Written by
Government College Farooka, Sargodha
Ex. Chairperson, Department of Library and Information Science, U.O.K
& Principal Investigator, Sindh Archives, Karachi
Thesis submitted for the degree of PhD in Library and Information Science
University of Karachi
This is to certify that Mr. Shamshad Ahmed has carried out his research work entitled: Research Study of Library and Archival Record in Directorate of Sindh Archives Karachi, under my regular supervision. To the best of my knowledge, this work is first ever in the Pakistani context. The researcher has tapped all the possible resources with responsibility and academic honesty.
Prof. Dr. Nasim Fatim
Ex- Chairperson
Department of Library and Information Science
University of the Karachi.
Principal Investigator .
Sindh Archives Information and Archives Department Karachi
Table of Content
CHAPTER 1 | 1 |
Terminology and Description | 3 |
Records | 3 |
Archives | 5 |
Archives or Repository | 6 |
Archivist | 6 |
Record Manager | 8 |
Librarian | 8 |
Similarities and Differences between Library and Archives | 8 |
Importance of Archives | 10 |
Nature of Archives | 11 |
Review of Related Literature | 11 |
Creation of Archives | 12 |
Act or Legislation | 16 |
Archives Management | 18 |
Appraisal and Selection of Record | 19 |
The Basic Value of Records for Selection | 23 |
Processing | 26 |
Arrangement of Archives | 29 |
Description of Archives | 36 |
Selection of problem | 45 |
Scope | 45 |
De-limitations | 45 |
Objectives | 46 |
Methodology | 46 |
Utility | 47 |
References | 48 |
CHAPTER 2 | 53 |
National Archives of Pakistan | 57 |
History | 57 |
Building | 58 |
Mission and Responsibilities | 59 |
Holdings | 63 |
Finding Aids and Publications | 67 |
Punjab Archives Lahore | 68 |
History | 68 |
Building | 69 |
Mission and Responsibilities | 70 |
Holdings | 72 |
Finding Aids and Publications | 75 |
Directorate of Archives, Balochistan | 78 |
History | 78 |
Building | 78 |
Mission and Responsibilities | 79 |
Holdings | 81 |
Finding Aids and Publications | 82 |
Directorate of Archives, Government of NWFP | 82 |
History | 82 |
Building | 84 |
Mission and Responsibilities | 84 |
Holdings | 85 |
Finding Aids and Publications | 86 |
National Documentation Centre | 86 |
History | 86 |
Mission and Responsibilities | 87 |
Holdings | 89 |
Finding Aids and Publications | 90 |
References | 93 |
CHAPTER 3 | 96 |
History | 96 |
British Rule on the Sindh | 97 |
History of SAIAD | 100 |
Building | 102 |
Mission and Responsibilities | 106 |
Budget | 107 |
Staff of SAIAD | 110 |
Committees in SAIAD | 115 |
Legislation of SAIAD | 117 |
Development Activities of SAIAD | 118 |
Automation Section | 122 |
Arrangement | 122 |
Conservation and Restoration Section | 123 |
Microfilming Section | 124 |
Training of the existing staff | 127 |
Finding Aids and Publications | 128 |
Summary | 130 |
References | 133 |
CHAPTER 4 | 135 |
Importance of Record | 137 |
Political Record | 139 |
Contents of the Files of Political Record from 1833-1860 | 142 |
Judicial Record | 156 |
Contents of the Files of Judicial Record from 1841 to 1860 | 159 |
General Record | 165 |
Contents of the Files of General Record from 1839 to 1860 | 168 |
Military Record | 181 |
Contents of the Files of Military Record from 1846 to 1860 | 182 |
Public Works Record | 185 |
Contents of the Files of Public Works Record from 1857 to 1860 | 185 |
Revenue Record | 193 |
Contents of the Files of Revenue Record from 1845 to 1860 | 195 |
Summary | 219 |
References | 222 |
CHAPTER 5 | 223 |
Manuscripts | 223 |
Importance of Manuscripts | 224 |
Analysis of Manuscripts | 227 |
Summary | 235 |
Maps | 236 |
Dadu District | 238 |
