |
622 | History of British India | James Mill | 17486 | 954.03 MIL | 1858 | 1817-1968-1975- 1972 or 3-1848-1972 |
623 | History of British India | James Mill | 17487 | 954.03 MIL | 1858 | 1817-1968-1975- 1972 or 3-1848-1972 |
624 | History of British India | James Mill | 17488 | 954.03 MIL | 1858 | 1817-1968-1975- 1972 or 3-1848-1972 |
625 | History of British India | James Mill | 17489 | 954 MIL | 1844 | 1817-1968-1975- 1972 or 3-1848-1972 |
626 | History of British India Vol. 9 | James Mill | 17490 | 954.03 MIL | 1858 | 1817-1968-1975- 1972 or 3-1848-1972 |
627 | An Analysis of The Constitution | Peter Auber | 17492 | 954.031 AUB | 1826 | 1826-1970-1826 |
628 | Behind The bunglow | | 17493 | 640.460899 ALT | 1904 | no further result found |
629 | The Indian Musalmans: are they bound in conscience to rebel against the queen | W.W.Hunter | 17494 | 954 HUN | 1871 | no further result found |
630 | An historical relation of the origin, progress, and final dissolution of the govt. of Rohilla Afgans in the Northern provinces of Hindostan | G. Kearsley | 17496 | 954 HAM | 1787 | no further result found |
631 | An anglo indian domestic sketch | Grant colesworthy | 17497 | 954.031 GRA | 1849 | no further result found |
632 | The history of George Desmond | Sherwood Mary | 17499 | 954.031 SHE | 1821 | no further result found |
633 | Tajul iqbal: tarikh e bhopal | H.H. Nawab shahjahan | 17500 | 954.1 SHA | 1876 | no further result found |
634 | The life and opinions of Sir Charles Napier vol. 1 | C. Napier | 17502 | 954.031092 NAP | 1857 | no further result found |
635 | The life and opinions of Sir Charles Napier vol. 2 | C. Napier | 17503 | 954.031092 NAP | 1857 | no further result found |
636 | Telegraph and Travel | Sir John Gold Smith | 17504 | 384.0942054 GOL | 1874 | no further result found |
637 | Photographs of Delhi. | | 17505 | 954.0222 pho | 1885 | not found |
638 | Descriptive Ethnoogy of Bengal | Edward Tuite Dalton | 17506 | 306.095492 DAL | 1872 | no further result found |
639 | A Journey over land to India | Donald Campbell | 17507 | 954.029 CAM | 1976 | 1807.1796.1797 |
640 | The History of The Indian Mutiny .Vol.2 | Charles Bell | 17509 | 954.82 BAL | 1858 | 2005.1858.1981 |
641 | Historical record of the imperial visit to India | Govt. of India | 17510 | 954.035 IND | 1914 | no further result found |
642 | Views in India and China.. Vol.1 | Robert Elliott | 17511 | 954 ROB | 1834 | 1835-1886 |
643 | Typical Pictures of India Natives | F.M.Coleman | 17512 | 305.8914 Col | 1903 | 1897-1930 |
644 | British Government in India.Vol.2 | Marquess Curzon Kedleston | 17513 | 954.0355 CUR | 1925 | 1925-1925 |
645 | The royal tour in India | Stanley Reed | 17514 | 954.035-REE | 1906 | no further result found |
646 | The life and opinions of Sir Charles Napier vol. 3 | C. Napier | 17515 | 954.031092 NAP | 1857 | no further result found |
647 | History of General Sir Charles Napier's Administration Of Scinde | Sir William Napier | 17515 | 954.9180315-NAP | 1995 | 1851-1858 |
648 | The life and opinions of Sir Charles Napier vol. 4 | C. Napier | 17516 | 954.031092 NAP | 1857 | no further result found |
649 | Rules for Classification sindh settlement Department | Rules | 17520 | 333.9130954918 RUL | 1875 | Not found |
650 | Report on an inquiry into the Silk industry India.Vol.2 | H.Maxwell Lefroy | 17521 | 677.390954 MAX | 1917 | no further result found |
