Shamsul Hassan Collection
Collector’s Introduction:
Syed Shamsul Hasan joined the Central Office of All-India Muslim League in July 1914. After a short while, he became Assistant Secretary of the office. He held this position till the creation of Pakistan. After establishment of Pakistan, he served the Pakistan Muslim League in same capacity till the Martial Law of 1958. Syed Shamsul Hasan, however, remained associated with the Muslim League throughout his life. His selfless devotion and commitment to the cause of the Muslim League was exemplary.
Process of Acquisition:
After independence, Syed Shamsul Hasan had migrated to Karachi. On the Quaid’s instructions, he traveled back to Delhi to fetch the office record of All-India Muslim League. At Delhi, he was arrested under false charge of murder but later released on personal intervention of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and Pundit Jawahar Lal Nehru. Subsequently, he was allowed to carry these papers to Pakistan which are known as Shamsul Hasan Collection.
After demise of Syed Shamsul Hassan in 1981, the Collection became a part of his family archives and was painstakingly looked after by his elder son Mr. Khalid Shamsul Hasan till his death in 1995. Afterwards, the collection was taken over by his younger brother Zahid Shamsul Hasan. Being in private custody, preservation of this vital source material, in accordance with standard archival practices, was almost impossible and this precious source material was likely to be lost. Therefore, the National Documentation Centre (NDC) of Cabinet Division, Government of Pakistan initiated negotiations with Syed Zahid Shamsul Hasan for acquisition of this Collection. In view of the fact that a portion of his residence continued to be reserved for the collection for more than half a century, a very handsome monetary compensation was offered to Mr. Zahid Shamsul Hasan. However, as a noble gesture, Mr. Zahid donated the Collection to NDC, Cabinet Division, free of cost. This collection was bounded in 72 volumes. Out of them 71 were handed over to NDC.
Sindh Archives, Karachi acquired collection of books of Mr. Shamsul Hasan from the wife of Mr Khalid Shamsul Hasan. This collection also contained one missing volume of Shamsul Hasan collection handed over to NDC. On the request of authorities of NDC this volume was handed over by Sindh Archives to NDC to complete their collection. The authorities of NDC have provided hard copies of all (72) volumes of collection to Sindh Archives which are available for researchers.
About Collection:
Shamsul Hasan Collection comprises 72 volumes of original Muslim League papers, mostly from 1940 to 1947. Apart from this period a considerable pre-1940 material dealing with the Quaid-i-Azam and the All-India Muslim League is also included in this collection. This is an invaluable academic asset and its value as a historical source material can hardly be overstated. No. meaningful research on the formative phase of Pakistan Movement and the history of All-India Muslim League can be completed without consultation of this vital source material.
The material on following topics is available in 72 volumes of this collection: –
1 | Sindh Voume I Correspondence of 1941-1944 | I | 1914-1944 |
2 | Correspondence from Abroad | 2 | 1942 |
3 | United Provinces Correspondence 1943-1946 | IV | 1943-1946 |
4 | Miscellaneous Volume I | I | 1940 |
5 | United Provinces Volume I | I | 1942-1946 |
6 | Correspondence 1943-1947 | I | 1943-1947 |
7 | Madras Volume I 1940-1945 | I | 1940-1945 |
8 | United Provinces Volume V | V | 1942-1946 |
9 | Students Volume II | II | 1943-1946 |
10 | Non Muslim Personalities and Organizations Volume I | I | 1941-1946 |
11 | North Western Frontier Province Volume II 1945-1947 | II | 1945-1947 |
12 | Sindh Volume II 1944 Correspondence | II | 1944 |
13 | Press and publications | 1 | 1943-1946 |
14 | Simla District Muslim League Punjab | 1 | 1940-1946 |
15 |