Important Maps of Dadu | 239 |
Hyderabad District | 242 |
Important Maps of Hyderabad | 243 |
Karachi District | 245 |
Important Maps of Karachi | 247 |
Larkana District | 253 |
Important Maps of Larkana | 255 |
Nawab Shah District | 258 |
Important Maps of Nawab Shah | 260 |
Shikarpur District | 262 |
Important Maps of Shikarpur | 263 |
Sukkur District | 264 |
Important Maps of Sukkur | 266 |
Thar Parkar District | 268 |
Important Maps of Tharparkar | 269 |
Upper Sindh | 273 |
Important Maps of Upper Sindh | 274 |
Summary | 275 |
Court Files | 277 |
Summary | 279 |
Business | 279 |
Conjugal Rights | 279 |
Encroachment | 280 |
Eviction | 280 |
Loan | 281 |
Mortgage | 282 |
Trade | 283 |
References | 284 |
CHAPTER 6 | 286 |
Reference Books Section | 288 |
Rare Books Section | 297 |
Books on important subjects and personalities in the Rare Section | 297 |
Books on Assam Tribes | 297 |
Books on Lord Dalhousie | 300 |
Books on Duleep Singh | 300 |
Books on East India Company | 302 |
Books on Sir Charles James Napier | 304 |
Books on Warren Hastings | 305 |
Books written by Sleeman | 309 |
Books in the Rare Section before 1800 | 310 |
Asian Development Banks Projects (ADBP) Reports | 314 |
Government Publications | 314 |
Newspapers | 332 |
Summary | 334 |
References | 338 |
CHAPTER 7 | 339 |
Dr. Nabi Bakhash Ghulam Muhammad Qazi | 340 |
Books and Periodicals | 343 |
Mumtaz Ali Mirza | 353 |
Books and Periodicals | 354 |
Sheikh Muhammad Ibrahim Khalil | 356 |
Books and Periodicals | 359 |
Zafar Hasan Sayed | 365 |
Books and Periodicals | 365 |
Muhammad Hanif Siddiqui | 370 |
Books and Periodicals | 371 |
Sayed Shamsul Hasan | 374 |
Books and Periodicals | 375 |
Prof. Jhamandas D. Bhatia | 377 |
Books and Periodicals | 379 |
Dr. Nabi Bux Khan Baloch | 380 |
Books and Periodicals | 381 |
Pir Ali Muhammad Rashdi | 382 |
Books and Periodicals | 384 |
Summary | 384 |
References | 390 |
CHAPTER 8 | 392 |
Findings | 392 |
Conclusion | 397 |
Suggestions | 398 |
1.1 | Differences between Archives and Libraries | 9 |
3.1 | Total amount spent on the construction and repair of first phase | 103 |
3.2 | Total amount sanctioned in the second phase | 105 |
3.3 | Summary of the cost of the building for extension of Sindh Archives | 105 |
3.4 | Development budget of SAIAD from 1993 to 2008 | 108 |
3.5 | Regular budgets of SAIAD from 2003-2007 | 109 |
3.6 | Directors of SAIAD and their working durations from 1976 to 2008 | 111 |
3.7 | First advisory committee | 115 |
3.8 | Present advisory committee | 116 |
3.9 | Acquisition committee | 117 |
3.10 | Personal libraries of scholars purchased in 1994-95 schemes | 119 |
3.11 | Under different schemes, following records were acquired | 120 |
3.12 | Acquired books of personal libraries in the budget of 1996-97 | 121 |
3.13 | List of archival record in Microfilming Section | 125 |
3.14 | Pictures on different subjects preserved in SAIAD | 126 |
3.15 | Name of the trainers, duration and different subjects of training | 127 |
3.16 | Training achieved by the professionals of SAIAD | 128 |
3.17 | List of re-printing of old record | 129 |
4.1 | Political Record of Commissioner Office from 1832 to 1860 | 139 |
4.2 | Judicial Record of the Commissioner Office from 1841 to 1860 | 156 |
4.3 | General Record of the Commissioner Office from 1839-1856 | 165 |
4.4 | Military Record of the Commissioner Office from 1847-60 | 181 |
4.5 | Public Works Record of the Commissioner Office from 1857 to 1860 | 185 |
4.6 | Revenue Record of the Commissioner Office from 1845 to 1857 | 193 |
5.1 | Main subjects of the manuscripts and their quantity | 224 |
5.2 | Total manuscripts according to language and broad subjects | 226 |