651 | Bibliography on textiles | C.Thomas Poul | 17522 | 377.016 PAU-B | | Not found |
652 | A Short Sketch Historical | Sadik Ali Sher Ansari | 17523 | 954.910581 ANS | 1954 | 1901-1996 |
653 | A Catalogue of The Arabic,Persian and Hindu | Govt. of India | 17526 | 016.8911 INO-C | 1854 | no further result found |
654 | The Climate of Karachi and How to Live in It | Maneck B.Pithawala | 17528 | 551.69549183 PIT | 1953 | 1953-1953 |
655 | The Economic Condition of India During | H.L.Chablani | 17529 | 330.954025 CHA | 1929 | no further result found |
656 | Survey Manual for The Guidance of Revenue | The Superintendent, Land | 17530 | 627.0954918 SUP-S | 1900 | Not found |
657 | List of File | | 17531 | 016.976 USA | 1947 | Not found |
658 | Preliminary Inventories | George P.Perros | 17533 | 016.976 PER-P | 1958 | 1954-1958-1955-1954- |
659 | Special List | K.Jaak Bauer | 17534 | 016.9403 BAU-L | 1854 | Not found |
660 | The Gazetteer of West Pakistan the former province of Sindh | Dr.H.T.Sorley | 17535 | 915.4918 SOR-F | | 1968 or 9 |
661 | Romantic tales from the Punjab with Indian nights | Charles Swynnerton | 17536 | 891.423085 SWY | 1908 | 1963 |
662 | An historical disquisition | William Robertson | 17537 | 954.03-ROB | 1822 | 1812-1802-1792-1791-1904-1836 |
663 | Timely treat vol. 1 | Wallace Dunloop | 17538 | 954.14031 WAL | 1858 | Not found |
664 | Gazeetteer of the province of Sindh | E.H.Aitken | 17539 | 915.4918 AIT-S | 1986 | no further result found |
665 | Memoirs of Seth Naomul Hatchand, C.S.I., of Karachi | Rao Bahadur Alumal Bhojwani | 17542 | 954.031 BHO | 1982 | 2006 |
666 | Technical and industrial education in the Bombay | | 17543 | 372.3580954792 TEC | 1922 | 1923 |
667 | Historical memoir on shikarpoor (photo copied) | F.G.Goldsmid | 17544 | 954.91803109 HIS | | 1855 |
668 | List of Collectors and Deputy Commissioners | | 17545 | 331.11 LIS | 1920 | Not found |
669 | Note on the Baloch and Balochi tribes | S.Sadik Ali | 17547 | 954.910581 ANS | 1901 | 1996 |
670 | Report of Sindh reorganisation committee | | 17552 | | | Not found |
671 | Selections from the record of Bombay Government: district of Omerkote and Thur | Bombay Education Society | 17553 | 954.918 BOM | 1856 | Not found |
672 | The umeers of Sindh | Meer Muhammad Khan | 17558 | 954.918031 AMM | 1864 | no further result found |
673 | Tales of old Sind | C.A.Kincaid | 19369 | 891.413081 KIN | 1922 | 1922-1922 |
674 | Recollections of Northern India with Observations | William Buyers | 16786 | 954.03 BUY | 1848 | 1848-1852 |
675 | Historical research into the politics, intercourse, and trade of the principal nations of antiquity Vol.1 | A.H.L Heeren | 16847,16848, | 950 HEE | 1833 | 1934-34-1847-57-1846-50 |
676 | A memoir of central India including Malwa and adjoining provinces | Sir John Malcom | 16869, 16870 | 954.03 MAL | 1832 | 1823 |
677 | The history, antiquities, topography and statistics of Eastern India Vol. 1 | Robert Montgomery | 16889,16890, 16891 | 954.1 MAR | 1838 | no further result found |
678 | Travels in The Mogul Empire | Francois Bernier | 16978 | 954.0258 BER | 1914 | 1916-1968-1976-1826 |
679 | On Alexander's track to the Indus | Aurel Stein | 17540 | 915.491 STE | 1929 | 1929-1985-1972-1929-1974-1975-2001 |
680 | The life of the Marquis of Dalhousie.Vol.II | William Lee Warner | 17029 | 954.0316092 LEE-D | 1904 | 1972-1904 |
