Sindh Archives houses extraordinary and unrivalled records spanning 19th to 21st centuries which include manuscripts, Maps, Records of Commissioner in Sindh, gazetteers, assembly debates, civil lists and a good collection of rare Books. This collection is acquired, preserved, and made available to support your learning and research particularly about history and culture of Sindh and generally in a wide array of disciplines. As the different collections are processed their applicable finding aids being made available. Some of them have been completed and work on others is going on. Basic inventories for most of the material in the collections are available. The collection at Sindh Archives is the shared documentary heritage. It is a treasure trove of inestimable value which comprises materials in all media. In the research room various kinds of finding aids are available, such as inventories, lists, index, and catalogue cards etc. which refer to records. Advice on research methods, availability of records and the use of finding aids can be obtained from the staff.
Here you may browse categorical record existing in Sindh Archives.