5.3 | Total manuscripts according to languages | 227 |
5.4 | The books which have more than one manuscript in SAIAD | 229 |
5.5 | Authors which have many volumes of manuscripts | 230 |
5.6 | Maps of Dadu District from 1880-1940 | 238 |
5.7 | Maps of Hyderabad District from 1873-1940 | 242 |
5.8 | Maps of Karachi District from 1874 to 1940 | 246 |
5.9 | Maps of Larkana District from 1880 to 1940 | 254 |
5.10 | Maps of Nawab Shah District from 1870 to 1940 | 259 |
5.11 | Maps of Shikarpur District from 1882 to1915 | 263 |
5.12 | Maps of Sukkur District from 1884 to 1940 | 265 |
5.13 | Maps of Tharparkar District from 1873 to 1940 | 268 |
5.14 | Maps of Upper Sindh from 1854 to1939 | 273 |
6.1 | Ready reference sources in SAIAD Library | 288 |
6.2 | Information access books in SAIAD Library | 289 |
6.3 | Biographical sources in the SAIAD Library | 289 |
6.4 | Dictionaries on specific subjects | 290 |
6.5 | Encyclopedias and specific books in SAIAD | 291 |
6.6 | Geographical sources | 292 |
6.7 | General reference books | 293 |
6.8 | Books in English language on India in SAIAD Library | 293 |
6.9 | Books related to Pakistan on different subjects | 294 |
6.10 | General books in English on different subjects | 294 |
6.11 | Urdu books on different subjects in the Library of SAIAD | 295 |
6.12 | Sindhi Books in the Library of SAIAD | 296 |
6.13 | Books on Assam Tribes in the Rare Section | 298 |
6.14 | Books on Dalhousie in the Rare Section | 300 |
6.15 | Books on Duleep Singh in the Rare Section | 300 |
6.16 | Books on East India Company in the Rare Section | 302 |
6.17 | Book on Sir Charles Napier and Sindh in the Rare Section | 304 |
6.18 | Books on Warren Hastings in the Rare Section | 305 |
6.19 | Books written by Sleeman in the Rare Section | 309 |
6.20 | Rare books in the Rare Section of SAIAD before 1800 | 310 |
6.21 | Government publication preserved in the Reference Library | 314 |
6.22 | Detail of the newspapers in SAIAD | 333 |
6.23 | Detail of the newspapers accessioned in SAIAD | 333 |
7.1 | Personal libraries acquired from different scholars under different schemes | 340 |
7.2 | Books and Periodicals in the collection of N.B.G.M. Qazi in different languages | 343 |
7.3 | Subject-wise distribution of English books in the N.B.G.M. Qazi collection | 343 |
7.4 | Arabic Books in the collection of N.B.G.M. Qazi | 344 |
7.5 | Persian Books in the collection of N.B.G.M. Qazi | 344 |
7.6 | Sindhi Books in the collection of N.B.G.M. Qazi | 345 |
7.8 | Archival Record of N.B.G.M. Qazi | 345 |
7.9 | Books and Magazines in different languages of Mumtaz Ali Mirza collection | 354 |
7.10 | Periodicals of Mumtaz Ali Mirza collection in different languages and subjects | 354 |
7.11 | Books in Urdu arranged according to subjects in the collection | 354 |
7.12 | Books in English arranged according to subjects in Mumtaz Ali Mirza collection | 355 |
7.13 | Books in Sindhi in the collection of Mumtaz Ali Mirza | 355 |
7.14 | Books in Arabic and Persian languages arranged according to subjects | 356 |
7.15 | English books in the collection of Ibrahim Khalil | 359 |
7.16 | Books in Sindhi language in the collection of Dr. Ibrahim Khalil | 359 |
7.17 | Government publications in the collection | 360 |
7.18 | Urdu periodicals in the collection | 361 |
7.19 | List of the periodicals in Sindhi language | 362 |
7.20 | English periodicals in the collection of Dr. Ibrahim Khalil | 364 |
7.21 | Books and periodicals in different languages of Sayed Zafar Hasan’s collection | 365 |
7.22 | English periodicals in the collection | 365 |
7.23 | List of Sindhi periodicals in the collection | 366 |