681 | The India We Served | Walter Roper Lawrence | 17159 | 954.035 LAW | 1928 | no further result found |
682 | Cabool:personal narrative of a journey to and residence in that city. | Alexander Burnes | 17453 | 958.103 BUR | 1842 | 1961-2003-1842-1843-1843-1973 |
683 | Cabool:personal narrative of a journey to and residence in that city | Alexander Burnes | 17324 | 958.103 BUR | 1842 | 1961-2003-1842-1843-1843-1973 |
684 | Sir John and Duleep Singh | Lady Login | 17041 | 954.031 LOG | 1890 | 1978-1890-1970 |
685 | Cabool:personal narrative of a journey to and residence in that city | Alexander Burnes | 17455 | 958.103 BUR | 1961 | 1961-2003-1842-1843-1843-1973 |
686 | Cabool:personal narrative of a journey to and residence in that city | Alexander Burnes | 16789 | 958.103 BUR | 1842 | 1961-2003-1842-1843-1843-1973 |
687 | The travel of Warren Hastings | | 16834 | 954.0298 TRI-H | 1794 | Not found |
688 | Cabool:personal narrative of a journey to and residence in that city | Alexander Burnes | 17376 | 958.103 BUR | 1961 | 1842-2003-1973-1961-1842 |
689 | History of the political and military transactions in India.vol-2 | Henry T.Prinsep | 16924 | 954.0313 PRI | 1825 | 1825-1972 |
690 | Haunts and hobbies of an indian official | Mark Thronhill | 17268 | 954.031 THO | 1899 | no further result found |
691 | Annals and antiquities of Rajasthan | James Tod | 17367 | 954.40899147 TOD | | 1920-1829-32-1940-1971 |
692 | India | Pierre Loti | 17162 | 954 LOT | | 1929-1907 |
693 | Autobiography of Lutfullah | Edward B.Eastwick | 17050 | 954.031092 LUT | 1857 | no further result found |
694 | The Khasis | P.R.T.Gurdon | 16958 | 954.162 GUR | 1914 | 1914-1975-1914-1907 |
695 | Gun-Running and the Indian North-West frontier | Arnold Keppel | 17150 | 954.912 KEP | 1911 | 1987-1977 |
696 | To the civil and military services of the East India Company | Administration of East India. | 17147 | 954 KAY | 1853 | Not found |
697 | Pen and ink Sketches of native life in Southern India | | 17286 | 954.8 JAV | 1880 | no further result found |
698 | Narrative of a journey to the falls of the cavery | Neilgherry Hills | 16832 | 954.8 JER | 1834 | no further result found |
699 | The Early history of Bengal | F.J.Monahan | 17192 | 954.14 MON | 1925 | 1974-1925 |
700 | Dacoitee in excelsis on The spoliation of Oude | Samuel Lucas | 17163 | 954.14 LUC | | 1971-1857 |
701 | Archaeological works | Govt. of India | 17326 | 954.060 IND | 1938 | Not found |
702 | The Great Proconsul:The Memoirs of Mrs.Hester Ward | Sydney C.Grier | 17096 | 954.0298 GRI-W | 1904 | 1904 |
703 | A history of British India Vol. 2 | Hunter K.C.S.I | 17137 | 954.03 HUN | 1900 | 1899-1900-1972 |
704 | My visit to the Coldfields in the South-East | Samuel Jennings | 17142 | 954.8 JEN | 1881 | Not found |
705 | Western India | George Le Grand Jacob | 17140 | 954.70317 JAC | 1871 | 1985 |
706 | Jodhpur | | 17144 | 954.5 JOH | 1933 | 1906 |
707 | Himalayan Journals | Joseph Dalton Hooker | 17121 | 954.029 HOO | | 2004-1855-1969-1854 |
708 | Panjab castes | Sir Denzil Ibbetson | 17384 | 954.914 IBB | 1916 | 1970-1916-1982 |
709 | Journal of a residence in India | Maria Graham | 17498 | 954.0313 GRA | 1813 | 1813-2000 |
710 | Castes and tribes of Southern India.Vol.5 | E.Thurston | 17276 | 954.8 THU | 1909 | 1975-1909-1909 |
