Sir Shahnawaz Bhutto Library, Larkana
This library was established in 1984 as a result of efforts made by (Late) Mohammad Hashim Memon, Deputy Commissioner Larkana. First phase of library was established in 1976 and 2nd phase in 1993-94. Salient features of this library are as under:
Salient features of library
- Reference Hall.
- Auditorium.
- Children Section.
- C.S.S Section.
- P.C.S Section.
- Ladies Section.
- Newspaper & Periodical Section.
- Books Section / Stack Section – 1.
- Books Section / stack section – 2.
- Entry Test section.
- About 600 students visit this library daily. Out of them about 5 readers qualify CSS examinations yearly and sufficient students qualify other competitive examinations.
Details of Holdings
- Books 8000
- Manuscripts Nil
- Archival Records Nil
- Newspapers 32 (Sindhi , Urdu & English)
- Magazines 38 (Sindhi , Urdu & English)
Facilities for public
Library is centrally air-conditioned, catalogued and equipped with internet café.
Future Program
Construction of Museum
Phone No.