7.24 | List of newspapers in English language | 366 |
7.25 | List of Urdu newspapers | 367 |
7.26 | Urdu books arranged according to subjects | 368 |
7.27 | English books arranged according to subjects | 368 |
7.28 | Books in Sindhi language arranged according to subjects | 369 |
7.29 | Books of Mr. Hanif Siddiqui in different languages | 371 |
7.30 | Books in Urdu in the collection of Mr. Hanif Siddiqui | 371 |
7.31 | Urdu periodicals in the collection of Hanif Siddiqui | 371 |
7.32 | English and Chinese books in the collection arranged according to Subjects | 372 |
7.33 | Books in Sindhi language arranged according to subjects in the collection | 372 |
7.34 | Sindhi periodicals in the collection of Hanif Siddiqui | 373 |
7.35 | Books in English in the collection Syed Shamsul Hasan arranged by subjects | 375 |
7.36 | Books in Urdu arranged according to subjects in Shamsul Hasan collection | 376 |
7.37 | Books in Persian and Sindhi in the collection of Syed Shamsul Hasan | 377 |
7.38 | Total books and periodicals in the collection of Jhaman Das Bhatia | 379 |
7.39 | English books collection of Jhaman Das Bhatia | 379 |
7.40 | Books in different languages in the collection of Dr. N.A. Baloch | 381 |
7.41 | Books in different languages in the collection of Pir Ali Muhammad Rashdi | 384 |
7.42 | Quantity of personal collections acquired and present | 385 |
2-A | Total strength of staff in NAP | 405 |
2-B | Archival Record in NAP | 406 |
2-C | Private Collections in NAP | 406 |
2-D | Total strength of staff in Punjab Archives | 407 |
2-E | Archival Record preserved in Record Office of Anar Kali Tomb | 408 |
2-F | Archival Record in Punjab Archives | 409 |
2-G | Archival Record preserved in Punjab Archives under main heads | 409 |
2-H | Archival Record preserved in the Libraries of Punjab Archives | 410 |
2-I | Total books in three Libraries of Punjab Archives | 410 |
2-J | Total strength of staff in Balochistan Archives | 410 |
2-K | Arrangement system in Balochistan Archives | 411 |
2-L | Archival Record in Balochistan Archives | 411 |
2-M | Archival Record in Civil Secretariat Library of Balochistan Archives | 412 |
2-N | Total strength of staff in Peshawar Archives | 412 |
2-O | Arrangement of Record in the Peshawar Archives | 413 |
2-P | Records in Peshawar Archives | 413 |
2-Q | Newspapers Collection of Peshawar Aarchives in Urdu and English Languages | 416 |
2-R | Local Record in Microfilm, Photocopy or Original in NDC | 417 |
2-S | Records from OIOC and abroad obtained on microfilms in NDC | 418 |
3-A | Summary of Building Cost for the construction of SAIAD | 423 |
3-B | Repair, Alteration and Addition of Existing Building of SAIAD | 423 |
3-C | Year wise summary of the budget released from the government of Sindh for the completion of the second phase of SAIAD from 1993 to 2000 |
424 |
3-D | From the year 2000 to 2004 | 424 |
3-E | Measurement of the extension of Sindh Archives Building at Karachi | 425 |
3-F | Air conditioning of selected area of 2 Tons Power in Project | 426 |
3-G | Central A/C plant repairs with new material in Project | 426 |
3-I | Total strength of Improvement & strengthening project staff of SAIAD | 428 |
3-J | The personals of Advisory Committee as an independent department | 429 |
3-K | With drawl of the members of the Advisory Committee | 429 |
3-L | Name of members attended meeting of the Advisory Committee | 429 |
3-M | Name of members attended the second meeting of the Acquisition Committee | 430 |
5-A | Miscellaneous Maps in SAIAD from 1830 to 1941 | 430 |
5-B | Court files about Karachi of District Court Karachi | 432 |
6 -A | ADBP reports preserved in SAIAD | 441 |