Correspondence of Qaid-e-Azam Mr. M.A. Jinnah and other papers Sindh Volume III |
III | 1944 |
16 | Non Muslim Personalities and Organizations | II | 1946 |
17 | Personal Vol.I Sales and Purchase of Shares | 1 | 1943-1946 |
18 | Assam Correspondence General | 1941-1946 | |
19 |
United Provinces Volume III Aligarh-General Correspondence Part 2 |
III | 1941-1949 |
20 |
Under representation of regarding in Servics, service grcevamess G.N. 1944-1946 |
1944-1946 | |
21 |
Correspondence of Qaid-e-Azam Mr. M.A. Jinnah and other papers Hyderabad II |
II | 1945 |
22 |
Correspondence of Qaid-e-Azam Mr. M.A. Jinnah and other papers Sindh VI |
VI | 1945 |
23 |
Correspondence of Qaid-e-Azam Mr. M.A. Jinnah and other papers Bengal Vol.I |
I |
1932-33 1941-46 |
24 | Federation of Muslim Chamber of Commerce | 1943-46 | |
25 | Personal Volume VI Household Matters Miscellaneous | VI | 1943-47 |
26 | Punjab Volume II Correspondence-General | II | 1946 |
27 | States: Correspondence-General 1942-1947 | 1942-47 | |
28 | Press and Publications Volume II | II | 1941-46 |
29 | Sindh: Volume IV | IV | 1944-1945 |
30 | Sindh Volume V. Correspondence 1945 | V | 1945 |
31 |
Correspondence of Qaid-e-Azam Mr. M.A. Jinnah and other papers Organizational Matters Volume from Nawabzada Liaquat Ali Khan to the Quaid and Syed Shamsul Hasan |
I | 1936-1947 |
32 |
Corerespondence of Qaid-e-Azam Mr. M.A. Jinnah and other papers Bihar Volume II |
II | 1946-47 |
33 |
Corerespondence of Qaid-e-Azam Mr. M.A. Jinnah and other papers Madras Volume II |
II | 1946 |
34 |
Organizational Matters Volume II Funds-Subscription Accounts 1942-47 |
II | 1942-47 |
35 |
Punjab Volume V Correspondence with Mrs. Rallia Ram 1946-47 |
V | 1946-47 |
36 |
Correspondence regardings: Labor and Trade Union 1943-1946 General Correspondence, 1944-47 |
1944-47 | |
37 | Rare Letters Volume II 1910-1911 | II | 1910-1911 |
38 |
Correspondence of Qaid-e-Azam Mr. M.A. Jinnah and other papers Personal Volume III 1942-44 |
III | 1942-44 |
39 | Bombay Volume I 1942-46 | I | 1942-46 |
40 | All India Muslim League Economic Planning Committee Correspondence 1944-45 |
1944-45 | |
41 | C.P. and Berar Volume II Correspondence-General | II | 1942-46 |
42 | Personal Volume 7. Photographs, Autographs, Invitations, Wishes and Enquiries |
7 | 1942-47 |
43 | Bengal Volume III | III | 1944-47 |
44 | Bombay Volume II Correspondence 1946 | II | 1946 |
45 | Correspondence 1943-1946 | 1943-46 | |
46 | Correspondence with Pepsons and Organizations outside India Foreign Correspondence (PC) |
I | 1941-1946 |
47 | Rare Letters Volume I & II Some Rare Letters | I & II | 1909-1911 |
48 | Correspondence-General Hyderabad-Deccan Vol. I | I | 1942-47 |
49 | Personal Volume V | V | 1944-1946 |
50 | United Provinces Volume VI | VI | 1941-45 |
51 | Bengal Volume IV | IV | 1944-46 |
52 | Bengal Volume II | II | 1946 |
53 | Punjab Volume IV 1943-46 | IV | 1943-46 |
54 | Sindh Volume VIII | VIII | 1946-47 |
55 | Correspondence NWFP | I | 1944-1946 |
56 | Correspondence United Provinces | II | 1946-1947 |
57 | Correspondence C.P. and Berar Volume I | I | 1938-1941 |
58 | Muslim League Accounts and Others Loose Papers | I | 1944-1947 |
59 | Correspondence Personal | II | 1940-1946 |
60 | Correspondence Bihar | I | 1941-1945 |
61 | General Correspondence | II | 1943-1946 |
62 | Correspondence Punjab | III | 1941-1946 |
63 | Correspondence | IV | 1945-1946 |
64 | Correspondence Press and Publications Press | III | 1942-1946 |
65 |
Anti Pakistan Muslim Organizations: Jamiat-ul-Ulamia Hind |
1944-46 | |
66 | General Correspondence | 1941-1947 | |
67 | Correspondence Sindh | VII | 1945-1946 |
68 | General Correspondence | 1943-1947 | |
69 |
Students Volume I Correspondence relating to (1) All India Muslim Students Federation 1941-1947 |
1 | 1941-1947 |
70 | General Correspondence Delhi 1943-1947 | 1943-47 | |
71 | General Correspondence 1940-1946 | 1940-1946 | |
72 | Jinnah Bank Account 1942-1946 Imperial Bank of India | 1942-46 |