711 | Castes and tribes of Southern India.Vol.2 | E.Thurston | 17273 | 954.8 THU | 1909 | 1975-1909-1909 |
712 | The Ao Nagas | J.P.Mills | 16967 | 954.162 MIL | 1926 | 1926-1973-2003 |
713 | India land of dreams and fantasy | Doranne Jacobson | 17313 | 954 JAC | 1992 | 1992 |
714 | Life in the mission: the Camp and the Zenana or Six years in India Vol. 1 | Mrs.Colin Mackenzie | 17166 | 954.031092 MAC | 1853 | no further result found |
715 | India Minto And Morley 1905-1910 | Mary,Countess of Minto | 17190 | 954.0356 MIN | 1934 | 1858-1934 |
716 | Report on the district of Sahitee | J.T.Jameson | 17436 | 954.918 JAM | 1853 | no further result found |
717 | The stranger in India or three years in Calcutta.Vol.1 | George W.Johnson | 16830 | 954.1470314 JOH | 1843 | no further result found |
718 | The stranger in India or three years in Calcutta.Vol.2 | George W.Johnson | 16831 | 954.1470314 JOH | 1843 | no further result found |
719 | A sketch of the history of the East-India Compoany | Robert Grant | 17495 | 954.031 GRA | 1813 | Not found |
720 | The Indian empire | W.W.Hunter | 17133 | 954 HUN | 1882 | 2005-1893-1886-1882 |
721 | Le Istorie (Italian book) | | 17171 | | 1889 | no further result found |
722 | Political history of India | W.Clowes | 16867 | 340.549 CLW | 1850 ca. | no further result found |
723 | Pen and pencil sketches | W.Clowes | 16937 | 954.9 CLW | 1832 | no further result found |
724 | Life of Warren hastings | W.Clowes | 17095 | 920 CLW | 1894 | no further result found |
725 | Native life and trancore | Samual Mateer | 17185 | 954.14 MAT | 1883 | Not found |
726 | History of french in India | G.V. Malleson | 17176 | 954.029 MAL | 1761 | 1868-1984-1893 |
727 | Narrative of various journies in balochinstan…. Vol.3 | Charles Masson | 17527 | 954.9103 MAR | 1844 | 2001-1844-1974-1977 |
728 | Sketches of political history in India | John Malcolm | 16866 | 954.03 MAL | 1811 | no further result found |
729 | Life in the mission Vol.3 | Colin Mackenzie | 17168 | 954.031092 MAC | 1853 | no further result found |
730 | Sindh through the centuries | Hamida khuhro | 17309 | 954.918 KHU | 1981 | no further result found |
731 | Life in the Mofussil | An .Ex. Civilian | 17080 | 954.031 GRA | 1878 | no further result found |
732 | Geography of Herodotus | James Talboys Wheeler | 17412 | 910.02 GEO | 1854 | no further result found |
733 | Changing Map of Sindh | Maneck Pithawala | | 954.918 PIT | | 1938 |
734 | Who is who Jacobabad (photo copied) | | 17550 | | | Not found |
735 | Who is who Jacobabad (photo copied) | | 17551 | | | Not found |
736 | Who is who Jacobabad | | 17548 | | | Not found |
737 | Who is who Jacobabad | | n | | | Not found |
738 | Who is who Larkana vol.1 (photo copied) | | 17321 | | | Not found |
739 | Who is who Larkana vol. 2 (photo copied) | | 17322 | | | Not found |
740 | Alexander's Empire | John Pentland Mahaffy | 17310 | 954 MAH | 1887 | |
741 | Bombay Act NO.VI of 1923 The Bombay Local Boards Act, 1923 | Govt. of India | 17557 | 954 BOM | 1928 | |
742 | Travels in Balochistan And Sinde; | Henry Pottinger | 17479 | 954.029 POT | 1816 | |
743 | History of General Sir Charles Napier's Administration Of Scinde | Sir William Napier | 17491 | 954.918315 NAP | 1851 | |
744 | Gazetteer Of The Province Of Sind Volume V Nawabshah District | J.W.Smyth | 17555 | 954.918 GAZ | 1920 | |